• Stan Hu's avatar
    Clean up CarrierWave's import/export files · ec341a2b
    Stan Hu authored
    Unlike uploads that have been uploaded with Tempfile, the project
    import/export archives are stored in a temporary cache directory and
    remain there if:
    1. Object storage is enabled
    2. `move_to_store` is set to `true`.
    CarrierWave will leave these files there until disk space runs out or a
    clean step is run manually.
    If `move_to_store` is set to `false`, CarrierWave will remove the files
    after storing them. However, unlike a local file, with object storage,
    the file is still copied, so setting `move_to_store` to `true`
    doesn't buy us anything.
    To ensure files are cleaned up, we can just inherit from the
    GitlabUploader implementation of `move_to_store`, which returns `true`
    if it's a local file, `false` otherwise.
    Closes https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/60656
sh-cleanup-import-export.yml 95 Bytes