Commit 292a14f9 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

fixup! ERP5Security: make ERP5AccessTokenExtractionPlugin work with user ids

remove some non informative comments (this logic is what the default
token script does)
parent 9abb88a0
......@@ -81,9 +81,6 @@ class ERP5AccessTokenExtractionPlugin(BasePlugin):
erp5_access_token_id = credentials['erp5_access_token_id']
token_document = self.getPortalObject().access_token_module.\
_getOb(erp5_access_token_id, None)
# Access Token should be validated
# Check restricted access of URL
# Extract login information
if token_document is not None:
user_id = None
method = token_document._getTypeBasedMethod('getUserId')
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