Commit 1d67ab4c authored by Marcia Ramos's avatar Marcia Ramos Committed by Achilleas Pipinellis

add migration guide + image

parent 99ac320d
# Migration Guide from Git Annex to Git LFS
Both [Git Annex][] (git-annex) and [Git LFS][]
(git-lfs) are tools to manage large files in Git.
GitLab EE is deprecating
[support to git-annex][post-intro-annex] from version
8.17 on (released on 2017/02/22). It
[will be removed][issue-remove-annex] completely in
GitLab 9.0 (2017/03/22).
To understand the main differences between git-annex
ang git-lfs, read through this [overview][annex-vs-lfs].
## Configurations
To use [git-annex in GitLab EE][annex-ee], you had
first to install and enable it on your server and
in your [local environment][install-annex-local].
On, git-annex was enabled, and you had
only to install it locally.
### Enabling Annex
This step is only important to remind you how did
you enabled git-annex, so disabling it will become
more logical. Of course, you don't need to repeat
these steps.
Considering you have git-annex up and running in
both remote and local copies, to enable git-annex to
your project, initiate git-annex and sync your repo:
- Initiate git-annex in your repository:
$ git annex init
init ok
(recording state in git...)
- Add the images you want to track to your e.g.,
`images` directory
- Track the large files, for example, the `images`
$ git annex add images/*
add images/01.png ok
add images/02.png ok
(recording state in git...)
# commit and sync
$ git commit -m "add tracked images"
$ git annex sync --content
By doing so, git-annex would record the tracked files
in the `.git/config` file in your repository root.
You will also find a new directory at `.git/annex/`.
The files you assign to be tracked with git-annex
will not affect `.git/config` records. The files are
turned into symbolic links that point to data in
The image file will contain the symbolic link, like this:
Your files will be found in the branch `master`, but
you'll notice that there are more branches created by
the `annex sync` command.
Use `git annex info` to retrieve the information about
that repository.
### Disabling git-annex
Before changing anything, make sure you have a backup
of your repository first. There are a couple ways to
do that, but you can simply clone it to another local
path and push it to GitLab if you want a remote backup
as well.
Here you'll find a guide on
[how to back up a git-annex repository to an external hard drive][bkp-ext-drive].
To [stop using git-annex][uninit], you need to disable
git-annex first.
Make sure the [git-annex mode is `direct`][stackoverflow-1]:
$ git annex direct
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
direct images/01.png ok
direct images/02.png ok
direct ok
Then, we run `git annex uninit`:
$ git annex uninit
unannex images/01.png ok
unannex images/02.png ok
Deleted branch git-annex (was 186d141).
It will unannex every file in the repository, leaving your repository with the original files.
To make these changes to be applied to the remote repo, we change the mode back to `indirect`:
$ git annex indirect
(merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...)
(recording state in git...)
commit (recording state in git...)
(recording state in git...)
[master cc5fd03] commit before switching to indirect mode
2 files changed, 2 deletions(-)
delete mode 120000 images/01.png
delete mode 120000 images/02.png
indirect ok
Now, we can add, commit, and push to reflect the
changes on the remote repo:
$ git add .
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: images/01.png
new file: images/02.png
$ git commit -m "annex uninit"
[master 46d5de1] annex uninit
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 images/01.png
create mode 100644 images/02.png
$ git push origin master
For keeping your repo clean, let's remove all
git-annex related branches from your repository.
- On GitLab, navigate to your project's **Repository** > **Branches**
![repository branches](images/git-annex-branches.png)
- Delete all branches created by git-annex: `git-annex`, and all under `synced/*`.
### Enabling Git LFS
Git LFS is enabled by default on all GitLab products
(GitLab CE, GitLab EE,, therefore, you
don't need to do anything in the server side.
First, let's make sure you have Git LFS installed
$ git lfs help
If the terminal doesn't prompt you with a full response
on Git LFS commands, [install LFS][install-lfs] first:
$ brew install git-lfs
[Enable Git LFS][lfs-track] for the group of files you
want to track with it. You can track specific files, all
files containing the same extension, or an entire
- Per file:
git lfs track images/01.png
- Per extension:
git lfs track *.png
- Per directory:
git lfs track images/*
$ git lfs track images/*
Tracking images/01.png
Tracking images/02.png
Once you do that, run `git status` and you'll see
`.gitattributes` added to your repo. It collects all
file patterns that you chose to track via LFS.
To see LFS working, look at the project's size (in
bites), update one of your files, and push a change
to the remote.
- Repo size: 492 KB
- Add, commit, and push
- Repo size: 492 KB
Though the image has 32KB, the repo remains the same
size after pushing it again.
[Git Annex]:
[Git LFS]:
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