Commit b20cb0e5 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Simplify the interface to autoLockKick.

This just removes a minor optimisation.
parent bf142c41
......@@ -458,10 +458,9 @@ func add(name string, desc *Description) (*Group, []Client, error) {
g.description = desc
clients := g.getClientsUnlocked(nil)
autoLockKick(g, clients)
return g, clients, nil
return g, g.getClientsUnlocked(nil), nil
func Range(f func(g *Group) bool) {
......@@ -629,11 +628,13 @@ func AddClient(group string, c Client, creds ClientCredentials) (*Group, error)
// called locked
func autoLockKick(g *Group, clients []Client) {
func autoLockKick(g *Group) {
if !(g.description.Autolock && g.locked == nil) &&
!g.description.Autokick {
clients := g.getClientsUnlocked(nil)
for _, c := range clients {
if member("op", c.Permissions()) {
......@@ -642,11 +643,9 @@ func autoLockKick(g *Group, clients []Client) {
if g.description.Autolock && g.locked == nil {
m := "this group is locked"
g.locked = &m
go func(clients []Client) {
for _, c := range clients {
c.Joined(g.Name(), "change")
for _, c := range clients {
c.Joined(g.Name(), "change")
if g.description.Autokick {
......@@ -676,7 +675,7 @@ func DelClient(c Client) {
g.Name(), "delete", c.Id(), "", nil, nil,
autoLockKick(g, clients)
func (g *Group) GetClients(except Client) []Client {
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