portal_type_class: possible to overwrite methods or properties in mixin
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Before this change, class hierarchy is like this when using mixin:
class MyClass(BaseClass, Mixin1....)
which is usually ok when classes don't override each other's
But if we want to overwrite BaseClass's method by using mixin to do more thing,
For example:
class BaseClass(object):
def test(self):
print 'base test'
class Mixin1(object):
def test(self):
print 'mixin'
I want to display 'mixin base test' when call test, but it doesn't work
since priority of how methods are resolved is from left
to right: BaseClass----->Mixin1, it only display 'base test'
So the correct way to use mixin should be in reverse order:
class MyClass(Mixin1, BaseClass)
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