Commit 0d0a4168 authored by Coung Ngo's avatar Coung Ngo Committed by Miguel Rincon

Add html landmarks and update names

Adds landmarks and updates their names so screen readers
can jump between more sections of a page and with more
descriptive names for the landmarks
parent ba91c68d
......@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
- unless @hide_breadcrumbs
= render "layouts/nav/breadcrumbs"
%div{ class: "#{(container_class unless @no_container)} #{@content_class}" }
.content{ id: "content-body", **page_itemtype }
%main.content{ id: "content-body", **page_itemtype }
= render "layouts/flash", extra_flash_class: 'limit-container-width'
= yield
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- unless @skip_current_level_breadcrumb
- push_to_schema_breadcrumb(@breadcrumb_title, breadcrumb_title_link)
%nav.breadcrumbs{ role: "navigation", class: [container, @content_class] }
%nav.breadcrumbs{ class: [container, @content_class], 'aria-label': _('Breadcrumbs') }
.breadcrumbs-container{ class: ("border-bottom-0" if @no_breadcrumb_border) }
- if defined?(@left_sidebar)
= button_tag class: 'toggle-mobile-nav', type: 'button' do
......{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?) }{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), 'aria-label': _('Admin navigation') }
= link_to admin_root_path, title: _('Admin Overview') do
- issues_count = group_open_issues_count(@group)
- merge_requests_count = group_merge_requests_count(state: 'opened')
- aside_title = @group.subgroup? ? _('Subgroup navigation') : _('Group navigation')
- overview_title = @group.subgroup? ? _('Subgroup overview') : _('Group overview')
.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), **tracking_attrs('groups_side_navigation', 'render', 'groups_side_navigation') }
%aside.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), **tracking_attrs('groups_side_navigation', 'render', 'groups_side_navigation'), 'aria-label': aside_title }
= link_to group_path(@group), title: do
......@@ -19,19 +21,13 @@
= sprite_icon('home')
- if @group.subgroup?
= _('Subgroup overview')
- else
= _('Group overview')
= overview_title
= nav_link(path: ['groups#show', 'groups#details', 'groups#activity', 'groups#subgroups'], html_options: { class: "fly-out-top-item" } ) do
= link_to group_path(@group) do
- if @group.subgroup?
= _('Subgroup overview')
- else
= _('Group overview')
= overview_title
= nav_link(path: ['groups#show', 'groups#details', 'groups#subgroups'], html_options: { class: 'home' }) do
.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), **tracking_attrs('user_side_navigation', 'render', 'user_side_navigation') }
%aside.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), **tracking_attrs('user_side_navigation', 'render', 'user_side_navigation'), 'aria-label': _('User settings') }
= link_to profile_path, title: _('Profile Settings') do
.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), **tracking_attrs('projects_side_navigation', 'render', 'projects_side_navigation') }
%aside.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), **tracking_attrs('projects_side_navigation', 'render', 'projects_side_navigation'), 'aria-label': _('Project navigation') }
= link_to project_path(@project), title: do
%board-sidebar{ "inline-template" => true, ":current-user" => ( || {}).to_json }
%transition{ name: "boards-sidebar-slide" }
%aside.right-sidebar.right-sidebar-expanded.issue-boards-sidebar{ "v-show" => "showSidebar" }
%aside.right-sidebar.right-sidebar-expanded.issue-boards-sidebar{ "v-show" => "showSidebar", 'aria-label': s_('Boards|Board') }
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- epic_bulk_edit_flag = @project&.group&.feature_available?(:epics) && type == :issues
- bulk_iterations_flag = @project&.group&.feature_available?(:iterations) && type == :issues
%aside.issues-bulk-update.js-right-sidebar.right-sidebar{ "aria-live" => "polite", data: { 'signed-in': current_user.present? } }
%aside.issues-bulk-update.js-right-sidebar.right-sidebar{ "aria-live" => "polite", data: { 'signed-in': current_user.present? }, 'aria-label': _('Bulk update') }
= form_tag [:bulk_update, @project, type], method: :post, class: "bulk-update" do
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- add_page_startup_api_call "#{issuable_sidebar[:issuable_json_path]}?serializer=sidebar_extras"
- reviewers = local_assigns.fetch(:reviewers, nil)
%aside.right-sidebar.js-right-sidebar.js-issuable-sidebar{ data: { signed: { in: signed_in }, issuable_type: issuable_type }, class: sidebar_gutter_collapsed_class, 'aria-live' => 'polite' }
%aside.right-sidebar.js-right-sidebar.js-issuable-sidebar{ data: { signed: { in: signed_in }, issuable_type: issuable_type }, class: sidebar_gutter_collapsed_class, 'aria-live' => 'polite', 'aria-label': issuable_type }
- if signed_in
- affix_offset = local_assigns.fetch(:affix_offset, "50")
- project = local_assigns[:project]
%aside.right-sidebar.js-right-sidebar{ data: { "offset-top" => affix_offset, "spy" => "affix", "always-show-toggle" => true }, class: sidebar_gutter_collapsed_class, 'aria-live' => 'polite' }
%aside.right-sidebar.js-right-sidebar{ data: { "offset-top" => affix_offset, "spy" => "affix", "always-show-toggle" => true }, class: sidebar_gutter_collapsed_class, 'aria-live' => 'polite', 'aria-label': _('Milestone') }
%a.gutter-toggle.float-right.js-sidebar-toggle.has-tooltip{ role: "button", href: "#", "aria-label" => s_('MilestoneSidebar|Toggle sidebar'), title: sidebar_gutter_tooltip_text, data: { container: 'body', placement: 'left', boundary: 'viewport' } }
- editing ||= false{ data: { "offset-top" => "50", "spy" => "affix" } }{ data: { "offset-top" => "50", "spy" => "affix" }, 'aria-label': _('Wiki') }
%a.gutter-toggle.float-right.d-block.d-md-none.js-sidebar-wiki-toggle{ href: "#" }
title: Add site landmarks for screen readers
merge_request: 52514
type: added
......@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ export default {
class="right-sidebar epic-sidebar"
<div class="issuable-sidebar js-issuable-update">
<sidebar-header :sidebar-collapsed="sidebarCollapsed" />
.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?) }
%aside.nav-sidebar{ class: ("sidebar-collapsed-desktop" if collapsed_sidebar?), 'aria-label': _('Security navigation') }
= link_to security_dashboard_path, title: _('Security Dashboard'), id: 'logo' do
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- epic_bulk_edit_flag = type == :issues && group&.feature_available?(:epics)
- bulk_edit_iterations = group.feature_available?(:iterations) && type == :issues
%aside.issues-bulk-update.js-right-sidebar.right-sidebar{ 'aria-live' => 'polite', data: { 'signed-in': current_user.present? } }
%aside.issues-bulk-update.js-right-sidebar.right-sidebar{ 'aria-live' => 'polite', data: { 'signed-in': current_user.present? }, 'aria-label': _('Bulk update') }
= form_tag [:bulk_update, group, type], method: :post, class: "bulk-update" do
......@@ -1905,6 +1905,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Admin mode enabled"
msgstr ""
msgid "Admin navigation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Admin notes"
msgstr ""
......@@ -4656,6 +4659,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Boards|An error occurred while updating the list. Please try again."
msgstr ""
msgid "Boards|Board"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boards|Collapse"
msgstr ""
......@@ -4851,6 +4857,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Branches|protected"
msgstr ""
msgid "Breadcrumbs"
msgstr ""
msgid "Brief title about the change"
msgstr ""
......@@ -4890,6 +4899,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Bulk request concurrency"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bulk update"
msgstr ""
msgid "BulkImport|From source group"
msgstr ""
......@@ -13876,6 +13888,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Group name (your organization)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Group navigation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Group overview"
msgstr ""
......@@ -22613,6 +22628,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Project name suffix"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project navigation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Project order will not be saved as local storage is not available."
msgstr ""
......@@ -25595,6 +25613,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Security dashboard"
msgstr ""
msgid "Security navigation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Security report is out of date. Please update your branch with the latest changes from the target branch (%{targetBranchName})"
msgstr ""
......@@ -27710,6 +27731,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Subgroup milestone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Subgroup navigation"
msgstr ""
msgid "Subgroup overview"
msgstr ""
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Admin Groups' do
click_button "Create group"
expect(current_path).to eq admin_group_path(Group.find_by(path: path_component))
content = page.find('div#content-body')
content = page.find('#content-body')
h3_texts = content.all('h3').collect(&:text).join("\n")
expect(h3_texts).to match group_name
li_texts = content.all('li').collect(&:text).join("\n")
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