Commit 20f06110 authored by Dylan Griffith's avatar Dylan Griffith Committed by Dmitry Gruzd

Remove out of date Elasticsearch docs

This edgeNgram was removed in and should
have been removed from the docs
parent d35a199f
......@@ -113,10 +113,6 @@ Patterns:
- `'\.([^.]+)(?=\.|\s|\Z)'`: separate terms with periods in-between
- `'([\p{L}_.-]+)'` : some common chars in file names to keep the whole filename intact (eg. `my_file-ñame.txt`)
#### `edgeNGram_filter`
Uses an [Edge NGram token filter]( to allow inputs with only parts of a token to find the token. For example it would turn `glasses` into permutations starting with `gl` and ending with `glasses`, which would allow a search for "`glass`" to find the original token `glasses`
## Gotchas
- Searches can have their own analyzers. Remember to check when editing analyzers
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