Commit 1bdf47ab authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Fix line_highlighter_spec.

parent 36a917e1
......@@ -18,19 +18,25 @@ import '~/line_highlighter';
beforeEach(function() {
this["class"] = new LineHighlighter();
this.css = this["class"].highlightClass;
this.css = this["class"].highlightLineClass;
return this.spies = {
__setLocationHash__: spyOn(this["class"], '__setLocationHash__').and.callFake(function() {})
describe('behavior', function() {
it('highlights one line given in the URL hash', function() {
new LineHighlighter('#L13');
new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L13' });
return expect($('#LC13')).toHaveClass(this.css);
it('highlights one line given in the URL hash with given CSS class name', function() {
const hiliter = new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L13', highlightLineClass: 'hilite' });
it('highlights a range of lines given in the URL hash', function() {
var line, results;
new LineHighlighter('#L5-25');
new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L5-25' });
expect($("." + this.css).length).toBe(21);
results = [];
for (line = 5; line <= 25; line += 1) {
......@@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ import '~/line_highlighter';
it('scrolls to the first highlighted line on initial load', function() {
var spy;
spy = spyOn($, 'scrollTo');
new LineHighlighter('#L5-25');
new LineHighlighter({ hash: '#L5-25' });
return expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('#L5', jasmine.anything());
it('discards click events', function() {
......@@ -50,10 +56,10 @@ import '~/line_highlighter';
return expect(spy).toHaveBeenPrevented();
return it('handles garbage input from the hash', function() {
it('handles garbage input from the hash', function() {
var func;
func = function() {
return new LineHighlighter('#blob-content-holder');
return new LineHighlighter({ fileHolderSelector: '#blob-content-holder' });
return expect(func).not.toThrow();
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