# Fast lookup of authorized SSH keys in the database
Regular SSH operations become slow as the number of users grows because OpenSSH
searches for a key to authorize a user via a linear search. In the worst case,
such as when the user is not authorized to access GitLab, OpenSSH will scan the
entire file to search for a key. This can take significant time and disk I/O,
which will delay users attempting to push or pull to a repository. Making
matters worse, if users add or remove keys frequently, the operating system may
not be able to cache the `authorized_keys` file, which causes the disk to be
accessed repeatedly.
GitLab Shell solves this by providing a way to authorize SSH users via a fast,
indexed lookup in the GitLab database. This page describes how to enable the fast
lookup of authorized SSH keys.
> **Warning:** OpenSSH version 6.9+ is required because
`AuthorizedKeysCommand` must be able to accept a fingerprint. These
instructions will break installations using older versions of OpenSSH, such as
those included with CentOS 6 as of September 2017. If you want to use this
feature for CentOS 6, follow [the instructions on how to build and install a custom OpenSSH package](#compiling-a-custom-version-of-openssh-for-centos-6) before continuing.
## Fast lookup is required for GitLab Geo
By default, GitLab manages an `authorized_keys` file, which contains all the
public SSH keys for users allowed to access GitLab. However, to maintain a
single source of truth, [Geo](../../gitlab-geo/README.md) needs to be configured to perform SSH fingerprint
lookups via database lookup.
As part of [setting up GitLab Geo](../../gitlab-geo/README.md#setup-instructions),
you will be required to follow the steps outlined below for both the primary and
secondary nodes, but note that the `Write to "authorized keys" file` checkbox
only needs to be unchecked on the primary node since it will be reflected
automatically on the secondary if database replication is working.
## Setting up fast lookup via GitLab Shell
GitLab Shell provides a way to authorize SSH users via a fast, indexed lookup
to the GitLab database. GitLab Shell uses the fingerprint of the SSH key to
check whether the user is authorized to access GitLab.
Create the directory `/opt/gitlab-shell` first:
sudo mkdir-p /opt/gitlab-shell
Create this file at `/opt/gitlab-shell/authorized_keys`:
@@ -15,5 +15,4 @@ that to prioritize important jobs.
to restart Sidekiq.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Extra Sidekiq operations](extra_sidekiq_processes.md): Configure an extra set of Sidekiq processes to ensure certain queues always have dedicated workers, no matter the amount of jobs that need to be processed.
-[Unicorn](unicorn.md): Understand Unicorn and unicorn-worker-killer.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Speed up SSH operations](speed_up_ssh.md): Authorize SSH users via a fast, indexed lookup to the GitLab database.
-[Unicorn](unicorn.md): Understand Unicorn and unicorn-worker-killer.
-**(EES/EEP)**[Speed up SSH operations](fast_ssh_key_lookup.md): Authorize SSH users via a fast, indexed lookup to the GitLab database.
-[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/merge_requests/250) in GitLab Enterprise Edition 8.7.
- Available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter.
## The problem
SSH operations become slow as the number of users grows.
## The reason
OpenSSH searches for a key to authorize a user via a linear search. In the worst case, such as when the user is not authorized to access GitLab, OpenSSH will scan the entire file to search for a key. This can take significant time and disk I/O, which will delay users attempting to push or pull to a repository. Making matters worse, if users add or remove keys frequently, the operating system may not be able to cache the authorized_keys file, which causes the disk to be accessed repeatedly.
## The solution
GitLab Shell provides a way to authorize SSH users via a fast, indexed lookup to the GitLab database. GitLab Shell uses the fingerprint of the SSH key to check whether the user is authorized to access GitLab.
> **Warning:** OpenSSH version 6.9+ is required because
`AuthorizedKeysCommand` must be able to accept a fingerprint. These
instructions will break installations using older versions of OpenSSH, such as
those included with CentOS 6 as of September 2017. If you want to use this
feature for CentOS 6, follow [the instructions on how to build and install a custom OpenSSH package]
(#compiling-a-custom-version-of-openssh-for-centos-6) before continuing.
Create the directory `/opt/gitlab-shell` first:
sudo mkdir-p /opt/gitlab-shell
Create this file at `/opt/gitlab-shell/authorized_keys`:
Confirm that SSH is working by removing your user's SSH key in the UI, adding a new one, and attempting to pull a repo.
> **Warning:** Do not disable writes until SSH is confirmed to be working perfectly because the file will quickly become out-of-date.
In the case of lookup failures (which are not uncommon), the `authorized_keys` file will still be scanned. So git SSH performance will still be slow for many users as long as a large file exists.
You can disable any more writes to the `authorized_keys` file by unchecking `Write to "authorized_keys" file` in the Application Settings of your GitLab installation.

Again, confirm that SSH is working by removing your user's SSH key in the UI, adding a new one, and attempting to pull a repo.
Then you can backup and delete your `authorized_keys` file for best performance.
## How to go back to using the `authorized_keys` file
This is a brief overview. Please refer to the above instructions for more context.
1.[Rebuild the `authorized_keys` file](../raketasks/maintenance.md#rebuild-authorized_keys-file)
1. Enable writes to the `authorized_keys` file in Application Settings
1. Remove the `AuthorizedKeysCommand` lines from `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` or from `/assets/sshd_config` if you are using Omnibus Docker.
1. Reload sshd: `sudo service sshd reload`
1. Remove the `/opt/gitlab-shell/authorized_keys` file
## Compiling a custom version of OpenSSH for CentOS 6
Building a custom version of OpenSSH is not necessary for Ubuntu 16.04 users,
since Ubuntu 16.04 ships with OpenSSH 7.2.
It is also unnecessary for CentOS 7.4 users, as that version ships with
OpenSSH 7.4. If you are using CentOS 7.0 - 7.3, we strongly recommend that you
upgrade to CentOS 7.4 instead of following this procedure. This should be as
simple as running `yum update`.
CentOS 6 users must build their own OpenSSH package to enable SSH lookups via
the database. The following instructions can be used to build OpenSSH 7.5:
1. First, download the package and install the required packages: