Upgrade your plan to improve milestones with Burndown Charts.
Upgrade the plan for #{@project.group.name} to improve milestones with Burndown Charts.
Upgrade the plan for #{@project.group.name} to improve milestones with Burndown Charts.
Upgrade #{owner.name}'s plan to improve milestones with Burndown Charts.
Improve milestones with Burndown Charts.
Upgrade #{owner.name}'s plan to improve milestones with Burndown Charts.
Burndown Charts are visual representations of the progress of completing a milestone. At a glance, you see the current state for the completion a given milestone. Without them, you would have to organize the data from the milestone and plot it yourself to have the same sense of progress.
Burndown Charts are visual representations of the progress of completing a milestone. At a glance, you see the current state for the completion a given milestone. Without them, you would have to organize the data from the milestone and plot it yourself to have the same sense of progress.
Merge request approvals allow you to set the number of necessary approvals and predefine a list of approvers that will need to approve every merge request in a project.
Merge request approvals allow you to set the number of necessary approvals and predefine a list of approvers that will need to approve every merge request in a project.