Commit 10752109 authored by Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis
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Merge branch 'fzimmer-master-patch-35922' into 'master'

Updated documentation for --force option and promotion steps

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!42330
parents b88ed5be 2a05d42d
......@@ -129,28 +129,20 @@ Note the following when promoting a secondary:
1. Promote the **secondary** node to the **primary** node.
Before promoting a secondary node to primary, preflight checks should be run. They can be run separately or along with the promotion script.
To promote the secondary node to primary along with preflight checks:
gitlab-ctl promote-to-primary-node
If you have already run the [preflight checks]( or don't want to run them, you can skip preflight checks with:
If you have already run the [preflight checks]( separately or don't want to run them, you can skip preflight checks with:
gitlab-ctl promote-to-primary-node --skip-preflight-check
You can also run preflight checks separately:
gitlab-ctl promotion-preflight-checks
After all the checks are run, you will be asked for a final confirmation before the promotion to primary. To skip this confirmation, run:
You can also promote the secondary node to primary **without any further confirmation**, even when preflight checks fail:
gitlab-ctl promote-to-primary-node --force
......@@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ Run this command to list out all preflight checks and automatically check if rep
gitlab-ctl promotion-preflight-checks
You can run this command in `force` mode to promote to primary even if preflight checks fail:
sudo gitlab-ctl promote-to-primary-node --force
Each step is described in more detail below.
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