Commit 177623a3 authored by Fabio Busatto's avatar Fabio Busatto Committed by Achilleas Pipinellis

Improve security dismissal documentation

parent 02379ce8
......@@ -274,14 +274,18 @@ CAUTION: **Warning:**
This feature is currently experimental and while you can start using it,
it may receive important changes in the future.
Each security vulnerability in the report is actionable which means that you can:
- **Dismiss it** - Dismissing a vulnerability will place a ~~strikethrough~~
styling on it.
- **Revert your dismissal** - Reverting a dismissal will undo the
~~strikethrough~~ styling.
- **Create an issue out of it** - The new issue will have the title and
description pre-populated with the information of the vulnerability report.
Each security vulnerability in the report is actionable. Clicking on an entry,
a detailed information will pop up with two different possible options:
- **Dismiss vulnerability** - Dismissing a vulnerability will place a
~~strikethrough~~ styling on it.
- **Create issue** - The new issue will have the title and description
pre-populated with the information of the vulnerability report.
![Interacting with security reports](img/interactive_reports.png)
You can also revert your dismissal or see the linked issue after the action has
been taken.
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