Commit ae08abf1 authored by Roque's avatar Roque

erp5_web_project_ui: refactoring and support requests

parent da86f6d1
......@@ -12,12 +12,15 @@
const TOTAL_SPAN = "total";
const OUTDATED_SPAN = "outdated";
const QUERY_LIMIT = 100000;
//XXX hardcoded portal_type-title dict (build a template?)
//XXX hardcoded portal_types, states and titles dict (build a template?)
const PORTAL_TITLE_DICT = {"Task": "Tasks",
"Test Result" : "Test Results",
"Bug" : "Bugs",
"Project Milestone" : "Milestones",
"Task Report": "Task Reports"};
"Task Report": "Task Reports",
"Support Request" : "Support Requests"};
const PORTAL_TYPE_LIST = ["Task", "Bug", "Task Report", "Support Request"];
const VALID_STATE_LIST = ["planned", "auto_planned", "ordered", "confirmed", "ready", "stopped", "started", "submitted", "validated"];
function getProjectId(id) {
var segments = id.split("/");
......@@ -55,17 +58,15 @@
function getProjectDocumentList(gadget, limit_date) {
var document_query,
portal_type_list = ["Task", "Bug", "Task Report"],
valid_state_list = ["planned", "auto_planned", "ordered", "confirmed", "ready", "stopped", "started"];
var document_query;
document_query = Query.objectToSearchText(new SimpleQuery({
key: "source_project__validation_state",
operator: "=",
type: "simple",
value: "validated"
document_query += ' AND simulation_state: ("' + valid_state_list.join('", "') + '")';
document_query += ' AND portal_type: ("' + portal_type_list.join('", "') + '")';
document_query += ' AND simulation_state: ("' + VALID_STATE_LIST.join('", "') + '")';
document_query += ' AND portal_type: ("' + PORTAL_TYPE_LIST.join('", "') + '")';
if (limit_date) {
document_query += ' AND modification_date: < "' + limit_date + '"';
......@@ -305,7 +306,6 @@
test_state_list = ["failed", "stopped", "public_stopped"];
test_result_query += ' AND simulation_state: ("' + test_state_list.join('", "') + '")';
return gadget.jio_allDocs({
query: test_result_query,
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