Commit 03ff002e authored by adarsh ravi's avatar adarsh ravi Committed by Adam Hegyi

300262 Remove the temp index from security_findings table

parent 03664283
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RemoveTemporaryIndexOnSecurityFindingsScanId < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
INDEX_NAME = 'tmp_index_on_security_findings_scan_id'
def up
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :security_findings, INDEX_NAME
def down
add_concurrent_index :security_findings, :scan_id, where: 'uuid is null', name: INDEX_NAME
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -25075,8 +25075,6 @@ CREATE INDEX tmp_idx_deduplicate_vulnerability_occurrences ON vulnerability_occu ...@@ -25075,8 +25075,6 @@ CREATE INDEX tmp_idx_deduplicate_vulnerability_occurrences ON vulnerability_occu
CREATE INDEX tmp_idx_on_namespaces_delayed_project_removal ON namespaces USING btree (id) WHERE (delayed_project_removal = true); CREATE INDEX tmp_idx_on_namespaces_delayed_project_removal ON namespaces USING btree (id) WHERE (delayed_project_removal = true);
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_on_security_findings_scan_id ON security_findings USING btree (scan_id) WHERE (uuid IS NULL);
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_on_vulnerabilities_non_dismissed ON vulnerabilities USING btree (id) WHERE (state <> 2); CREATE INDEX tmp_index_on_vulnerabilities_non_dismissed ON vulnerabilities USING btree (id) WHERE (state <> 2);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name ON packages_debian_group_architectures USING btree (distribution_id, name); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uniq_pkgs_deb_grp_architectures_on_distribution_id_and_name ON packages_debian_group_architectures USING btree (distribution_id, name);
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