@@ -5200,6 +5200,29 @@ The edge type for [`EpicList`](#epiclist).
| <aid="epiclistedgecursor"></a>`cursor` | [`String!`](#string) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
| <aid="epiclistedgenode"></a>`node` | [`EpicList`](#epiclist) | The item at the end of the edge. |
#### `EscalationPolicyTypeConnection`
The connection type for [`EscalationPolicyType`](#escalationpolicytype).
##### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypeconnectionedges"></a>`edges` | [`[EscalationPolicyTypeEdge]`](#escalationpolicytypeedge) | A list of edges. |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypeconnectionnodes"></a>`nodes` | [`[EscalationPolicyType]`](#escalationpolicytype) | A list of nodes. |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypeconnectionpageinfo"></a>`pageInfo` | [`PageInfo!`](#pageinfo) | Information to aid in pagination. |
#### `EscalationPolicyTypeEdge`
The edge type for [`EscalationPolicyType`](#escalationpolicytype).
##### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypeedgecursor"></a>`cursor` | [`String!`](#string) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypeedgenode"></a>`node` | [`EscalationPolicyType`](#escalationpolicytype) | The item at the end of the edge. |
#### `EventConnection`
The connection type for [`Event`](#event).
@@ -8610,6 +8633,32 @@ Check permissions for the current user on an epic.
| <aid="epicpermissionsreadepiciid"></a>`readEpicIid` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource. |
| <aid="epicpermissionsupdateepic"></a>`updateEpic` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the user can perform `update_epic` on this resource. |
### `EscalationPolicyType`
Represents an escalation policy.
#### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypedescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | The description of the escalation policy. |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypeid"></a>`id` | [`IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID`](#incidentmanagementescalationpolicyid) | ID of the escalation policy. |
| <aid="escalationpolicytypename"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | The name of the escalation policy. |
| <aid="escalationpolicytyperules"></a>`rules` | [`[EscalationRuleType!]`](#escalationruletype) | Steps of the escalation policy. |
### `EscalationRuleType`
Represents an escalation rule for an escalation policy.
#### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="escalationruletypeelapsedtimeseconds"></a>`elapsedTimeSeconds` | [`Int`](#int) | The time in seconds before the rule is activated. |
| <aid="escalationruletypeid"></a>`id` | [`IncidentManagementEscalationRuleID`](#incidentmanagementescalationruleid) | ID of the escalation policy. |
| <aid="escalationruletypeoncallschedule"></a>`oncallSchedule` | [`IncidentManagementOncallSchedule`](#incidentmanagementoncallschedule) | The on-call schedule to notify. |
| <aid="escalationruletypestatus"></a>`status` | [`EscalationRuleStatus`](#escalationrulestatus) | The status required to prevent the rule from activating. |
### `Event`
Representing an event.
@@ -10911,6 +10960,7 @@ Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.
| <aid="projecthttpurltorepo"></a>`httpUrlToRepo` | [`String`](#string) | URL to connect to the project via HTTPS. |
| <aid="projectid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the project. |
| <aid="projectimportstatus"></a>`importStatus` | [`String`](#string) | Status of import background job of the project. |
| <aid="projectincidentmanagementescalationpolicies"></a>`incidentManagementEscalationPolicies` | [`EscalationPolicyTypeConnection`](#escalationpolicytypeconnection) | Incident Management escalation policies of the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectissuesenabled"></a>`issuesEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if Issues are enabled for the current user. |
| <aid="projectjiraimportstatus"></a>`jiraImportStatus` | [`String`](#string) | Status of Jira import background job of the project. |
| <aid="projectjiraimports"></a>`jiraImports` | [`JiraImportConnection`](#jiraimportconnection) | Jira imports into the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
@@ -11184,6 +11234,18 @@ four standard [pagination arguments](#connection-pagination-arguments):
| <aid="projectincidentmanagementescalationpolicyid"></a>`id` | [`IncidentManagementEscalationPolicyID!`](#incidentmanagementescalationpolicyid) | ID of the escalation policy. |
##### `Project.incidentManagementOncallSchedules`
Incident Management On-call schedules of the project.
@@ -13968,6 +14030,15 @@ Epic ID wildcard values.
| <aid="epicwildcardidany"></a>`ANY` | Any epic is assigned. |
| <aid="epicwildcardidnone"></a>`NONE` | No epic is assigned. |