Commit 03cb51a3 authored by Mario de la Ossa's avatar Mario de la Ossa

GraphQL User: public_email instead of email

parent 54e5a8d4
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ module Types
field :state, Types::UserStateEnum, null: false,
description: 'State of the user'
field :email, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true,
description: 'User email'
description: 'User email', method: :public_email,
deprecated: { reason: 'Use public_email', milestone: '13.7' }
field :public_email, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true,
description: "User's public email"
field :avatar_url, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true,
title: 'GraphQL User: do not expose email if set to private'
type: security
......@@ -23295,9 +23295,9 @@ type User {
avatarUrl: String
User email
User email. Deprecated in 13.7: Use public_email
email: String
email: String @deprecated(reason: "Use public_email. Deprecated in 13.7")
Group count for the user. Available only when feature flag `user_group_counts` is enabled
......@@ -67704,7 +67704,7 @@
"name": "email",
"description": "User email",
"description": "User email. Deprecated in 13.7: Use public_email",
"args": [
......@@ -67713,8 +67713,8 @@
"name": "String",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"isDeprecated": true,
"deprecationReason": "Use public_email. Deprecated in 13.7"
"name": "groupCount",
......@@ -3487,7 +3487,7 @@ Autogenerated return type of UpdateSnippet.
| `assignedMergeRequests` | MergeRequestConnection | Merge Requests assigned to the user |
| `authoredMergeRequests` | MergeRequestConnection | Merge Requests authored by the user |
| `avatarUrl` | String | URL of the user's avatar |
| `email` | String | User email |
| `email` **{warning-solid}** | String | **Deprecated:** Use public_email. Deprecated in 13.7 |
| `groupCount` | Int | Group count for the user. Available only when feature flag `user_group_counts` is enabled |
| `groupMemberships` | GroupMemberConnection | Group memberships of the user |
| `id` | ID! | ID of the user |
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'getting user information' do
'username' => presenter.username,
'webUrl' => presenter.web_url,
'avatarUrl' => presenter.avatar_url,
'email' =>,
'email' => presenter.public_email,
'publicEmail' => presenter.public_email
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