@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Historically, runbooks took the form of a decision tree or a detailed
step-by-step guide depending on the condition or system.
Modern implementations have introduced the concept of an "executable
runbooks", where along with a well define process, operators can execute
code blocks or database queries against a given environment.
runbooks", where, along with a well-defined process, operators can execute
pre-written code blocks or database queries against a given environment.
## Nurtch Executable Runbooks
@@ -45,5 +45,93 @@ To create an executable runbook, you will need:
Nurtch is the company behind the [Rubix library](https://github.com/Nurtch/rubix). Rubix is
an open-source python library that makes it easy to perform common DevOps tasks inside Jupyter Notebooks.
Tasks such as plotting Cloudwatch metrics and rolling your ECS/Kubernetes app are simplified
down to a couple of lines of code. Check the [Nurtch Documentation](http://docs.nurtch.com/en/latest)
down to a couple of lines of code. See the [Nurtch Documentation](http://docs.nurtch.com/en/latest)
for more information.
## Configure an executable runbook with GitLab
Follow this step-by-step guide to configure an executable runbook in GitLab using
the components outlined above and the preloaded demo runbook.
### 1. Add a Kubernetes cluster
Follow the steps outlined in [Adding and creating a new GKE cluster via GitLab](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/clusters/#adding-and-creating-a-new-gke-cluster-via-gitlab)
to add a Kubernetes cluster to your project.
### 2. Install Helm Tiller, Ingress, and JupyterHub
Once the cluster has been provisioned in GKE, click the **Install** button next to the **Helm Tiller** app.

Once Tiller has been installed successfully, click the **Install** button next to the **Ingress** app.

Once Ingress has been installed successfully, click the **Install** button next to the **JupyterHub** app.

### 3. Login to JupyterHub and start the server
Once JupyterHub has been installed successfully, navigate to the displayed **Jupyter Hostname** URL and click
**Sign in with GitLab**. Authentication is automatically enabled for any user of the GitLab instance via OAuth2. This
will redirect to GitLab in order to authorize JupyterHub to use your GitLab account. Click **Authorize**.

Once the application has been authorized you will taken back to the JupyterHub application. Click **Start My Server**.
The server will take a couple of seconds to start.
### 4. Configure access
In order for the runbook to access your GitLab project, you will need to enter a