Commit 184f4ff0 authored by Austin Regnery's avatar Austin Regnery

Move function before table

parent 559e1e58
......@@ -229,13 +229,6 @@ export default {
<div class="d-inline-block ml-md-2 ml-0">
tag-select="Click to expand"
:button-title="__('Add a collapsible section')"
tag="- "
......@@ -254,6 +247,13 @@ export default {
:button-title="__('Add a task list')"
tag-select="Click to expand"
:button-title="__('Add a collapsible section')"
......@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@
data: { "md-tag" => "[{text}](url)", "md-select" => "url", "md-shortcuts": '["mod+k"]' },
title: sprintf(s_("MarkdownEditor|Add a link (%{modifier_key}K)") % { modifier_key: modifier_key }) })
= markdown_toolbar_button({ icon: "details-block",
data: { "md-tag" => "<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>\n{text}\n</details>", "md-prepend" => true, "md-select" => "Click to expand" },
title: _("Add a collapsible section") })
= markdown_toolbar_button({ icon: "list-bulleted", data: { "md-tag" => "- ", "md-prepend" => true }, title: _("Add a bullet list") })
= markdown_toolbar_button({ icon: "list-numbered", data: { "md-tag" => "1. ", "md-prepend" => true }, title: _("Add a numbered list") })
= markdown_toolbar_button({ icon: "list-task", data: { "md-tag" => "- [ ] ", "md-prepend" => true }, title: _("Add a task list") })
= markdown_toolbar_button({ icon: "details-block",
data: { "md-tag" => "<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>\n{text}\n</details>", "md-prepend" => true, "md-select" => "Click to expand" },
title: _("Add a collapsible section") })
= markdown_toolbar_button({ icon: "table", data: { "md-tag" => "| header | header |\n| ------ | ------ |\n| cell | cell |\n| cell | cell |", "md-prepend" => true }, title: _("Add a table") })
- if show_fullscreen_button
%button.toolbar-btn.toolbar-fullscreen-btn.js-zen-enter.has-tooltip{ type: "button", tabindex: -1, "aria-label": "Go full screen", title: _("Go full screen"), data: { container: "body" } }
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