Commit 1eb650d6 authored by Luke Duncalfe's avatar Luke Duncalfe

Specify dynamic inverse_of for DataFields

This change allows this code block
to continue working after the `Service` class was renamed `Integration`.

Previously the code was working due to Rails' ability to guess the
`inverse_of` relationship. From
"By default, Active Record can guess the inverse of the association
based on the name of the class."

When `Service` was renamed `Integration` this code began to fail, as
`data_fields.integration = integration` would no longer magically link

This is also mentioned in
"Obviously, this falls apart when the names do not match up. For
example, when using :class_name or :foreign_key options on your
associations. In that case, :inverse_of has to be explicitly set to the
correct names".

The `inverse_of` relationship needs to be dynamic to reflect the names
of the `has_one` associations
parent fdfb7d3c
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Services
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
belongs_to :integration, foreign_key: :service_id
belongs_to :integration, inverse_of:, foreign_key: :service_id
delegate :activated?, to: :integration, allow_nil: true
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