Commit 037a9810 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'sidebar_state_toggle' into 'master'

Toggle sidebar button more obvious

The toggle is now at the top of the sidebar because it is not noticeable
near the bottom. By placing it at the top, users will immediately know that
they can have more space if they desire versus on the bottom, they will have
to search for it and that's not desired.

Fixes #2044

See merge request !1579
parents 75048fcd 5b6d6bbc
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
width: $sidebar_width;
.nav-sidebar {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-top: 29px;
position: fixed;
top: 45px;
width: $sidebar_width;
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
width: 52px;
.nav-sidebar {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-top: 29px;
position: fixed;
top: 45px;
width: 52px;
......@@ -144,14 +144,22 @@
.collapse-nav a {
left: 0px;
padding: 5px 23px 3px 22px;
.collapse-nav a {
position: fixed;
bottom: 15px;
padding: 10px;
background: #DDD;
top: 47px;
padding: 5px 13px 3px 13px;
left: 197px;
background: #EEE;
color: black;
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.035);
@media (max-width: $screen-md-max) {
- if nav_menu_collapsed?
= link_to icon('angle-right'), '#', class: 'toggle-nav-collapse'
= link_to icon('angle-right'), '#', class: 'toggle-nav-collapse', title: "Open/Close"
- else
= link_to icon('angle-left'), '#', class: 'toggle-nav-collapse'
= link_to icon('angle-left'), '#', class: 'toggle-nav-collapse', title: "Open/Close"
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- if @project_settings_nav
= nav_link do
= link_to namespace_project_path(@project.namespace, @project), title: 'Back to project', class: "" do
Back to project
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