Commit 1218d19e authored by Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski's avatar Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski

Merge branch 'shemgyll-unitialized-repositories' into 'master'

Documentation: Add "Unitialized repositories" section to Integrations

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!29933
parents 627914c9 fe10cdbf
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Click on the service links to see further configuration instructions and details
| [Microsoft teams]( | Receive notifications for actions that happen on GitLab into a room on Microsoft Teams using Office 365 Connectors | No |
| Packagist | Update your project on Packagist, the main Composer repository | Yes |
| Pipelines emails | Email the pipeline status to a list of recipients | No |
| [Slack Notifications]( | Send GitLab events (e.g. issue created) to Slack as notifications | No |
| [Slack Notifications]( | Send GitLab events (for example, an issue was created) to Slack as notifications | No |
| [Slack slash commands]( **(CORE ONLY)** | Use slash commands in Slack to control GitLab | No |
| [GitLab Slack application]( **(FREE ONLY)** | Use Slack's official application | No |
| PivotalTracker | Project Management Software (Source Commits Endpoint) | No |
......@@ -93,6 +93,15 @@ From this page, you can repeat delivery with the same data by clicking **Resend
![Recent deliveries](img/webhook_logs.png)
### Uninitialized repositories
Some integrations fail with an error `Test Failed. Save Anyway` when you attempt to set them up on
uninitialized repositories. This is because the default service test uses push data to build the
payload for the test request, and it fails, because there are no push events for the project.
To resolve this error, initialize the repository by pushing a test file to the project and set up
the integration again.
## Contributing to integrations
Because GitLab is open source we can ship with the code and tests for all
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