Commit 2ca87ec8 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ERP5Type: honor read_property in Base.getProperty

parent c3f0585c
......@@ -1220,7 +1220,12 @@ class Base( CopyContainer,
accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
aq_self = aq_base(self)
if getattr(aq_self, accessor_name, None) is not None:
method = getattr(self, accessor_name)
method = guarded_getattr(self, accessor_name)
except Unauthorized:
if not kw.get('checked_permission'):
return None if d is _MARKER else d
if d is not _MARKER:
# here method is a method defined on the class, we don't know if the
......@@ -1234,16 +1239,21 @@ class Base( CopyContainer,
# and return it as a list
if accessor_name.endswith('List'):
mono_valued_accessor_name = accessor_name[:-4]
method = getattr(self.__class__, mono_valued_accessor_name, None)
if method is not None:
if getattr(self.__class__, mono_valued_accessor_name, None) is not None:
method = guarded_getattr(self, mono_valued_accessor_name)
except Unauthorized:
if not kw.get('checked_permission'):
return [] if d is _MARKER else d
# We have a monovalued property
if d is _MARKER:
result = method(self, **kw)
result = method(**kw)
result = method(self, d, **kw)
result = method(d, **kw)
except TypeError:
result = method(self, **kw)
result = method(**kw)
if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
result = [result]
return result
......@@ -2688,7 +2688,7 @@ class TestERP5Type(PropertySheetTestCase, LogInterceptor):
write_permission='Set own password',
read_permission='Manage users',
portal_type='Standard Property')
obj = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
obj = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person', foo_bar='value')
self.assertTrue(guarded_hasattr(obj, 'setFooBar'))
self.assertTrue(guarded_hasattr(obj, 'getFooBar'))
......@@ -2700,6 +2700,11 @@ class TestERP5Type(PropertySheetTestCase, LogInterceptor):
obj.manage_permission('Manage users', [], 0)
self.assertTrue(guarded_hasattr(obj, 'setFooBar'))
self.assertFalse(guarded_hasattr(obj, 'getFooBar'))
# getProperty also raises
self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, obj.getProperty, 'foo_bar')
# ... unless called with checked_permission=
obj.getProperty('foo_bar', checked_permission='Access content information'))
# Make sure that we can use 'Access contents information' as
# write permission and 'Modify portal content' as read permission.
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