• Dylan Griffith's avatar
    Simplify docs on enable Elasticsearch integration · a57b58be
    Dylan Griffith authored
    1. Remove instructions for indexing small instances. It's not necessary
    since we already have instructions for enabling/indexing which works
    fine for small instances.
    1. Remove the separation between "indexing via rake" or "via
    administration UI" considering that the via Rake option is only
    necessary/useful for very large instances
    1. Remove the section describing the 1MiB file size limit because this
    is actually configurable now and the configuration option is already
    described at the top of this section as "Maximum file size indexed"
    1. Reduce the extra link back to explaining backfilling data since this
    is part of the setup process and the big green button we have today
    which says "Index all projects" is much clearer than the previous user
elasticsearch.md 46.6 KB