Commit 167147da authored by Terri Chu's avatar Terri Chu Committed by Robert Speicher

Simplify Advanced Search code_analyzer regex complexity

parent 72c7c40b
title: Simplify Advanced Search code_analyzer regex complexity
merge_request: 37372
type: changed
......@@ -7,6 +7,15 @@ module Elastic
extend Elasticsearch::Model::Indexing::ClassMethods
extend Elasticsearch::Model::Naming::ClassMethods
# Regex patterns, Elasticsearch regex requires backslash characters to be escaped
# Single quotes are used to store the patterns and ruby will escape the \ appropriately
ANY_CASE_WORD_PATTERN = '(\p{Ll}+|\p{Lu}\p{Ll}+|\p{Lu}+)' # match words with any upper/lowercase combination
CAMEL_CASE_WORD_PATTERN = '(?=([\p{Lu}]+[\p{L}]+))' # match camel cased words, used to split into smaller tokens
CODE_TOKEN_PATTERN = '([\p{L}\d_]+)' # letters, numbers & underscores are the most common tokens in programming. Always capture them greedily regardless of context.
DIGIT_PATTERN = '(\d+)' # match digits of any length
FILE_NAME_PATTERN = '([\p{L}\p{N}_.-]+)' # some common chars in file names to keep the whole filename intact (eg. my_file-name-01.txt)
PERIOD_PATTERN = '\.([^.]+)(?=\.|\s|\Z)' # separate terms on periods
self.index_name = [Rails.application.class.module_parent_name.downcase, Rails.env].join('-')
# ES6 requires a single type per index
......@@ -61,14 +70,12 @@ module Elastic
type: "pattern_capture",
preserve_original: true,
patterns: [
'"((?:\\"|[^"]|\\")*)"', # capture terms inside quotes, removing the quotes
"'((?:\\'|[^']|\\')*)'", # same as above, for single quotes
'\.([^.]+)(?=\.|\s|\Z)', # separate terms on periods
'([\p{L}_.-]+)', # some common chars in file names to keep the whole filename intact (eg. my_file-name.txt)
'([\p{L}\d_]+)' # letters, numbers and underscores are the most common tokens in programming. Always capture them greedily regardless of context.
......@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Elastic::SearchResults, :elastic, :sidekiq_might_not_need
expect(search_for('missing_token_around_equals')).to include(file_name)
it 'finds a ruby method name even if preceeded with dot' do
it 'finds a ruby method name even if preceded with dot' do
expect(search_for('ruby_method_name')).to include(file_name)
......@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Elastic::SearchResults, :elastic, :sidekiq_might_not_need
expect(search_for('ruby_method_123')).to include(file_name)
it 'finds a ruby method call even if preceeded with dot' do
it 'finds a ruby method call even if preceded with dot' do
expect(search_for('ruby_method_call')).to include(file_name)
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