Commit 29e48ab6 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

test_result: Retry flaky tests

ERP5 functional tests are failing too often, until we improve the tests or the
code so that we don't have these intermitent failures, restart the failed tests
a bit automatically.

This is of course not good, because it's hiding problems, but the current state
of the test suite with many randomly failing test makes that we sometimes miss
when permanent failures are introduced.
parent 3438bb87
Pipeline #10450 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -608,6 +608,38 @@ class TestTaskDistribution(ERP5TypeTestCase):
test_result_node = test_result.contentValues(portal_type='Test Result Node')[0]
self.assertEqual(test_result_node.getSpecialiseTitle(), 'Node0')
def test_retry_flaky_tests(self):
# XXX this retry flaky tests feature is only enabled for test suites with
# this naming pattern:
test_suite, = self.test_suite_module.objectValues()
test_suite.setTitle('ERP5.UnitTest-TestRunner-%s' %
self.default_test_title = test_suite.getTitle()
test_result_path, _ = self._createTestResult(test_list=['testFoo', ])
test_result = self.portal.unrestrictedTraverse(test_result_path)
line_url, _ = self.tool.startUnitTest(test_result_path)
status_dict = {
'test_count': 100,
'error_count': 2,
'failure_count': 3,
self.tool.stopUnitTest(line_url, status_dict)
# test failed, but it will be retried
test_result_line = self.portal.restrictedTraverse(line_url)
self.assertEqual(test_result_line.getStringIndex(), 'RETRYING')
self.assertEqual(test_result_line.getSimulationState(), 'draft')
# if it fails again ...
self.tool.stopUnitTest(line_url, status_dict)
# ... the test result will be failed.
self.assertEqual(test_result_line.getStringIndex(), 'FAILED')
self.assertEqual(test_result_line.getSimulationState(), 'stopped')
self.assertEqual(test_result.getSimulationState(), 'stopped')
def test_06_startStopUnitTest(self):
We will check methods startUnitTest/stopUnitTest of task distribution tool
......@@ -8,6 +8,32 @@ def unexpected(test_result):
# passed if there's no unexpected failures.
return test_result.getSourceProjectTitle() != "NEO R&D"
def shouldRetry(test_result):
"""Should the test result be retried ?
We retry test result line once or twice for known really flaky tests,
Unless if there's already another failed test result line, in that
Case we don't retry.
if 'ERP5.UnitTest-TestRunner' in test_result.getParentValue().getTitle():
retry_count = test_result.getProperty('test_result_retry_count') or 0
max_allowed_retry_count = 1
# retry more some tests failing a lot
if test_result.getTitle() in (
max_allowed_retry_count = 2
if retry_count < max_allowed_retry_count:
another_test_failed = False
for other_test_result_line in test_result.getParentValue().contentValues(portal_type='Test Result Line'):
if test_result != other_test_result_line and other_test_result_line.getStringIndex() in ('UNKNOWN', 'FAILED'):
another_test_failed = True
return not another_test_failed
return False
if test_result.getPortalType() == 'Test Result':
has_unknown_result = False
edit_kw = dict(duration=0,
......@@ -47,12 +73,12 @@ elif test_result.getPortalType() == 'Test Result Line':
duration = kw.get('duration')
if duration is None:
duration = (test_result.getStopDate() - test_result.getStartDate()) * (24*60*60)
cmdline = kw.get('command', getattr(test_result, 'cmdline', ''))
cmdline = kw.get('command', '')
if same_type(cmdline, []):
cmdline = ' '.join(map(repr, cmdline))
stdout = kw.get('stdout', getattr(test_result, 'stdout', ''))
stderr = kw.get('stderr', getattr(test_result, 'stderr', ''))
html_test_result = kw.get('html_test_result', getattr(test_result, 'html_test_result', ''))
stdout = kw.get('stdout', '')
stderr = kw.get('stderr', '')
html_test_result = kw.get('html_test_result', '')
......@@ -63,5 +89,11 @@ elif test_result.getPortalType() == 'Test Result Line':
if status == 'FAILED' and shouldRetry(test_result):
test_result_retry_count=1 + (test_result.getProperty('test_result_retry_count') or 0),
test_result.redraft(comment="Retried after a first failure")
raise NotImplementedError("unknown type : %r" % test_result.getPortalType())
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
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