GitLab CI/CD is capable of a doing a lot more, but this workflow
exemplifies GitLab's ability to track the entire process,
@@ -162,6 +162,48 @@ without the need of any external tool to deliver your software.
And, most usefully, you can visualize all the steps through
the GitLab UI.
#### A deeper look into the CI/CD basic workflow
If we take a deeper look into the basic workflow, we can see
the features available in GitLab at each stage of the DevOps
lifecycle, as shown on the illustration below.

If you look at the image from the left to the right,
you'll see some of the features available in GitLab
according to each stage (Verify, Package, Release).
- Automatically build and test your application with Continuous Integration.
- Analyze your source code quality with [GitLab Code Quality]( **[STARTER]**
- Determine the performance impact of code changes with [Browser Performance Testing]( **[PREMIUM]**
- Perform a series of tests, such as [Container Scanning](**[ULTIMATE]**, [Dependency Scanning](**[ULTIMATE]**, and [JUnit tests](../
- Deploy your changes with [Review Apps](../review_apps/ to preview the app changes on every branch.
- Store Docker images with [Container Registry](../../user/project/
- Store NPM packages with [NPM Registry]( **[PREMIUM]**
- Store Maven artifacts with [Maven Repository]( **[PREMIUM]**
- Continuous Deployment, automatically deploying your app to production.
- Continuous Delivery, manually click to deploy your app to production.
- Deploy static websites with [GitLab Pages](../../user/project/pages/
- Ship features to only a portion of your pods and let a percentage of your user base to visit the temporarily deployed feature with [Canary Deployments]( **[PREMIUM]**
- Deploy your features behind [Feature Flags]( **[PREMIUM]**
- Add release notes to any Git tag with [GitLab Releases](../../user/project/releases/
- View of the current health and status of each CI environment running on Kubernetes with [Deploy Boards]( **[PREMIUM]**
- Deploy your application to a production environment in a Kubernetes cluster with [Auto Deploy](../../topics/autodevops/
With GitLab CI/CD you can also:
- Easily set up your app's entire lifecycle with [Auto DevOps](../../topics/autodevops/
- Deploy your app to different [environments](../
- Install your own [GitLab Runner](
- Check for app vulnerabilities with [Security Test reports]( **[ULTIMATE]**
To see all CI/CD features, navigate back to the [CI/CD index](../
### Setting up GitLab CI/CD for the first time
To get started with GitLab CI/CD, you need to familiarize yourself
@@ -178,16 +220,3 @@ existing one) for any application.
For a deep view of GitLab's CI/CD configuration options, check the
[`.gitlab-ci.yml` full reference](../yaml/
### GitLab CI/CD feature set
- Easily set up your app's entire lifecycle with [Auto DevOps](../../topics/autodevops/
- Deploy static websites with [GitLab Pages](../../user/project/pages/
- Deploy your app to different [environments](../
- Preview changes per merge request with [Review Apps](../review_apps/
- Develop secure and private Docker images with [Container Registry](../../user/project/
- Install your own [GitLab Runner](
- Check for app vulnerabilities with [Security Test reports]( **[ULTIMATE]**
To see all CI/CD features, navigate back to the [CI/CD index](../