Commit 24eaba35 authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into ce-to-ee-2017-11-08

# Conflicts:
#	app/assets/javascripts/boards/stores/boards_store.js
#	app/assets/javascripts/dispatcher.js
#	app/assets/javascripts/milestone_select.js
#	app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_file.vue
#	app/assets/javascripts/repo/components/repo_loading_file.vue
#	app/assets/stylesheets/framework/avatar.scss
#	app/assets/stylesheets/framework/modal.scss
#	app/assets/stylesheets/pages/note_form.scss
#	app/controllers/projects/issues_controller.rb
#	app/controllers/projects/refs_controller.rb
#	app/models/merge_request.rb
#	app/models/repository.rb
#	config/initializers/8_metrics.rb
#	config/routes/group.rb
#	db/schema.rb
#	doc/api/
#	lib/gitlab/checks/change_access.rb
#	lib/gitlab/metrics/transaction.rb
#	lib/gitlab/path_regex.rb
#	lib/gitlab/usage_data.rb
#	spec/lib/gitlab/checks/change_access_spec.rb
#	spec/lib/gitlab/metrics/web_transaction_spec.rb
#	spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_spec.rb
#	spec/models/merge_request_spec.rb
#	spec/requests/api/groups_spec.rb
#	spec/routing/group_routing_spec.rb
#	spec/support/kubernetes_helpers.rb

[ci skip]
parents 747646b7 f2f58a60
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3.618l-.4.014c-.127.332-.27.659-.426.978l.256.294a3.504 3.504 0 0 1-.34 4.941l-1.512 1.315a3.495 3.495 0 0 1-4.94-.351l-.283-.325a11.669 11.669 0 0 1-1.05.28l-.082.424a3.504 3.504 0 0 1-4.103 2.774l-1.967-.382a3.495 3.495 0 0 1-2.765-4.11l.075-.383a11.547 11.547 0 0 1-.858-.633l-.354.188a3.504 3.504 0 0 1-4.738-1.442l-.94-1.77a3.495 3.495 0 0 1 1.453-4.734l.37-.197a11.436 11.436 0 0 1-.041-1.088l-.4-.178zm13.326 5.608a5.5 5.5 0 1 1-2.847-10.625 5.5 5.5 0 0 1 2.847 10.625zm-.776-2.898a2.5 2.5 0 1 0-1.294-4.83 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 1.294 4.83z"/></g><g fill-rule="nonzero"><path fill="#EFEDF8" d="M326.979 222.047c14.403 3.86 29.209-4.688 33.068-19.092 3.86-14.403-4.688-29.209-19.092-33.068-14.403-3.86-29.209 4.688-33.068 19.092-3.86 14.404 4.688 29.209 19.092 33.068zm-1.035 3.864c-16.538-4.431-26.352-21.43-21.92-37.967 4.43-16.538 21.429-26.352 37.966-21.92 16.538 4.43 26.352 21.429 21.92 37.966-4.43 16.538-21.429 26.352-37.966 21.92z"/><path fill="#6B4FBB" d="M329.376 201.598c-4.668-2.621-7.155-8.157-5.706-13.566 1.715-6.402 8.295-10.201 14.697-8.486 6.402 1.716 10.2 8.296 8.485 14.697-1.45 5.41-6.371 8.96-11.725 8.897a3.03 3.03 0 0 1-.074.365l-1.812 6.761a3 3 0 0 1-5.795-1.552l1.812-6.762a3.03 3.03 0 0 1 .118-.354zm3.815-2.733a8 8 0 1 0 4.14-15.455 8 8 0 0 0-4.14 15.455z"/></g><path fill="#FEF0E8" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M91.373 193c17.071-4.574 27.202-22.12 22.628-39.191-4.575-17.071-22.121-27.202-39.192-22.628-17.071 4.574-27.202 22.121-22.628 39.192 4.574 17.071 22.121 27.202 39.192 22.627zm1.035 3.864c-19.204 5.146-38.945-6.25-44.09-25.456-5.146-19.204 6.25-38.945 25.455-44.09 19.205-5.146 38.945 6.25 44.091 25.455 5.146 19.205-6.25 38.945-25.456 44.091z"/><path fill="#FDC4A8" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M70.067 152.122l6.73 25.114 19.318-5.176-6.73-25.114-19.318 5.176zm-1.035-3.864l19.318-5.176a4 4 0 0 1 4.9 2.828l6.729 25.114a4 4 0 0 1-2.829 4.9L77.832 181.1a4 4 0 0 1-4.9-2.829l-6.729-25.114a4 4 0 0 1 2.829-4.899z"/><path fill="#FC6D26" d="M76.898 154.433l7.727-2.07a2 2 0 0 1 1.036 3.863l-7.728 2.07a2 2 0 1 1-1.035-3.863zm1.812 6.761l5.795-1.553a2 2 0 0 1 1.035 3.864l-5.795 1.553a2 2 0 1 1-1.035-3.864zm1.811 6.762l7.728-2.07a2 2 0 0 1 1.035 3.863l-7.727 2.07a2 2 0 1 1-1.036-3.863z"/></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this, object-shorthand, no-unused-vars, no-use-before-define, no-new, max-len, no-restricted-syntax, guard-for-in, no-continue */ /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this, object-shorthand, no-unused-vars, no-use-before-define, no-new, max-len, no-restricted-syntax, guard-for-in, no-continue */
import _ from 'underscore'; import _ from 'underscore';
import { insertText, getSelectedFragment, nodeMatchesSelector } from './lib/utils/common_utils'; import { insertText, getSelectedFragment, nodeMatchesSelector } from '../lib/utils/common_utils';
import { placeholderImage } from './lazy_loader'; import { placeholderImage } from '../lazy_loader';
const gfmRules = { const gfmRules = {
// The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert // The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert
...@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ const gfmRules = { ...@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ const gfmRules = {
}, },
}; };
class CopyAsGFM { export class CopyAsGFM {
constructor() { constructor() {
$(document).on('copy', '.md, .wiki', (e) => { CopyAsGFM.copyAsGFM(e, CopyAsGFM.transformGFMSelection); }); $(document).on('copy', '.md, .wiki', (e) => { CopyAsGFM.copyAsGFM(e, CopyAsGFM.transformGFMSelection); });
$(document).on('copy', 'pre.code.highlight, .diff-content .line_content', (e) => { CopyAsGFM.copyAsGFM(e, CopyAsGFM.transformCodeSelection); }); $(document).on('copy', 'pre.code.highlight, .diff-content .line_content', (e) => { CopyAsGFM.copyAsGFM(e, CopyAsGFM.transformCodeSelection); });
...@@ -469,7 +470,12 @@ class CopyAsGFM { ...@@ -469,7 +470,12 @@ class CopyAsGFM {
} }
} } = || {}; // Export CopyAsGFM as a global for rspec to access = CopyAsGFM; // see /spec/features/copy_as_gfm_spec.rb
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
window.CopyAsGFM = CopyAsGFM;
new CopyAsGFM(); export default function initCopyAsGFM() {
return new CopyAsGFM();
import './autosize'; import './autosize';
import './bind_in_out'; import './bind_in_out';
import initCopyAsGFM from './copy_as_gfm';
import './details_behavior'; import './details_behavior';
import installGlEmojiElement from './gl_emoji'; import installGlEmojiElement from './gl_emoji';
import './quick_submit'; import './quick_submit';
...@@ -7,3 +8,4 @@ import './requires_input'; ...@@ -7,3 +8,4 @@ import './requires_input';
import './toggler_behavior'; import './toggler_behavior';
installGlEmojiElement(); installGlEmojiElement();
...@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = { ...@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = {
}, },
moving: { moving: {
issue: {}, issue: {},
list: {} list: {},
}, },
create () { create () {
this.state.lists = []; this.state.lists = [];
...@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = { ...@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = {
this.detail = { this.detail = {
issue: {}, issue: {},
}; };
<<<<<<< HEAD
}, },
createNewListDropdownData() { createNewListDropdownData() {
this.state.currentBoard = { this.state.currentBoard = {
...@@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = { ...@@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore = {
showPage(page) { showPage(page) {
this.state.reload = false; this.state.reload = false;
this.state.currentPage = page; this.state.currentPage = page;
>>>>>>> upstream/master
}, },
addList (listObj, defaultAvatar) { addList (listObj, defaultAvatar) {
const list = new List(listObj, defaultAvatar); const list = new List(listObj, defaultAvatar);
/* globals Flash */
import Visibility from 'visibilityjs';
import axios from 'axios';
import setAxiosCsrfToken from './lib/utils/axios_utils';
import Poll from './lib/utils/poll';
import { s__ } from './locale';
import initSettingsPanels from './settings_panels';
import Flash from './flash';
* Cluster page has 2 separate parts:
* Toggle button
* - Polling status while creating or scheduled
* -- Update status area with the response result
class ClusterService {
constructor(options = {}) {
this.options = options;
fetchData() {
return axios.get(this.options.endpoint);
export default class Clusters {
constructor() {
const dataset = document.querySelector('.js-edit-cluster-form').dataset;
this.state = {
statusPath: dataset.statusPath,
clusterStatus: dataset.clusterStatus,
clusterStatusReason: dataset.clusterStatusReason,
toggleStatus: dataset.toggleStatus,
this.service = new ClusterService({ endpoint: this.state.statusPath });
this.toggleButton = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-cluster');
this.toggleInput = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-input');
this.errorContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-error');
this.successContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-success');
this.creatingContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-creating');
this.errorReasonContainer = this.errorContainer.querySelector('.js-error-reason');
this.toggleButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this));
if (this.state.clusterStatus !== 'created') {
this.updateContainer(this.state.clusterStatus, this.state.clusterStatusReason);
if (this.state.statusPath) {
toggle() {
this.toggleInput.setAttribute('value', this.toggleButton.classList.contains('checked').toString());
initPolling() {
this.poll = new Poll({
resource: this.service,
method: 'fetchData',
successCallback: data => this.handleSuccess(data),
errorCallback: () => Clusters.handleError(),
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
} else {
.then(data => this.handleSuccess(data))
.catch(() => Clusters.handleError());
Visibility.change(() => {
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
} else {
static handleError() {
Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Something went wrong on our end.'));
handleSuccess(data) {
const { status, status_reason } =;
this.updateContainer(status, status_reason);
hideAll() {
updateContainer(status, error) {
switch (status) {
case 'created':
case 'errored':
this.errorReasonContainer.textContent = error;
case 'scheduled':
case 'creating':
import Visibility from 'visibilityjs';
import Vue from 'vue';
import { s__, sprintf } from '../locale';
import Flash from '../flash';
import Poll from '../lib/utils/poll';
import initSettingsPanels from '../settings_panels';
import eventHub from './event_hub';
import {
} from './constants';
import ClustersService from './services/clusters_service';
import ClustersStore from './stores/clusters_store';
import applications from './components/applications.vue';
* Cluster page has 2 separate parts:
* Toggle button and applications section
* - Polling status while creating or scheduled
* - Update status area with the response result
export default class Clusters {
constructor() {
const {
} = document.querySelector('.js-edit-cluster-form').dataset; = new ClustersStore();;;;
this.service = new ClustersService({
endpoint: statusPath,
installHelmEndpoint: installHelmPath,
installIngressEndpoint: installIngressPath,
installRunnerEndpoint: installRunnerPath,
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.installApplication = this.installApplication.bind(this);
this.toggleButton = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-cluster');
this.toggleInput = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-input');
this.errorContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-error');
this.successContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-success');
this.creatingContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-creating');
this.errorReasonContainer = this.errorContainer.querySelector('.js-error-reason');
this.successApplicationContainer = document.querySelector('.js-cluster-application-notice');
if ( !== 'created') {
if (statusPath) {
initApplications() {
const store =;
const el = document.querySelector('#js-cluster-applications');
this.applications = new Vue({
components: {
data() {
return {
state: store.state,
render(createElement) {
return createElement('applications', {
props: {
applications: this.state.applications,
helpPath: this.state.helpPath,
addListeners() {
this.toggleButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggle);
eventHub.$on('installApplication', this.installApplication);
removeListeners() {
this.toggleButton.removeEventListener('click', this.toggle);
eventHub.$off('installApplication', this.installApplication);
initPolling() {
this.poll = new Poll({
resource: this.service,
method: 'fetchData',
successCallback: data => this.handleSuccess(data),
errorCallback: () => Clusters.handleError(),
if (!Visibility.hidden()) {
} else {
.then(data => this.handleSuccess(data))
.catch(() => Clusters.handleError());
Visibility.change(() => {
if (!Visibility.hidden() && !this.destroyed) {
} else {
static handleError() {
Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Something went wrong on our end.'));
handleSuccess(data) {
const prevStatus =;
const prevApplicationMap = Object.assign({},;;
toggle() {
this.toggleInput.setAttribute('value', this.toggleButton.classList.contains('checked').toString());
hideAll() {
checkForNewInstalls(prevApplicationMap, newApplicationMap) {
const appTitles = Object.keys(newApplicationMap)
.filter(appId => newApplicationMap[appId].status === APPLICATION_INSTALLED &&
prevApplicationMap[appId].status !== APPLICATION_INSTALLED &&
prevApplicationMap[appId].status !== null)
.map(appId => newApplicationMap[appId].title);
if (appTitles.length > 0) {
const text = sprintf(s__('ClusterIntegration|%{appList} was successfully installed on your cluster'), {
appList: appTitles.join(', '),
Flash(text, 'notice', this.successApplicationContainer);
updateContainer(prevStatus, status, error) {
// We poll all the time but only want the `created` banner to show when newly created
if ( !== 'created' || prevStatus !== {
switch (status) {
case 'created':
case 'errored':
this.errorReasonContainer.textContent = error;
case 'scheduled':
case 'creating':
installApplication(appId) {, 'requestStatus', REQUEST_LOADING);, 'requestReason', null);
.then(() => {, 'requestStatus', REQUEST_SUCCESS);
.catch(() => {, 'requestStatus', REQUEST_FAILURE);, 'requestReason', s__('ClusterIntegration|Request to begin installing failed'));
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
if (this.poll) {
import { s__, sprintf } from '../../locale';
import eventHub from '../event_hub';
import loadingButton from '../../vue_shared/components/loading_button.vue';
import {
} from '../constants';
export default {
props: {
id: {
type: String,
required: true,
title: {
type: String,
required: true,
titleLink: {
type: String,
required: false,
description: {
type: String,
required: true,
status: {
type: String,
required: false,
statusReason: {
type: String,
required: false,
requestStatus: {
type: String,
required: false,
requestReason: {
type: String,
required: false,
components: {
computed: {
rowJsClass() {
return `js-cluster-application-row-${}`;
installButtonLoading() {
return !this.status ||
this.status === APPLICATION_SCHEDULED ||
this.requestStatus === REQUEST_LOADING;
installButtonDisabled() {
// Avoid the potential for the real-time data to say APPLICATION_INSTALLABLE but
// we already made a request to install and are just waiting for the real-time
// to sync up.
return (this.status !== APPLICATION_INSTALLABLE && this.status !== APPLICATION_ERROR) ||
this.requestStatus === REQUEST_LOADING ||
this.requestStatus === REQUEST_SUCCESS;
installButtonLabel() {
let label;
if (
this.status === APPLICATION_ERROR
) {
label = s__('ClusterIntegration|Install');
} else if (this.status === APPLICATION_SCHEDULED || this.status === APPLICATION_INSTALLING) {
label = s__('ClusterIntegration|Installing');
} else if (this.status === APPLICATION_INSTALLED) {
label = s__('ClusterIntegration|Installed');
return label;
hasError() {
return this.status === APPLICATION_ERROR || this.requestStatus === REQUEST_FAILURE;
generalErrorDescription() {
return sprintf(
s__('ClusterIntegration|Something went wrong while installing %{title}'), {
title: this.title,
methods: {
installClicked() {
class="gl-responsive-table-row gl-responsive-table-row-col-span"
rel="noopener noreferrer"
class="table-section section-15 section-align-top js-cluster-application-title"
{{ title }}
class="table-section section-15 section-align-top js-cluster-application-title"
{{ title }}
class="table-section section-wrap"
<div v-html="description"></div>
class="table-section table-button-footer section-15 section-align-top"
<div class="btn-group table-action-buttons">
class="alert alert-danger alert-block append-bottom-0 table-section section-100"
<p class="js-cluster-application-general-error-message">
{{ generalErrorDescription }}
<ul v-if="statusReason || requestReason">
{{ statusReason }}
{{ requestReason }}
import _ from 'underscore';
import { s__, sprintf } from '../../locale';
import applicationRow from './application_row.vue';
export default {
props: {
applications: {
type: Object,
required: false,
default: () => ({}),
helpPath: {
type: String,
required: false,
components: {
computed: {
generalApplicationDescription() {
return sprintf(
_.escape(s__('ClusterIntegration|Install applications on your cluster. Read more about %{helpLink}')), {
helpLink: `<a href="${this.helpPath}">
${_.escape(s__('ClusterIntegration|installing applications'))}
helmTillerDescription() {
return _.escape(s__(
`ClusterIntegration|Helm streamlines installing and managing Kubernets applications.
Tiller runs inside of your Kubernetes Cluster, and manages
releases of your charts.`,
ingressDescription() {
const descriptionParagraph = _.escape(s__(
`ClusterIntegration|Ingress gives you a way to route requests to services based on the
request host or path, centralizing a number of services into a single entrypoint.`,
const extraCostParagraph = sprintf(
_.escape(s__('ClusterIntegration|%{boldNotice} This will add some extra resources like a load balancer, which incur additional costs. See %{pricingLink}')), {
boldNotice: `<strong>${_.escape(s__('ClusterIntegration|Note:'))}</strong>`,
pricingLink: `<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
${_.escape(s__('ClusterIntegration|GKE pricing'))}
return `
<p class="append-bottom-0">
gitlabRunnerDescription() {
return _.escape(s__(
`ClusterIntegration|GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your jobs
and send the results back to GitLab.`,
<section class="settings no-animate expanded">
<div class="settings-header">
{{ s__('ClusterIntegration|Applications') }}
<div class="settings-content">
<div class="append-bottom-20">
<!-- NOTE: Don't forget to update `clusters.scss` min-height for this block and uncomment `application_spec` tests -->
<!-- Add GitLab Runner row, all other plumbing is complete -->
// These need to match what is returned from the server
export const APPLICATION_NOT_INSTALLABLE = 'not_installable';
export const APPLICATION_INSTALLABLE = 'installable';
export const APPLICATION_SCHEDULED = 'scheduled';
export const APPLICATION_INSTALLING = 'installing';
export const APPLICATION_INSTALLED = 'installed';
export const APPLICATION_ERROR = 'errored';
// These are only used client-side
export const REQUEST_LOADING = 'request-loading';
export const REQUEST_SUCCESS = 'request-success';
export const REQUEST_FAILURE = 'request-failure';
import Vue from 'vue';
export default new Vue();
import axios from 'axios';
import setAxiosCsrfToken from '../../lib/utils/axios_utils';
export default class ClusterService {
constructor(options = {}) {
this.options = options;
this.appInstallEndpointMap = {
helm: this.options.installHelmEndpoint,
ingress: this.options.installIngressEndpoint,
runner: this.options.installRunnerEndpoint,
fetchData() {
return axios.get(this.options.endpoint);
installApplication(appId) {
const endpoint = this.appInstallEndpointMap[appId];
import { s__ } from '../../locale';
export default class ClusterStore {
constructor() {
this.state = {
helpPath: null,
status: null,
statusReason: null,
applications: {
helm: {
title: s__('ClusterIntegration|Helm Tiller'),
status: null,
statusReason: null,
requestStatus: null,
requestReason: null,
ingress: {
title: s__('ClusterIntegration|Ingress'),
status: null,
statusReason: null,
requestStatus: null,
requestReason: null,
runner: {
title: s__('ClusterIntegration|GitLab Runner'),
status: null,
statusReason: null,
requestStatus: null,
requestReason: null,
setHelpPath(helpPath) {
this.state.helpPath = helpPath;
updateStatus(status) {
this.state.status = status;
updateStatusReason(reason) {
this.state.statusReason = reason;
updateAppProperty(appId, prop, value) {
this.state.applications[appId][prop] = value;
updateStateFromServer(serverState = {}) {
this.state.status = serverState.status;
this.state.statusReason = serverState.status_reason;
serverState.applications.forEach((serverAppEntry) => {
const {
name: appId,
status_reason: statusReason,
} = serverAppEntry;
this.state.applications[appId] = {
...(this.state.applications[appId] || {}),
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-arrow-callback, wrap-iife, no-shadow, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, camelcase, default-case, no-new, quotes, no-duplicate-case, no-case-declarations, no-fallthrough, max-len */ /* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-arrow-callback, wrap-iife, no-shadow, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, camelcase, default-case, no-new, quotes, no-duplicate-case, no-case-declarations, no-fallthrough, max-len */
import { s__ } from './locale';
/* global ProjectSelect */ /* global ProjectSelect */
import IssuableIndex from './issuable_index'; import IssuableIndex from './issuable_index';
/* global Milestone */ /* global Milestone */
...@@ -32,8 +33,13 @@ import NamespaceSelect from './namespace_select'; ...@@ -32,8 +33,13 @@ import NamespaceSelect from './namespace_select';
import Labels from './labels'; import Labels from './labels';
import LabelManager from './label_manager'; import LabelManager from './label_manager';
/* global Sidebar */ /* global Sidebar */
<<<<<<< HEAD
/* global WeightSelect */ /* global WeightSelect */
/* global AdminEmailSelect */ /* global AdminEmailSelect */
import Flash from './flash';
>>>>>>> upstream/master
import CommitsList from './commits'; import CommitsList from './commits';
import Issue from './issue'; import Issue from './issue';
import BindInOut from './behaviors/bind_in_out'; import BindInOut from './behaviors/bind_in_out';
...@@ -601,9 +607,12 @@ import initGroupAnalytics from './init_group_analytics'; ...@@ -601,9 +607,12 @@ import initGroupAnalytics from './init_group_analytics';
new DueDateSelectors(); new DueDateSelectors();
break; break;
case 'projects:clusters:show': case 'projects:clusters:show':
import(/* webpackChunkName: "clusters" */ './clusters') import(/* webpackChunkName: "clusters" */ './clusters/clusters_bundle')
.then(cluster => new cluster.default()) // eslint-disable-line new-cap .then(cluster => new cluster.default()) // eslint-disable-line new-cap
.catch(() => {}); .catch((err) => {
Flash(s__('ClusterIntegration|Problem setting up the cluster JavaScript'));
throw err;
break; break;
case 'admin:licenses:new': case 'admin:licenses:new':
const $licenseFile = $('.license-file'); const $licenseFile = $('.license-file');
...@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import './commits'; ...@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import './commits';
import './compare'; import './compare';
import './compare_autocomplete'; import './compare_autocomplete';
import './confirm_danger_modal'; import './confirm_danger_modal';
import './copy_as_gfm';
import './copy_to_clipboard'; import './copy_to_clipboard';
import './diff'; import './diff';
import './files_comment_button'; import './files_comment_button';
...@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ import _ from 'underscore'; ...@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ import _ from 'underscore';
$(`[data-milestone-id="${selectedMilestone}"] > a`, $el).addClass('is-active'); $(`[data-milestone-id="${selectedMilestone}"] > a`, $el).addClass('is-active');
}, },
vue: $dropdown.hasClass('js-issue-board-sidebar'), vue: $dropdown.hasClass('js-issue-board-sidebar'),
<<<<<<< HEAD
hideRow: function(milestone) { hideRow: function(milestone) {
if ($('html').hasClass('issue-boards-page') && !$dropdown.hasClass('js-issue-board-sidebar') && if ($('html').hasClass('issue-boards-page') && !$dropdown.hasClass('js-issue-board-sidebar') &&
!$dropdown.closest('.add-issues-modal').length && gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.state.currentBoard.milestone && !$dropdown.closest('.add-issues-modal').length && gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.state.currentBoard.milestone &&
...@@ -166,6 +167,8 @@ import _ from 'underscore'; ...@@ -166,6 +167,8 @@ import _ from 'underscore';
return true; return true;
}, },
>>>>>>> upstream/master
clicked: function(clickEvent) { clicked: function(clickEvent) {
const { $el, e } = clickEvent; const { $el, e } = clickEvent;
let selected = clickEvent.selectedObj; let selected = clickEvent.selectedObj;
...@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ ...@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
renderAxesPaths() { renderAxesPaths() {
this.timeSeries = createTimeSeries( this.timeSeries = createTimeSeries(
this.graphData.queries[0], this.graphData.queries,
this.graphWidth, this.graphWidth,
this.graphHeight, this.graphHeight,
this.graphHeightOffset, this.graphHeightOffset,
...@@ -153,8 +153,9 @@ ...@@ -153,8 +153,9 @@
const axisYScale = d3.scale.linear() const axisYScale = d3.scale.linear()
.range([this.graphHeight - this.graphHeightOffset, 0]); .range([this.graphHeight - this.graphHeightOffset, 0]);
axisXScale.domain(d3.extent(this.timeSeries[0].values, d => d.time)); const allValues = this.timeSeries.reduce((all, { values }) => all.concat(values), []);
axisYScale.domain([0, d3.max(this.timeSeries[0] => d.value))]); axisXScale.domain(d3.extent(allValues, d => d.time));
axisYScale.domain([0, d3.max( => d.value))]);
const xAxis = d3.svg.axis() const xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.scale(axisXScale) .scale(axisXScale)
...@@ -246,6 +247,7 @@ ...@@ -246,6 +247,7 @@
:key="index" :key="index"
:generated-line-path="path.linePath" :generated-line-path="path.linePath"
:generated-area-path="path.areaPath" :generated-area-path="path.areaPath"
:line-color="path.lineColor" :line-color="path.lineColor"
:area-color="path.areaColor" :area-color="path.areaColor"
/> />
...@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ ...@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
}, },
formatMetricUsage(series) { formatMetricUsage(series) {
const value = series.values[this.currentDataIndex].value; const value = series.values[this.currentDataIndex] &&
if (isNaN(value)) { if (isNaN(value)) {
return '-'; return '-';
} }
...@@ -92,6 +93,12 @@ ...@@ -92,6 +93,12 @@
} }
return `${this.legendTitle} series ${index + 1} ${this.formatMetricUsage(series)}`; return `${this.legendTitle} series ${index + 1} ${this.formatMetricUsage(series)}`;
}, },
strokeDashArray(type) {
if (type === 'dashed') return '6, 3';
if (type === 'dotted') return '3, 3';
return null;
}, },
mounted() { mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => { this.$nextTick(() => {
...@@ -162,13 +169,15 @@ ...@@ -162,13 +169,15 @@
v-for="(series, index) in timeSeries" v-for="(series, index) in timeSeries"
:key="index" :key="index"
:transform="translateLegendGroup(index)"> :transform="translateLegendGroup(index)">
<rect <line
:fill="series.areaColor" :stroke="series.lineColor"
:width="measurements.legends.width" :stroke-width="measurements.legends.height"
:height="measurements.legends.height" :stroke-dasharray="strokeDashArray(series.lineStyle)"
x="20" :x1="measurements.legends.offsetX"
:y="graphHeight - measurements.legendOffset"> :x2="measurements.legends.offsetX + measurements.legends.width"
</rect> :y1="graphHeight - measurements.legends.offsetY"
:y2="graphHeight - measurements.legends.offsetY">
<text <text
v-if="timeSeries.length > 1" v-if="timeSeries.length > 1"
class="legend-metric-title" class="legend-metric-title"
...@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ ...@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
type: String, type: String,
required: true, required: true,
}, },
lineStyle: {
type: String,
required: false,
lineColor: { lineColor: {
type: String, type: String,
required: true, required: true,
...@@ -18,6 +22,13 @@ ...@@ -18,6 +22,13 @@
required: true, required: true,
}, },
}, },
computed: {
strokeDashArray() {
if (this.lineStyle === 'dashed') return '3, 1';
if (this.lineStyle === 'dotted') return '1, 1';
return null;
}; };
</script> </script>
<template> <template>
...@@ -34,6 +45,7 @@ ...@@ -34,6 +45,7 @@
:stroke="lineColor" :stroke="lineColor"
fill="none" fill="none"
stroke-width="1" stroke-width="1"
transform="translate(-5, 20)"> transform="translate(-5, 20)">
</path> </path>
</g> </g>
...@@ -7,15 +7,16 @@ export default { ...@@ -7,15 +7,16 @@ export default {
left: 40, left: 40,
}, },
legends: { legends: {
width: 10, width: 15,
height: 3, height: 3,
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 32,
}, },
backgroundLegend: { backgroundLegend: {
width: 30, width: 30,
height: 50, height: 50,
}, },
axisLabelLineOffset: -20, axisLabelLineOffset: -20,
legendOffset: 33,
}, },
large: { // This covers both md and lg screen sizes large: { // This covers both md and lg screen sizes
margin: { margin: {
...@@ -27,13 +28,14 @@ export default { ...@@ -27,13 +28,14 @@ export default {
legends: { legends: {
width: 15, width: 15,
height: 3, height: 3,
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 34,
}, },
backgroundLegend: { backgroundLegend: {
width: 30, width: 30,
height: 150, height: 150,
}, },
axisLabelLineOffset: 20, axisLabelLineOffset: 20,
legendOffset: 36,
}, },
xTicks: 8, xTicks: 8,
yTicks: 3, yTicks: 3,
...@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ const defaultColorPalette = { ...@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ const defaultColorPalette = {
const defaultColorOrder = ['blue', 'orange', 'red', 'green', 'purple']; const defaultColorOrder = ['blue', 'orange', 'red', 'green', 'purple'];
export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, graphHeightOffset) { const defaultStyleOrder = ['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted'];
function queryTimeSeries(query, graphWidth, graphHeight, graphHeightOffset, xDom, yDom, lineStyle) {
let usedColors = []; let usedColors = [];
function pickColor(name) { function pickColor(name) {
...@@ -31,17 +33,7 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra ...@@ -31,17 +33,7 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra
return defaultColorPalette[pick]; return defaultColorPalette[pick];
} }
const maxValues =, index) => { return, timeSeriesNumber) => {
const maxValue = d3.max( => d.value));
return {
const maxValueFromSeries = _.max(maxValues, val => val.maxValue);
return, timeSeriesNumber) => {
let metricTag = ''; let metricTag = '';
let lineColor = ''; let lineColor = '';
let areaColor = ''; let areaColor = '';
...@@ -52,9 +44,9 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra ...@@ -52,9 +44,9 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra
const timeSeriesScaleY = d3.scale.linear() const timeSeriesScaleY = d3.scale.linear()
.range([graphHeight - graphHeightOffset, 0]); .range([graphHeight - graphHeightOffset, 0]);
timeSeriesScaleX.domain(d3.extent(timeSeries.values, d => d.time)); timeSeriesScaleX.domain(xDom);
timeSeriesScaleX.ticks(d3.time.minute, 60); timeSeriesScaleX.ticks(d3.time.minute, 60);
timeSeriesScaleY.domain([0, maxValueFromSeries.maxValue]); timeSeriesScaleY.domain(yDom);
const defined = d => !isNaN(d.value) && d.value != null; const defined = d => !isNaN(d.value) && d.value != null;
...@@ -72,10 +64,10 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra ...@@ -72,10 +64,10 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra
.y1(d => timeSeriesScaleY(d.value)); .y1(d => timeSeriesScaleY(d.value));
const timeSeriesMetricLabel = timeSeries.metric[Object.keys(timeSeries.metric)[0]]; const timeSeriesMetricLabel = timeSeries.metric[Object.keys(timeSeries.metric)[0]];
const seriesCustomizationData = queryData.series != null && const seriesCustomizationData = query.series != null &&
_.findWhere(queryData.series[0].when, _.findWhere(query.series[0].when, { value: timeSeriesMetricLabel });
{ value: timeSeriesMetricLabel });
if (seriesCustomizationData != null) { if (seriesCustomizationData) {
metricTag = seriesCustomizationData.value || timeSeriesMetricLabel; metricTag = seriesCustomizationData.value || timeSeriesMetricLabel;
[lineColor, areaColor] = pickColor(seriesCustomizationData.color); [lineColor, areaColor] = pickColor(seriesCustomizationData.color);
} else { } else {
...@@ -83,14 +75,35 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra ...@@ -83,14 +75,35 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra
[lineColor, areaColor] = pickColor(); [lineColor, areaColor] = pickColor();
} }
if (query.track) {
metricTag += ` - ${query.track}`;
return { return {
linePath: lineFunction(timeSeries.values), linePath: lineFunction(timeSeries.values),
areaPath: areaFunction(timeSeries.values), areaPath: areaFunction(timeSeries.values),
timeSeriesScaleX, timeSeriesScaleX,
values: timeSeries.values, values: timeSeries.values,
lineColor, lineColor,
areaColor, areaColor,
metricTag, metricTag,
}; };
}); });
} }
export default function createTimeSeries(queries, graphWidth, graphHeight, graphHeightOffset) {
const allValues = queries.reduce((allQueryResults, query) => allQueryResults.concat(
query.result.reduce((allResults, result) => allResults.concat(result.values), []),
), []);
const xDom = d3.extent(allValues, d => d.time);
const yDom = [0, d3.max( => d.value))];
return queries.reduce((series, query, index) => {
const lineStyle = defaultStyleOrder[index % defaultStyleOrder.length];
return series.concat(
queryTimeSeries(query, graphWidth, graphHeight, graphHeightOffset, xDom, yDom, lineStyle),
}, []);
...@@ -413,8 +413,9 @@ export default class Notes { ...@@ -413,8 +413,9 @@ export default class Notes {
return; return;
} }
this.note_ids.push(; this.note_ids.push(;
form = $form || $(`.js-discussion-note-form[data-discussion-id="${noteEntity.discussion_id}"]`); form = $form || $(`.js-discussion-note-form[data-discussion-id="${noteEntity.discussion_id}"]`);
row = form.closest('tr'); row = (form.length || !noteEntity.discussion_line_code) ? form.closest('tr') : $(`#${noteEntity.discussion_line_code}`);
if (noteEntity.on_image) { if (noteEntity.on_image) {
row = form; row = form;
...@@ -54,7 +54,14 @@ ...@@ -54,7 +54,14 @@
<tr <tr
class="file" class="file"
@click.prevent="clickedTreeRow(file)"> @click.prevent="clickedTreeRow(file)">
<<<<<<< HEAD
<td :colspan="submoduleColSpan"> <td :colspan="submoduleColSpan">
>>>>>>> upstream/master
<i <i
class="fa fa-fw file-icon" class="fa fa-fw file-icon"
:class="fileIcon" :class="fileIcon"
...@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ ...@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@
class="loading-file" class="loading-file"
aria-label="Loading files" aria-label="Loading files"
> >
<<<<<<< HEAD
<td> <td>
<td class="multi-file-table-col-name">
>>>>>>> upstream/master
<skeleton-loading-container <skeleton-loading-container
:small="true" :small="true"
/> />
...@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default {
</strong> </strong>
</th> </th>
<template v-else> <template v-else>
<th class="name"> <th class="name multi-file-table-col-name">
Name Name
</th> </th>
<th class="hidden-sm hidden-xs last-commit"> <th class="hidden-sm hidden-xs last-commit">
...@@ -162,13 +162,19 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '. ...@@ -162,13 +162,19 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
items = [ items = [
{ {
header: "" + name header: "" + name
}, { }
const issueItems = [
text: 'Issues assigned to me', text: 'Issues assigned to me',
url: issuesPath + "/?assignee_username=" + userName url: issuesPath + "/?assignee_username=" + userName
}, { }, {
text: "Issues I've created", text: "Issues I've created",
url: issuesPath + "/?author_username=" + userName url: issuesPath + "/?author_username=" + userName
}, 'separator', { }
const mergeRequestItems = [
text: 'Merge requests assigned to me', text: 'Merge requests assigned to me',
url: mrPath + "/?assignee_username=" + userName url: mrPath + "/?assignee_username=" + userName
}, { }, {
...@@ -176,6 +182,11 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '. ...@@ -176,6 +182,11 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
url: mrPath + "/?author_username=" + userName url: mrPath + "/?author_username=" + userName
} }
]; ];
if (options.issuesDisabled) {
items = items.concat(mergeRequestItems);
} else {
items = items.concat(...issueItems, 'separator', ...mergeRequestItems);
if (!name) { if (!name) {
items.splice(0, 1); items.splice(0, 1);
} }
...@@ -408,6 +419,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '. ...@@ -408,6 +419,7 @@ import { isInGroupsPage, isInProjectPage, getGroupSlug, getProjectSlug } from '.
gl.projectOptions[projectPath] = { gl.projectOptions[projectPath] = {
name: $'name'), name: $'name'),
issuesPath: $'issues-path'), issuesPath: $'issues-path'),
issuesDisabled: $'issues-disabled'),
mrPath: $'mr-path') mrPath: $'mr-path')
}; };
} }
...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ ...@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import _ from 'underscore'; import _ from 'underscore';
import 'mousetrap'; import 'mousetrap';
import ShortcutsNavigation from './shortcuts_navigation'; import ShortcutsNavigation from './shortcuts_navigation';
import { CopyAsGFM } from './behaviors/copy_as_gfm';
export default class ShortcutsIssuable extends ShortcutsNavigation { export default class ShortcutsIssuable extends ShortcutsNavigation {
constructor(isMergeRequest) { constructor(isMergeRequest) {
...@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ export default class ShortcutsIssuable extends ShortcutsNavigation { ...@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ export default class ShortcutsIssuable extends ShortcutsNavigation {
return false; return false;
} }
const el =; const el = CopyAsGFM.transformGFMSelection(documentFragment.cloneNode(true));
const selected =; const selected = CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(el);
if (selected.trim() === '') { if (selected.trim() === '') {
return false; return false;
...@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ ...@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
* and controllable by a public API. * and controllable by a public API.
*/ */
class SmartInterval { export default class SmartInterval {
/** /**
* @param { function } opts.callback Function to be called on each iteration (required) * @param { function } opts.callback Function that returns a promise, called on each iteration
* unless still in progress (required)
* @param { milliseconds } opts.startingInterval `currentInterval` is set to this initially * @param { milliseconds } opts.startingInterval `currentInterval` is set to this initially
* @param { milliseconds } opts.maxInterval `currentInterval` will be incremented to this * @param { milliseconds } opts.maxInterval `currentInterval` will be incremented to this
* @param { milliseconds } opts.hiddenInterval `currentInterval` is set to this * @param { milliseconds } opts.hiddenInterval `currentInterval` is set to this
...@@ -42,13 +43,16 @@ class SmartInterval { ...@@ -42,13 +43,16 @@ class SmartInterval {
const cfg = this.cfg; const cfg = this.cfg;
const state = this.state; const state = this.state;
if (cfg.immediateExecution) { if (cfg.immediateExecution && !this.isLoading) {
cfg.immediateExecution = false; cfg.immediateExecution = false;
cfg.callback(); this.triggerCallback();
} }
state.intervalId = window.setInterval(() => { state.intervalId = window.setInterval(() => {
cfg.callback(); if (this.isLoading) {
if (this.getCurrentInterval() === cfg.maxInterval) { if (this.getCurrentInterval() === cfg.maxInterval) {
return; return;
...@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ class SmartInterval { ...@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ class SmartInterval {
// start a timer, using the existing interval // start a timer, using the existing interval
resume() { resume() {
this.stopTimer(); // stop exsiting timer, in case timer was not previously stopped this.stopTimer(); // stop existing timer, in case timer was not previously stopped
this.start(); this.start();
} }
...@@ -104,6 +108,18 @@ class SmartInterval { ...@@ -104,6 +108,18 @@ class SmartInterval {
this.initPageUnloadHandling(); this.initPageUnloadHandling();
} }
triggerCallback() {
this.isLoading = true;
.then(() => {
this.isLoading = false;
.catch((err) => {
this.isLoading = false;
throw err;
initVisibilityChangeHandling() { initVisibilityChangeHandling() {
// cancel interval when tab no longer shown (prevents cached pages from polling) // cancel interval when tab no longer shown (prevents cached pages from polling)
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.handleVisibilityChange.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.handleVisibilityChange.bind(this));
...@@ -154,4 +170,3 @@ class SmartInterval { ...@@ -154,4 +170,3 @@ class SmartInterval {
} }
} } = SmartInterval;
import SmartInterval from '~/smart_interval';
import Flash from '../flash'; import Flash from '../flash';
import { import {
WidgetHeader, WidgetHeader,
...@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ export default {
return new MRWidgetService(endpoints); return new MRWidgetService(endpoints);
}, },
checkStatus(cb) { checkStatus(cb) {
this.service.checkStatus() return this.service.checkStatus()
.then(res => res.json()) .then(res => res.json())
.then((res) => { .then((res) => {
this.handleNotification(res); this.handleNotification(res);
...@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ export default {
.catch(() => new Flash('Something went wrong. Please try again.')); .catch(() => new Flash('Something went wrong. Please try again.'));
}, },
initPolling() { initPolling() {
this.pollingInterval = new gl.SmartInterval({ this.pollingInterval = new SmartInterval({
callback: this.checkStatus, callback: this.checkStatus,
startingInterval: 10000, startingInterval: 10000,
maxInterval: 30000, maxInterval: 30000,
...@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ export default {
}); });
}, },
initDeploymentsPolling() { initDeploymentsPolling() {
this.deploymentsInterval = new gl.SmartInterval({ this.deploymentsInterval = new SmartInterval({
callback: this.fetchDeployments, callback: this.fetchDeployments,
startingInterval: 30000, startingInterval: 30000,
maxInterval: 120000, maxInterval: 120000,
...@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ export default {
} }
}, },
fetchDeployments() { fetchDeployments() {
this.service.fetchDeployments() return this.service.fetchDeployments()
.then(res => res.json()) .then(res => res.json())
.then((res) => { .then((res) => {
if (res.length) { if (res.length) {
...@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ export default { ...@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ export default {
required: false, required: false,
default: false, default: false,
}, },
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false,
label: { label: {
type: String, type: String,
required: false, required: false,
...@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ export default {
class="btn btn-align-content" class="btn btn-align-content"
@click="onClick" @click="onClick"
type="button" type="button"
:disabled="loading" :disabled="loading || disabled"
> >
<transition name="fade"> <transition name="fade">
<loading-icon <loading-icon
...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import GLForm from '../../../gl_form'; import GLForm from '../../../gl_form';
import markdownHeader from './header.vue'; import markdownHeader from './header.vue';
import markdownToolbar from './toolbar.vue'; import markdownToolbar from './toolbar.vue';
import icon from '../icon.vue';
export default { export default {
props: { props: {
...@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ ...@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
components: { components: {
markdownHeader, markdownHeader,
markdownToolbar, markdownToolbar,
}, },
computed: { computed: {
shouldShowReferencedUsers() { shouldShowReferencedUsers() {
...@@ -45,8 +47,10 @@ ...@@ -45,8 +47,10 @@
}, },
}, },
methods: { methods: {
toggleMarkdownPreview() { showPreviewTab() {
this.previewMarkdown = !this.previewMarkdown; if (this.previewMarkdown) return;
this.previewMarkdown = true;
/* /*
Can't use `$refs` as the component is technically in the parent component Can't use `$refs` as the component is technically in the parent component
...@@ -54,20 +58,22 @@ ...@@ -54,20 +58,22 @@
*/ */
const text = this.$slots.textarea[0].elm.value; const text = this.$slots.textarea[0].elm.value;
if (!this.previewMarkdown) { if (text) {
this.markdownPreview = '';
} else if (text) {
this.markdownPreviewLoading = true; this.markdownPreviewLoading = true;
this.$, { text }) this.$, { text })
.then(resp => resp.json()) .then(resp => resp.json())
.then((data) => { .then(data => this.renderMarkdown(data))
.catch(() => new Flash('Error loading markdown preview')); .catch(() => new Flash('Error loading markdown preview'));
} else { } else {
this.renderMarkdown(); this.renderMarkdown();
} }
}, },
showWriteTab() {
this.markdownPreview = '';
this.previewMarkdown = false;
renderMarkdown(data = {}) { renderMarkdown(data = {}) {
this.markdownPreviewLoading = false; this.markdownPreviewLoading = false;
this.markdownPreview = data.body || 'Nothing to preview.'; this.markdownPreview = data.body || 'Nothing to preview.';
...@@ -104,7 +110,8 @@ ...@@ -104,7 +110,8 @@
ref="gl-form"> ref="gl-form">
<markdown-header <markdown-header
:preview-markdown="previewMarkdown" :preview-markdown="previewMarkdown"
@toggle-markdown="toggleMarkdownPreview" /> @preview-markdown="showPreviewTab"
@write-markdown="showWriteTab" />
<div <div
class="md-write-holder" class="md-write-holder"
v-show="!previewMarkdown"> v-show="!previewMarkdown">
...@@ -114,10 +121,10 @@ ...@@ -114,10 +121,10 @@
class="zen-control zen-control-leave js-zen-leave" class="zen-control zen-control-leave js-zen-leave"
href="#" href="#"
aria-label="Enter zen mode"> aria-label="Enter zen mode">
<i <icon
class="fa fa-compress" name="screen-normal"
aria-hidden="true"> :size="32">
</i> </icon>
</a> </a>
<markdown-toolbar <markdown-toolbar
:markdown-docs-path="markdownDocsPath" :markdown-docs-path="markdownDocsPath"
<script> <script>
import tooltip from '../../directives/tooltip'; import tooltip from '../../directives/tooltip';
import toolbarButton from './toolbar_button.vue'; import toolbarButton from './toolbar_button.vue';
import icon from '../icon.vue';
export default { export default {
props: { props: {
...@@ -14,25 +15,34 @@ ...@@ -14,25 +15,34 @@
}, },
components: { components: {
toolbarButton, toolbarButton,
}, },
methods: { methods: {
toggleMarkdownPreview(e, form) { isMarkdownForm(form) {
if (form && !form.find('.js-vue-markdown-field').length) { return form && !form.find('.js-vue-markdown-field').length;
return; },
} else if ( {; previewMarkdownTab(event, form) {
} if (;
if (this.isMarkdownForm(form)) return;
writeMarkdownTab(event, form) {
if (;
if (this.isMarkdownForm(form)) return;
this.$emit('toggle-markdown'); this.$emit('write-markdown');
}, },
}, },
mounted() { mounted() {
$(document).on('markdown-preview:show.vue', this.toggleMarkdownPreview); $(document).on('markdown-preview:show.vue', this.previewMarkdownTab);
$(document).on('markdown-preview:hide.vue', this.toggleMarkdownPreview); $(document).on('markdown-preview:hide.vue', this.writeMarkdownTab);
}, },
beforeDestroy() { beforeDestroy() {
$(document).on('markdown-preview:show.vue', this.toggleMarkdownPreview); $(document).off('markdown-preview:show.vue', this.previewMarkdownTab);
$(document).off('markdown-preview:hide.vue', this.toggleMarkdownPreview); $(document).off('markdown-preview:hide.vue', this.writeMarkdownTab);
}, },
}; };
</script> </script>
...@@ -42,17 +52,19 @@ ...@@ -42,17 +52,19 @@
<ul class="nav-links clearfix"> <ul class="nav-links clearfix">
<li :class="{ active: !previewMarkdown }"> <li :class="{ active: !previewMarkdown }">
<a <a
href="#md-write-holder" href="#md-write-holder"
tabindex="-1" tabindex="-1"
@click.prevent="toggleMarkdownPreview($event)"> @click.prevent="writeMarkdownTab($event)">
Write Write
</a> </a>
</li> </li>
<li :class="{ active: previewMarkdown }"> <li :class="{ active: previewMarkdown }">
<a <a
href="#md-preview-holder" href="#md-preview-holder"
tabindex="-1" tabindex="-1"
@click.prevent="toggleMarkdownPreview($event)"> @click.prevent="previewMarkdownTab($event)">
Preview Preview
</a> </a>
</li> </li>
...@@ -70,7 +82,7 @@ ...@@ -70,7 +82,7 @@
tag="> " tag="> "
:prepend="true" :prepend="true"
button-title="Insert a quote" button-title="Insert a quote"
icon="quote-right" /> icon="quote" />
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tag="`" tag="`"
tag-block="```" tag-block="```"
...@@ -80,17 +92,17 @@ ...@@ -80,17 +92,17 @@
tag="* " tag="* "
:prepend="true" :prepend="true"
button-title="Add a bullet list" button-title="Add a bullet list"
icon="list-ul" /> icon="list-bulleted" />
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tag="1. " tag="1. "
:prepend="true" :prepend="true"
button-title="Add a numbered list" button-title="Add a numbered list"
icon="list-ol" /> icon="list-numbered" />
<toolbar-button <toolbar-button
tag="* [ ] " tag="* [ ] "
:prepend="true" :prepend="true"
button-title="Add a task list" button-title="Add a task list"
icon="check-square-o" /> icon="task-done" />
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<button <button
...@@ -101,10 +113,9 @@ ...@@ -101,10 +113,9 @@
tabindex="-1" tabindex="-1"
title="Go full screen" title="Go full screen"
type="button"> type="button">
<i <icon
aria-hidden="true" name="screen-full">
class="fa fa-arrows-alt fa-fw"> </icon>
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<script> <script>
import tooltip from '../../directives/tooltip'; import tooltip from '../../directives/tooltip';
import icon from '../icon.vue';
export default { export default {
props: { props: {
...@@ -26,14 +27,12 @@ ...@@ -26,14 +27,12 @@
default: false, default: false,
}, },
}, },
components: {
directives: { directives: {
tooltip, tooltip,
}, },
computed: {
iconClass() {
return `fa-${this.icon}`;
}; };
</script> </script>
...@@ -49,10 +48,8 @@ ...@@ -49,10 +48,8 @@
:data-md-prepend="prepend" :data-md-prepend="prepend"
:title="buttonTitle" :title="buttonTitle"
:aria-label="buttonTitle"> :aria-label="buttonTitle">
<i <icon
aria-hidden="true" :name="icon">
class="fa fa-fw" </icon>
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...@@ -23,16 +23,6 @@ ...@@ -23,16 +23,6 @@
@include webkit-prefix(animation-duration, 2s); @include webkit-prefix(animation-duration, 2s);
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transform-origin: center;
animation: spin 4s linear infinite reverse;
&.flipOutX, &.flipOutX,
&.flipOutY, &.flipOutY,
&.bounceIn, &.bounceIn,
...@@ -281,9 +271,3 @@ a { ...@@ -281,9 +271,3 @@ a {
transform: translateX(468px); transform: translateX(468px);
} }
} }
@keyframes spin {
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
...@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ ...@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
&.avatar-inline { &.avatar-inline {
float: none; float: none;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
margin-left: 4px; margin-left: 2px;
margin-bottom: 2px;
flex-shrink: 0; flex-shrink: 0;
-webkit-flex-shrink: 0; -webkit-flex-shrink: 0;
...@@ -60,10 +59,13 @@ ...@@ -60,10 +59,13 @@
&.avatar-tile { &.avatar-tile {
border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0;
border: 0; border: 0;
<<<<<<< HEAD
} }
&.avatar-placeholder { &.avatar-placeholder {
border: 0; border: 0;
>>>>>>> upstream/master
} }
&:not([href]):hover { &:not([href]):hover {
...@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ ...@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@
.btn-align-content { .btn-align-content {
display: flex; display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center; align-items: center;
} }
...@@ -352,77 +352,7 @@ ...@@ -352,77 +352,7 @@
.header-user .dropdown-menu-nav, .header-user .dropdown-menu-nav,
.header-new .dropdown-menu-nav { .header-new .dropdown-menu-nav {
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.search {
margin: 4px 8px 0;
form {
height: 32px;
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transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, background-color ease-in-out 0.15s;
&:hover {
box-shadow: none;
.search-input {
color: $white-light;
background: none;
transition: color ease-in-out 0.15s;
.search-input::placeholder {
transition: color ease-in-out 0.15s;
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font-size: 12px;
margin: -4px 4px -4px -4px;
line-height: 25px;
padding: 4px 8px;
border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px;
height: 32px;
transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s;
&.search-active {
form {
background-color: rgba($indigo-200, .3);
box-shadow: none;
.search-input {
color: $gl-text-color;
transition: color ease-in-out 0.15s;
.search-input::placeholder {
color: $gl-text-color-tertiary;
.search-input-wrap {
.clear-icon {
color: $gl-text-color-tertiary;
transition: color ease-in-out 0.15s;
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.search-input-wrap {
.clear-icon {
color: $white-light;
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...@@ -138,15 +138,23 @@ ...@@ -138,15 +138,23 @@
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svg {
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&:hover, &:hover,
&:focus { &:focus {
color: $gl-link-color; svg {
fill: $gl-link-color;
} }
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...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ...@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
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.modal-body { .modal-body {
background-color: $modal-body-bg;
position: relative; position: relative;
padding: #{3 * $grid-size} #{2 * $grid-size}; padding: #{3 * $grid-size} #{2 * $grid-size};
background-color: $modal-body-bg; background-color: $modal-body-bg;
...@@ -47,3 +48,7 @@ body.modal-open { ...@@ -47,3 +48,7 @@ body.modal-open {
.modal.popup-dialog { .modal.popup-dialog {
display: block; display: block;
} }
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> upstream/master
...@@ -367,64 +367,11 @@ ...@@ -367,64 +367,11 @@
} }
} }
.page-with-layout-nav { .project-item-select-holder.btn-group {
.right-sidebar { display: flex;
top: ($header-height + 1) * 2; max-width: 350px;
} overflow: hidden;
float: right;
&.page-with-sub-nav {
.right-sidebar {
top: ($header-height + 1) * 3;
&.affix {
top: $header-height;
.with-performance-bar .page-with-layout-nav {
.right-sidebar {
top: ($header-height + 1) * 2 + $performance-bar-height;
&.page-with-sub-nav {
.right-sidebar {
top: ($header-height + 1) * 3 + $performance-bar-height;
&.affix {
top: $header-height + $performance-bar-height;
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
.top-area {
flex-flow: row wrap;
.nav-controls {
$controls-margin: $btn-xs-side-margin - 2px;
flex: 0 0 100%;
&.controls-flex {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 0 $gl-padding-top;
.controls-item:last-child {
flex: 1 1 35%;
display: block;
width: 100%;
margin: $controls-margin;
.new-project-item-link { .new-project-item-link {
white-space: nowrap; white-space: nowrap;
...@@ -60,12 +60,17 @@ ...@@ -60,12 +60,17 @@
border-radius: $border-radius-base; border-radius: $border-radius-base;
border: 1px solid $dropdown-border-color; border: 1px solid $dropdown-border-color;
min-width: 175px; min-width: 175px;
color: $gl-grayish-blue; color: $gl-text-color;
z-index: 999;
} }
.select2-results .select2-result-label, .select2-drop-mask {
.select2-more-results { z-index: 998;
padding: 10px 15px; }
.select2-drop.select2-drop-above.select2-drop-active {
border-top: 1px solid $dropdown-border-color;
margin-top: -6px;
} }
.select2-container-active { .select2-container-active {
...@@ -158,18 +163,35 @@ ...@@ -158,18 +163,35 @@
} }
} }
.select2-results .select2-no-results,
.select2-results .select2-searching,
.select2-results .select2-ajax-error,
.select2-results .select2-selection-limit {
background: $gray-light;
display: list-item;
padding: 10px 15px;
.select2-results { .select2-results {
margin: 0; margin: 0;
padding: 10px 0; padding: #{$gl-padding / 2} 0;
.select2-selection-limit {
background: transparent;
padding: #{$gl-padding / 2} $gl-padding;
.select2-more-results {
padding: #{$gl-padding / 2} $gl-padding;
.select2-highlighted {
background: transparent;
color: $gl-text-color;
.select2-result-label {
background: $dropdown-item-hover-bg;
.select2-result {
padding: 0 1px;
li.select2-result-with-children > .select2-result-label { li.select2-result-with-children > .select2-result-label {
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold; font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
...@@ -190,8 +212,6 @@ ...@@ -190,8 +212,6 @@
} }
.select2-highlighted { .select2-highlighted {
background: $gl-link-color !important;
.group-result { .group-result {
.group-path { .group-path {
color: $white-light; color: $white-light;
...@@ -52,6 +52,37 @@ ...@@ -52,6 +52,37 @@
.label.label-gray { .label.label-gray {
background-color: $well-expand-item; background-color: $well-expand-item;
} }
.branches {
display: inline;
.branch-link {
margin-bottom: 2px;
.limit-box {
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
background-color: $red-100;
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
text-align: center;
&:hover {
background-color: $red-200;
.limit-icon {
margin: 0 8px;
.limit-message {
line-height: 16px;
margin-right: 8px;
font-size: 12px;
} }
.light-well { .light-well {
...@@ -57,7 +57,15 @@ ...@@ -57,7 +57,15 @@
padding: 5px; padding: 5px;
font-size: 36px; font-size: 36px;
svg {
fill: $gl-text-color;
&:hover { &:hover {
color: $black; color: $black;
svg {
fill: $black;
} }
} }
...@@ -3,3 +3,8 @@ ...@@ -3,3 +3,8 @@
background-color: $white-light; background-color: $white-light;
} }
} }
.cluster-applications-table {
// Wait for the Vue to kick-in and render the applications block
min-height: 302px;
...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ...@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color;
color: $gl-text-color; color: $gl-text-color;
line-height: 34px; line-height: 34px;
display: flex;
a { a {
color: $gl-text-color; color: $gl-text-color;
...@@ -416,12 +416,6 @@ ...@@ -416,12 +416,6 @@
padding: 0; padding: 0;
padding-bottom: 100%; padding-bottom: 100%;
.label-axis-text {
fill: $black;
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal;
font-size: 10px;
.text-metric-usage, .text-metric-usage,
.legend-metric-title { .legend-metric-title {
fill: $black; fill: $black;
...@@ -436,19 +430,33 @@ ...@@ -436,19 +430,33 @@
left: 0; left: 0;
top: 0; top: 0;
.label-axis-text, text {
.text-metric-usage { fill: $gl-text-color;
stroke-width: 0;
.text-metric-bold {
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
.label-axis-text {
fill: $black; fill: $black;
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal; font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal;
font-size: 12px; font-size: 10px;
} }
.legend-axis-text { .legend-axis-text {
fill: $black; fill: $black;
} }
.tick > text { .tick {
font-size: 12px; > line {
stroke: $gray-darker;
> text {
font-size: 12px;
} }
.text-metric-title { .text-metric-title {
...@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ ...@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@
top: $header-height; top: $header-height;
bottom: 0; bottom: 0;
right: 0; right: 0;
transition: width .3s; transition: width $right-sidebar-transition-duration;
background: $gray-light; background: $gray-light;
z-index: 200; z-index: 200;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
a, a:not(.btn-retry),
.btn-link { .btn-link {
color: inherit; color: inherit;
} }
...@@ -612,6 +612,8 @@ ...@@ -612,6 +612,8 @@
float: none; float: none;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
margin-top: 0; margin-top: 0;
height: auto;
align-self: center;
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) { @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
...@@ -625,6 +627,8 @@ ...@@ -625,6 +627,8 @@
padding-left: 45px; padding-left: 45px;
padding-right: 45px; padding-right: 45px;
line-height: 35px; line-height: 35px;
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
float: left; float: left;
...@@ -636,11 +640,12 @@ ...@@ -636,11 +640,12 @@
.issuable-actions { .issuable-actions {
@include new-style-dropdown; @include new-style-dropdown;
padding-top: 10px; align-self: center;
flex-shrink: 0;
flex: 0 0 auto;
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
float: right; float: right;
padding-top: 0;
} }
} }
...@@ -654,8 +659,9 @@ ...@@ -654,8 +659,9 @@
.issuable-meta { .issuable-meta {
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
line-height: 18px;
font-size: 14px; font-size: 14px;
line-height: 24px;
align-self: center;
} }
.js-issuable-selector-wrap { .js-issuable-selector-wrap {
...@@ -135,11 +135,24 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li { ...@@ -135,11 +135,24 @@ ul.related-merge-requests > li {
} }
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) { @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
.issue-btn-group { .detail-page-header,
width: 100%; .issuable-header {
display: block;
.issuable-meta {
line-height: 18px;
.btn { .issuable-actions {
margin-top: 10px;
.issue-btn-group {
width: 100%; width: 100%;
.btn {
width: 100%;
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -149,18 +149,6 @@ ...@@ -149,18 +149,6 @@
display: block; display: block;
} }
.mr-widget-body {
@include clearfix;
&.media > *:first-child {
margin-right: 10px;
.approve-btn {
margin-right: 5px;
.mr-widget-pipeline-graph { .mr-widget-pipeline-graph {
padding: 0 4px; padding: 0 4px;
...@@ -168,9 +156,8 @@ ...@@ -168,9 +156,8 @@
z-index: 300; z-index: 300;
} }
.ci-action-icon-wrapper svg { .ci-action-icon-wrapper {
width: 16px; line-height: 16px;
height: 16px;
} }
} }
...@@ -194,10 +181,6 @@ ...@@ -194,10 +181,6 @@
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
word-break: break-all; word-break: break-all;
&.media > *:first-child {
margin-right: 10px;
&.label-truncated { &.label-truncated {
position: relative; position: relative;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
...@@ -215,6 +198,18 @@ ...@@ -215,6 +198,18 @@
background-color: $gray-light; background-color: $gray-light;
} }
} }
.mr-widget-body {
@include clearfix;
&.media > *:first-child {
margin-right: 10px;
.approve-btn {
margin-right: 5px;
h4 { h4 {
float: left; float: left;
...@@ -238,10 +233,6 @@ ...@@ -238,10 +233,6 @@
margin-right: 7px; margin-right: 7px;
} }
.approve-btn {
margin-right: 5px;
label { label {
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal; font-weight: $gl-font-weight-normal;
} }
...@@ -334,17 +325,6 @@ ...@@ -334,17 +325,6 @@
} }
} }
.mini-pipeline-graph-dropdown-menu .mini-pipeline-graph-dropdown-item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.ci-status-icon {
top: 0;
margin-right: 10px;
.mr-widget-help { .mr-widget-help {
padding: 10px 16px 10px 48px; padding: 10px 16px 10px 48px;
font-style: italic; font-style: italic;
...@@ -111,10 +111,34 @@ ...@@ -111,10 +111,34 @@
margin: auto; margin: auto;
align-items: center; align-items: center;
<<<<<<< HEAD
.md-area { .md-area {
.icon {
margin-right: $issuable-warning-icon-margin;
+ .md-area {
>>>>>>> upstream/master
border-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0;
} }
.disabled-comment {
border: 0;
border-radius: $label-border-radius;
padding-top: $gl-vert-padding;
padding-bottom: $gl-vert-padding;
.icon svg {
position: relative;
top: 2px;
margin-right: $btn-xs-side-margin;
width: $gl-font-size;
height: $gl-font-size;
fill: $orange-600;
} }
.sidebar-item-value { .sidebar-item-value {
...@@ -476,6 +476,10 @@ ul.notes { ...@@ -476,6 +476,10 @@ ul.notes {
float: none; float: none;
margin-left: 0; margin-left: 0;
} }
.btn-group > .discussion-next-btn {
margin-left: -1px;
} }
.note-actions { .note-actions {
...@@ -850,6 +850,11 @@ a.linked-pipeline-mini-item { ...@@ -850,6 +850,11 @@ a.linked-pipeline-mini-item {
margin-left: 2px; margin-left: 2px;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
&::after {
content: '';
display: block;
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) { @media (max-width: $screen-xs-max) {
max-width: 60%; max-width: 60%;
} }
...@@ -298,3 +298,7 @@ ...@@ -298,3 +298,7 @@
width: 100%; width: 100%;
} }
} }
.multi-file-table-col-name {
width: 350px;
...@@ -78,10 +78,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover { ...@@ -78,10 +78,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
} }
.search-input-wrap { .search-input-wrap {
// Fallback if flexbox is not supported
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
.search-icon, .search-icon,
.clear-icon { .clear-icon {
position: absolute; position: absolute;
...@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ module IssuableActions ...@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ module IssuableActions
def show def show
respond_to do |format| respond_to do |format|
format.html do format.html
render show_view
format.json do format.json do
render json: serializer.represent(issuable, serializer: params[:serializer]) render json: serializer.represent(issuable, serializer: params[:serializer])
end end
...@@ -57,12 +55,11 @@ module IssuableActions ...@@ -57,12 +55,11 @@ module IssuableActions
def destroy def destroy
issuable.destroy issuable.destroy
destroy_method = "destroy_#{}".to_sym, current_user), issuable, current_user) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
name = issuable.human_class_name name = issuable.human_class_name
flash[:notice] = "The #{name} was successfully deleted." flash[:notice] = "The #{name} was successfully deleted."
index_path = polymorphic_path([@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, issuable.class]) index_path = polymorphic_path([parent, issuable.class])
respond_to do |format| respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to index_path } format.html { redirect_to index_path }
...@@ -154,10 +151,6 @@ module IssuableActions ...@@ -154,10 +151,6 @@ module IssuableActions
end end
end end
def show_view
def serializer def serializer
raise NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError
end end
...@@ -165,4 +158,8 @@ module IssuableActions ...@@ -165,4 +158,8 @@ module IssuableActions
def update_service def update_service
raise NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError
end end
def parent
@project || @group
end end
...@@ -4,58 +4,44 @@ module IssuableCollections ...@@ -4,58 +4,44 @@ module IssuableCollections
include Gitlab::IssuableMetadata include Gitlab::IssuableMetadata
included do included do
helper_method :issues_finder helper_method :finder
helper_method :merge_requests_finder
end end
private private
def set_issues_index def set_issuables_index
@collection_type = "Issue" @issuables = issuables_collection
@issues = issues_collection @issuables =[:page])
@issues =[:page]) @issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@issuables, collection_type)
@issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@issues, @collection_type) @total_pages = issuable_page_count
@total_pages = issues_page_count(@issues)
return if redirect_out_of_range(@issues, @total_pages) return if redirect_out_of_range(@total_pages)
if params[:label_name].present? if params[:label_name].present?
@labels =, project_id:, title: params[:label_name]).execute labels_params = { project_id:, title: params[:label_name] }
@labels =, labels_params).execute
end end
@users = [] @users = []
end if params[:assignee_id].present?
assignee = User.find_by_id(params[:assignee_id])
def issues_collection @users.push(assignee) if assignee
issues_finder.execute.preload(:project, :author, :assignees, :labels, :milestone, project: :namespace) end
def merge_requests_collection
head_pipeline: :project,
target_project: :namespace,
merge_request_diff: :merge_request_diff_commits
def issues_finder if params[:author_id].present?
@issues_finder ||= issuable_finder_for(IssuesFinder) author = User.find_by_id(params[:author_id])
@users.push(author) if author
end end
def merge_requests_finder def issuables_collection
@merge_requests_finder ||= issuable_finder_for(MergeRequestsFinder) finder.execute.preload(preload_for_collection)
end end
def redirect_out_of_range(relation, total_pages) def redirect_out_of_range(total_pages)
return false if return false if
out_of_range = relation.current_page > total_pages out_of_range = @issuables.current_page > total_pages
if out_of_range if out_of_range
redirect_to(url_for(params.merge(page: total_pages, only_path: true))) redirect_to(url_for(params.merge(page: total_pages, only_path: true)))
...@@ -64,12 +50,8 @@ module IssuableCollections ...@@ -64,12 +50,8 @@ module IssuableCollections
out_of_range out_of_range
end end
def issues_page_count(relation) def issuable_page_count
page_count_for_relation(relation, issues_finder.row_count) page_count_for_relation(@issuables, finder.row_count)
def merge_requests_page_count(relation)
page_count_for_relation(relation, merge_requests_finder.row_count)
end end
def page_count_for_relation(relation, row_count) def page_count_for_relation(relation, row_count)
...@@ -147,4 +129,31 @@ module IssuableCollections ...@@ -147,4 +129,31 @@ module IssuableCollections
else value else value
end end
end end
def finder
return @finder if defined?(@finder)
@finder = issuable_finder_for(@finder_type)
def collection_type
@collection_type ||= case finder
when IssuesFinder
when MergeRequestsFinder
def preload_for_collection
@preload_for_collection ||= case collection_type
when 'Issue'
[:project, :author, :assignees, :labels, :milestone, project: :namespace]
when 'MergeRequest'
:source_project, :target_project, :author, :assignee, :labels, :milestone,
head_pipeline: :project, target_project: :namespace, merge_request_diff: :merge_request_diff_commits
end end
...@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ module IssuesAction ...@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ module IssuesAction
include IssuableCollections include IssuableCollections
def issues def issues
@label = issues_finder.labels.first @finder_type = IssuesFinder
@label = finder.labels.first
@issues = issues_collection @issues = issuables_collection
.non_archived .non_archived
.page(params[:page]) .page(params[:page])
@collection_type = "Issue" @issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@issues, collection_type)
@issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@issues, @collection_type)
respond_to do |format| respond_to do |format|
format.html format.html
...@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ module MergeRequestsAction ...@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ module MergeRequestsAction
include IssuableCollections include IssuableCollections
def merge_requests def merge_requests
@label = merge_requests_finder.labels.first @finder_type = MergeRequestsFinder
@label = finder.labels.first
@merge_requests = merge_requests_collection @merge_requests =[:page])
@collection_type = "MergeRequest" @issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@merge_requests, collection_type)
@issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@merge_requests, @collection_type)
end end
private private
...@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ module NotesActions ...@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ module NotesActions
diff_discussion_html: diff_discussion_html(discussion), diff_discussion_html: diff_discussion_html(discussion),
discussion_html: discussion_html(discussion) discussion_html: discussion_html(discussion)
) )
attrs[:discussion_line_code] = discussion.line_code if discussion.diff_discussion?
end end
end end
else else
...@@ -3,10 +3,16 @@ class MetricsController < ActionController::Base ...@@ -3,10 +3,16 @@ class MetricsController < ActionController::Base
protect_from_forgery with: :exception protect_from_forgery with: :exception
before_action :validate_prometheus_metrics
def index def index
render text: metrics_service.metrics_text, content_type: 'text/plain; version=0.0.4' response = if Gitlab::Metrics.prometheus_metrics_enabled?
help_page = help_page_url('administration/monitoring/prometheus/gitlab_metrics',
anchor: 'gitlab-prometheus-metrics'
"# Metrics are disabled, see: #{help_page}\n"
render text: response, content_type: 'text/plain; version=0.0.4'
end end
private private
...@@ -14,8 +20,4 @@ class MetricsController < ActionController::Base ...@@ -14,8 +20,4 @@ class MetricsController < ActionController::Base
def metrics_service def metrics_service
@metrics_service ||= @metrics_service ||=
end end
def validate_prometheus_metrics
render_404 unless Gitlab::Metrics.prometheus_metrics_enabled?
end end
class Projects::Clusters::ApplicationsController < Projects::ApplicationController
before_action :cluster
before_action :application_class, only: [:create]
before_action :authorize_read_cluster!
before_action :authorize_create_cluster!, only: [:create]
def create, current_user,
application_class: @application_class,
cluster: @cluster).execute
head :no_content
rescue StandardError
head :bad_request
def cluster
@cluster ||= project.clusters.find(params[:id]) || render_404
def application_class
@application_class ||= Clusters::Cluster::APPLICATIONS[params[:application]] || render_404
class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController
before_action :cluster, except: [:login, :index, :new, :create] before_action :cluster, except: [:login, :index, :new, :new_gcp, :create]
before_action :authorize_read_cluster! before_action :authorize_read_cluster!
before_action :authorize_create_cluster!, only: [:new, :create] before_action :authorize_create_cluster!, only: [:new, :new_gcp, :create]
before_action :authorize_google_api, only: [:new, :create] before_action :authorize_google_api, only: [:new_gcp, :create]
before_action :authorize_update_cluster!, only: [:update] before_action :authorize_update_cluster!, only: [:update]
before_action :authorize_admin_cluster!, only: [:destroy] before_action :authorize_admin_cluster!, only: [:destroy]
...@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController
def login def login
begin begin
state = generate_session_key_redirect(namespace_project_clusters_url.to_s) state = generate_session_key_redirect(providers_gcp_new_namespace_project_clusters_url.to_s)
@authorize_url = @authorize_url =
nil, callback_google_api_auth_url, nil, callback_google_api_auth_url,
...@@ -27,18 +27,23 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -27,18 +27,23 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController
end end
def new def new
@cluster = project.build_cluster end
def new_gcp
@cluster = do |cluster|
end end
def create def create
@cluster = Ci::CreateClusterService @cluster = Clusters::CreateService
.new(project, current_user, create_params) .new(project, current_user, create_params)
.execute(token_in_session) .execute(token_in_session)
if @cluster.persisted? if @cluster.persisted?
redirect_to project_cluster_path(project, @cluster) redirect_to project_cluster_path(project, @cluster)
else else
render :new render :new_gcp
end end
end end
...@@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController
end end
def update def update
Ci::UpdateClusterService Clusters::UpdateService
.new(project, current_user, update_params) .new(project, current_user, update_params)
.execute(cluster) .execute(cluster)
...@@ -88,19 +93,19 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -88,19 +93,19 @@ class Projects::ClustersController < Projects::ApplicationController
def create_params def create_params
params.require(:cluster).permit( params.require(:cluster).permit(
:gcp_project_id, :enabled,
:gcp_cluster_zone, :name,
:gcp_cluster_name, :provider_type,
:gcp_cluster_size, provider_gcp_attributes: [
:gcp_machine_type, :gcp_project_id,
:project_namespace, :zone,
:enabled) :num_nodes,
end end
def update_params def update_params
params.require(:cluster).permit( params.require(:cluster).permit(:enabled)
end end
def authorize_google_api def authorize_google_api
...@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ class Projects::CommitController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ class Projects::CommitController < Projects::ApplicationController
before_action :define_note_vars, only: [:show, :diff_for_path] before_action :define_note_vars, only: [:show, :diff_for_path]
before_action :authorize_edit_tree!, only: [:revert, :cherry_pick] before_action :authorize_edit_tree!, only: [:revert, :cherry_pick]
def show def show
apply_diff_view_cookie! apply_diff_view_cookie!
...@@ -56,8 +58,14 @@ class Projects::CommitController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -56,8 +58,14 @@ class Projects::CommitController < Projects::ApplicationController
end end
def branches def branches
@branches = @project.repository.branch_names_contains( # branch_names_contains/tag_names_contains can take a long time when there are thousands of
@tags = @project.repository.tag_names_contains( # branches/tags - each `git branch --contains xxx` request can consume a cpu core.
# so only do the query when there are a manageable number of branches/tags
@branches_limit_exceeded = @project.repository.branch_count > BRANCH_SEARCH_LIMIT
@branches = @branches_limit_exceeded ? [] : @project.repository.branch_names_contains(
@tags_limit_exceeded = @project.repository.tag_count > BRANCH_SEARCH_LIMIT
@tags = @tags_limit_exceeded ? [] : @project.repository.tag_names_contains(
render layout: false render layout: false
end end
...@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
prepend_before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:new, :export_csv] prepend_before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:new, :export_csv]
before_action :check_issues_available! before_action :check_issues_available!
<<<<<<< HEAD
before_action :issue, except: [:index, :new, :create, :bulk_update, :export_csv] before_action :issue, except: [:index, :new, :create, :bulk_update, :export_csv]
before_action :set_issues_index, only: [:index] before_action :set_issues_index, only: [:index]
before_action :issue, except: [:index, :new, :create, :bulk_update]
before_action :set_issuables_index, only: [:index]
>>>>>>> upstream/master
# Allow write(create) issue # Allow write(create) issue
before_action :authorize_create_issue!, only: [:new, :create] before_action :authorize_create_issue!, only: [:new, :create]
...@@ -26,15 +31,7 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -26,15 +31,7 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
respond_to :html respond_to :html
def index def index
if params[:assignee_id].present? @issues = @issuables
assignee = User.find_by_id(params[:assignee_id])
@users.push(assignee) if assignee
if params[:author_id].present?
author = User.find_by_id(params[:author_id])
@users.push(author) if author
respond_to do |format| respond_to do |format|
format.html format.html
...@@ -254,4 +251,9 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -254,4 +251,9 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
update_params = issue_params.merge(spammable_params) update_params = issue_params.merge(spammable_params), current_user, update_params), current_user, update_params)
end end
def set_issuables_index
@finder_type = IssuesFinder
end end
...@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationController < Projects::ApplicationCont ...@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationController < Projects::ApplicationCont
before_action :check_merge_requests_available! before_action :check_merge_requests_available!
before_action :merge_request before_action :merge_request
before_action :authorize_read_merge_request! before_action :authorize_read_merge_request!
before_action :ensure_ref_fetched
private private
...@@ -12,12 +11,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationController < Projects::ApplicationCont ...@@ -12,12 +11,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationController < Projects::ApplicationCont
@issuable = @merge_request ||= @project.merge_requests.find_by!(iid: params[:id]) @issuable = @merge_request ||= @project.merge_requests.find_by!(iid: params[:id])
end end
# Make sure merge requests created before 8.0
# have head file in refs/merge-requests/
def ensure_ref_fetched
@merge_request.ensure_ref_fetched if Gitlab::Database.read_write?
def merge_request_params def merge_request_params
params.require(:merge_request).permit(merge_request_params_attributes) params.require(:merge_request).permit(merge_request_params_attributes)
end end
...@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController < Projects::MergeRequests::Ap ...@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController < Projects::MergeRequests::Ap
prepend ::EE::Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController prepend ::EE::Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController
skip_before_action :merge_request skip_before_action :merge_request
skip_before_action :ensure_ref_fetched
before_action :authorize_create_merge_request! before_action :authorize_create_merge_request!
before_action :apply_diff_view_cookie!, only: [:diffs, :diff_for_path] before_action :apply_diff_view_cookie!, only: [:diffs, :diff_for_path]
before_action :build_merge_request, except: [:create] before_action :build_merge_request, except: [:create]
...@@ -9,37 +9,15 @@ class Projects::MergeRequestsController < Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationCo ...@@ -9,37 +9,15 @@ class Projects::MergeRequestsController < Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationCo
prepend ::EE::Projects::MergeRequestsController prepend ::EE::Projects::MergeRequestsController
skip_before_action :merge_request, only: [:index, :bulk_update] skip_before_action :merge_request, only: [:index, :bulk_update]
skip_before_action :ensure_ref_fetched, only: [:index, :bulk_update]
before_action :authorize_update_issuable!, only: [:close, :edit, :update, :remove_wip, :sort] before_action :authorize_update_issuable!, only: [:close, :edit, :update, :remove_wip, :sort]
before_action :set_issuables_index, only: [:index]
before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:assign_related_issues] before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:assign_related_issues]
def index def index
@collection_type = "MergeRequest" @merge_requests = @issuables
@merge_requests = merge_requests_collection
@merge_requests =[:page])
@merge_requests = @merge_requests.preload(merge_request_diff: :merge_request)
@issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@merge_requests, @collection_type)
@total_pages = merge_requests_page_count(@merge_requests)
return if redirect_out_of_range(@merge_requests, @total_pages)
if params[:label_name].present?
labels_params = { project_id:, title: params[:label_name] }
@labels =, labels_params).execute
@users = []
if params[:assignee_id].present?
assignee = User.find_by_id(params[:assignee_id])
@users.push(assignee) if assignee
if params[:author_id].present?
author = User.find_by_id(params[:author_id])
@users.push(author) if author
respond_to do |format| respond_to do |format|
format.html format.html
...@@ -54,7 +32,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequestsController < Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationCo ...@@ -54,7 +32,6 @@ class Projects::MergeRequestsController < Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationCo
def show def show
validates_merge_request validates_merge_request
close_merge_request_without_source_project close_merge_request_without_source_project
check_if_can_be_merged check_if_can_be_merged
...@@ -349,4 +326,9 @@ class Projects::MergeRequestsController < Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationCo ...@@ -349,4 +326,9 @@ class Projects::MergeRequestsController < Projects::MergeRequests::ApplicationCo
@target_project = @merge_request.target_project @target_project = @merge_request.target_project
@target_branches = @merge_request.target_project.repository.branch_names @target_branches = @merge_request.target_project.repository.branch_names
end end
def set_issuables_index
@finder_type = MergeRequestsFinder
end end
...@@ -60,13 +60,19 @@ class Projects::RefsController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -60,13 +60,19 @@ class Projects::RefsController < Projects::ApplicationController
file = @path ? File.join(@path, : file = @path ? File.join(@path, :
last_commit = @repo.last_commit_for_path(, file) last_commit = @repo.last_commit_for_path(, file)
commit_path = project_commit_path(@project, last_commit) if last_commit commit_path = project_commit_path(@project, last_commit) if last_commit
<<<<<<< HEAD
path_lock = show_path_locks && @project.find_path_lock(file) path_lock = show_path_locks && @project.find_path_lock(file)
>>>>>>> upstream/master
{ {
file_name:, file_name:,
commit: last_commit, commit: last_commit,
type: content.type, type: content.type,
<<<<<<< HEAD
lock_label: path_lock && text_label_for_lock(path_lock, file), lock_label: path_lock && text_label_for_lock(path_lock, file),
>>>>>>> upstream/master
commit_path: commit_path commit_path: commit_path
} }
end end
...@@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ class ProjectsController < Projects::ApplicationController ...@@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ class ProjectsController < Projects::ApplicationController
@project_wiki = @project_wiki =
@wiki_home = @project_wiki.find_page('home', params[:version_id]) @wiki_home = @project_wiki.find_page('home', params[:version_id])
elsif @project.feature_available?(:issues, current_user) elsif @project.feature_available?(:issues, current_user)
@issues =[:page]) @finder_type = IssuesFinder
@issues =[:page])
@collection_type = 'Issue' @collection_type = 'Issue'
@issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@issues, @collection_type) @issuable_meta_data = issuable_meta_data(@issues, @collection_type)
end end
...@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ ...@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
# Anonymous users will never return any `owned` groups. They will return all # Anonymous users will never return any `owned` groups. They will return all
# public groups instead, even if `all_available` is set to false. # public groups instead, even if `all_available` is set to false.
class GroupsFinder < UnionFinder class GroupsFinder < UnionFinder
include CustomAttributesFilter
def initialize(current_user = nil, params = {}) def initialize(current_user = nil, params = {})
@current_user = current_user @current_user = current_user
@params = params @params = params
...@@ -22,8 +24,12 @@ class GroupsFinder < UnionFinder ...@@ -22,8 +24,12 @@ class GroupsFinder < UnionFinder
def execute def execute
items = do |item| items = do |item|
by_parent(item) item = by_parent(item)
item = by_custom_attributes(item)
end end
find_union(items, Group).with_route.order_id_desc find_union(items, Group).with_route.order_id_desc
end end
...@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ ...@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# non_archived: boolean # non_archived: boolean
# #
class ProjectsFinder < UnionFinder class ProjectsFinder < UnionFinder
include CustomAttributesFilter
attr_accessor :params attr_accessor :params
attr_reader :current_user, :project_ids_relation attr_reader :current_user, :project_ids_relation
...@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ class ProjectsFinder < UnionFinder ...@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ class ProjectsFinder < UnionFinder
collection = by_tags(collection) collection = by_tags(collection)
collection = by_search(collection) collection = by_search(collection)
collection = by_archived(collection) collection = by_archived(collection)
collection = by_custom_attributes(collection)
sort(collection) sort(collection)
end end
...@@ -60,23 +60,33 @@ module CommitsHelper ...@@ -60,23 +60,33 @@ module CommitsHelper
branches.include?(project.default_branch) ? branches.delete(project.default_branch) : branches.pop branches.include?(project.default_branch) ? branches.delete(project.default_branch) : branches.pop
end end
# Returns a link formatted as a commit branch link
def commit_branch_link(url, text)
link_to(url, class: 'label label-gray ref-name branch-link') do
icon('code-fork') + " #{text}"
# Returns the sorted alphabetically links to branches, separated by a comma # Returns the sorted alphabetically links to branches, separated by a comma
def commit_branches_links(project, branches) def commit_branches_links(project, branches) do |branch| do |branch|
link_to(project_ref_path(project, branch), class: "label label-gray ref-name") do commit_branch_link(project_ref_path(project, branch), branch)
icon('code-fork') + " #{branch}" end.join(' ').html_safe
end end
end.join(" ").html_safe
# Returns a link formatted as a commit tag link
def commit_tag_link(url, text)
link_to(url, class: 'label label-gray ref-name') do
icon('tag') + " #{text}"
end end
# Returns the sorted links to tags, separated by a comma # Returns the sorted links to tags, separated by a comma
def commit_tags_links(project, tags) def commit_tags_links(project, tags)
sorted = VersionSorter.rsort(tags) sorted = VersionSorter.rsort(tags) do |tag| do |tag|
link_to(project_ref_path(project, tag), class: "label label-gray ref-name") do commit_tag_link(project_ref_path(project, tag), tag)
icon('tag') + " #{tag}" end.join(' ').html_safe
end.join(" ").html_safe
end end
def link_to_browse_code(project, commit) def link_to_browse_code(project, commit)
...@@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ module IssuablesHelper ...@@ -250,8 +250,6 @@ module IssuablesHelper
end end
def issuables_count_for_state(issuable_type, state) def issuables_count_for_state(issuable_type, state)
finder = public_send("#{issuable_type}_finder") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend[state][state]
end end
...@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ module MarkupHelper ...@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ module MarkupHelper
data: data, data: data,
title: options[:title], title: options[:title],
aria: { label: options[:title] } do aria: { label: options[:title] } do
icon(options[:icon]) sprite_icon(options[:icon])
end end
end end
module Clusters
module Applications
class Helm < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'clusters_applications_helm'
include ::Clusters::Concerns::ApplicationStatus
belongs_to :cluster, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster', foreign_key: :cluster_id
default_value_for :version, Gitlab::Kubernetes::Helm::HELM_VERSION
validates :cluster, presence: true
after_initialize :set_initial_status
def self.application_name
def set_initial_status
return unless not_installable?
self.status = 'installable' if cluster&.platform_kubernetes_active?
def name
def install_command, true)
module Clusters
module Applications
class Ingress < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'clusters_applications_ingress'
include ::Clusters::Concerns::ApplicationStatus
belongs_to :cluster, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster', foreign_key: :cluster_id
validates :cluster, presence: true
default_value_for :ingress_type, :nginx
default_value_for :version, :nginx
after_initialize :set_initial_status
enum ingress_type: {
nginx: 1
def self.application_name
def set_initial_status
return unless not_installable?
self.status = 'installable' if cluster&.application_helm_installed?
def name
def chart
def install_command, false, chart)
module Clusters
class Cluster < ActiveRecord::Base
include Presentable
self.table_name = 'clusters'
Applications::Helm.application_name => Applications::Helm,
Applications::Ingress.application_name => Applications::Ingress
belongs_to :user
has_many :cluster_projects, class_name: 'Clusters::Project'
has_many :projects, through: :cluster_projects, class_name: '::Project'
# we force autosave to happen when we save `Cluster` model
has_one :provider_gcp, class_name: 'Clusters::Providers::Gcp', autosave: true
# We have to ":destroy" it today to ensure that we clean also the Kubernetes Integration
has_one :platform_kubernetes, class_name: 'Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes', autosave: true, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent
has_one :application_helm, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Helm'
has_one :application_ingress, class_name: 'Clusters::Applications::Ingress'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :provider_gcp, update_only: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :platform_kubernetes, update_only: true
validates :name, cluster_name: true
validate :restrict_modification, on: :update
# TODO: Move back this into Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes in 10.3
# We need callback here because `enabled` belongs to Clusters::Cluster
# Callbacks in Clusters::Platforms::Kubernetes will not be called after update
after_save :update_kubernetes_integration!
delegate :status, to: :provider, allow_nil: true
delegate :status_reason, to: :provider, allow_nil: true
delegate :on_creation?, to: :provider, allow_nil: true
delegate :update_kubernetes_integration!, to: :platform, allow_nil: true
delegate :active?, to: :platform_kubernetes, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
delegate :installed?, to: :application_helm, prefix: true, allow_nil: true
enum platform_type: {
kubernetes: 1
enum provider_type: {
user: 0,
gcp: 1
scope :enabled, -> { where(enabled: true) }
scope :disabled, -> { where(enabled: false) }
def status_name
if provider
def applications
application_helm || build_application_helm,
application_ingress || build_application_ingress
def provider
return provider_gcp if gcp?
def platform
return platform_kubernetes if kubernetes?
def first_project
return @first_project if defined?(@first_project)
@first_project = projects.first
alias_method :project, :first_project
def kubeclient
platform_kubernetes.kubeclient if kubernetes?
def restrict_modification
if provider&.on_creation?
errors.add(:base, "cannot modify during creation")
return false
module Clusters
module Concerns
module ApplicationStatus
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
state_machine :status, initial: :not_installable do
state :not_installable, value: -2
state :errored, value: -1
state :installable, value: 0
state :scheduled, value: 1
state :installing, value: 2
state :installed, value: 3
event :make_scheduled do
transition [:installable, :errored] => :scheduled
event :make_installing do
transition [:scheduled] => :installing
event :make_installed do
transition [:installing] => :installed
event :make_errored do
transition any => :errored
before_transition any => [:scheduled] do |app_status, _|
app_status.status_reason = nil
before_transition any => [:errored] do |app_status, transition|
status_reason = transition.args.first
app_status.status_reason = status_reason if status_reason
module Clusters
module Platforms
class Kubernetes < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'cluster_platforms_kubernetes'
belongs_to :cluster, inverse_of: :platform_kubernetes, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster'
attr_encrypted :password,
mode: :per_attribute_iv,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc'
attr_encrypted :token,
mode: :per_attribute_iv,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc'
before_validation :enforce_namespace_to_lower_case
validates :namespace,
allow_blank: true,
length: 1..63,
format: {
with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex,
message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message
# We expect to be `active?` only when enabled and cluster is created (the api_url is assigned)
validates :api_url, url: true, presence: true
validates :token, presence: true
# TODO: Glue code till we migrate Kubernetes Integration into Platforms::Kubernetes
after_destroy :destroy_kubernetes_integration!
alias_attribute :ca_pem, :ca_cert
delegate :project, to: :cluster, allow_nil: true
delegate :enabled?, to: :cluster, allow_nil: true
class << self
def namespace_for_project(project)
def actual_namespace
if namespace.present?
def default_namespace
self.class.namespace_for_project(project) if project
def kubeclient
@kubeclient ||= kubernetes_service.kubeclient if manages_kubernetes_service?
def update_kubernetes_integration!
raise 'Kubernetes service already configured' unless manages_kubernetes_service?
# This is neccesary, otheriwse enabled? returns true even though cluster updated with enabled: false
active: enabled?,
api_url: api_url,
namespace: namespace,
token: token,
ca_pem: ca_cert
def active?
def enforce_namespace_to_lower_case
self.namespace = self.namespace&.downcase
# TODO: glue code till we migrate Kubernetes Service into Platforms::Kubernetes class
def manages_kubernetes_service?
return true unless kubernetes_service&.active?
kubernetes_service.api_url == api_url
def destroy_kubernetes_integration!
return unless manages_kubernetes_service?
def kubernetes_service
@kubernetes_service ||= project&.kubernetes_service
def ensure_kubernetes_service
@kubernetes_service ||= kubernetes_service || project&.build_kubernetes_service
module Clusters
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'cluster_projects'
belongs_to :cluster, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster'
belongs_to :project, class_name: '::Project'
module Clusters
module Providers
class Gcp < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'cluster_providers_gcp'
belongs_to :cluster, inverse_of: :provider_gcp, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster'
default_value_for :zone, 'us-central1-a'
default_value_for :num_nodes, 3
default_value_for :machine_type, 'n1-standard-2'
attr_encrypted :access_token,
mode: :per_attribute_iv,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc'
validates :gcp_project_id,
length: 1..63,
format: {
with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex,
message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message
validates :zone, presence: true
validates :num_nodes,
presence: true,
numericality: {
only_integer: true,
greater_than: 0
state_machine :status, initial: :scheduled do
state :scheduled, value: 1
state :creating, value: 2
state :created, value: 3
state :errored, value: 4
event :make_creating do
transition any - [:creating] => :creating
event :make_created do
transition any - [:created] => :created
event :make_errored do
transition any - [:errored] => :errored
before_transition any => [:errored, :created] do |provider|
provider.access_token = nil
provider.operation_id = nil
before_transition any => [:creating] do |provider, transition|
operation_id = transition.args.first
raise'operation_id is required') unless operation_id.present?
provider.operation_id = operation_id
before_transition any => [:errored] do |provider, transition|
status_reason = transition.args.first
provider.status_reason = status_reason if status_reason
def on_creation?
scheduled? || creating?
def api_client
return unless access_token
@api_client ||=, nil)
...@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ class CommitStatus < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ class CommitStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
delegate :sha, :short_sha, to: :pipeline delegate :sha, :short_sha, to: :pipeline
validates :pipeline, presence: true, unless: :importing? validates :pipeline, presence: true, unless: :importing?
validates :name, presence: true, unless: :importing? validates :name, presence: true, unless: :importing?
alias_attribute :author, :user alias_attribute :author, :user
...@@ -46,6 +45,17 @@ class CommitStatus < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -46,6 +45,17 @@ class CommitStatus < ActiveRecord::Base
runner_system_failure: 4 runner_system_failure: 4
} }
# We still create some CommitStatuses outside of CreatePipelineService.
# These are pages deployments and external statuses.
before_create unless: :importing? do, user).execute(self) do |stage|
self.run_after_commit { StageUpdateWorker.perform_async( }
state_machine :status do state_machine :status do
event :process do event :process do
transition [:skipped, :manual] => :created transition [:skipped, :manual] => :created
...@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ module IgnorableColumn ...@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ module IgnorableColumn
@ignored_columns ||= @ignored_columns ||=
end end
def ignore_column(name) def ignore_column(*names)
ignored_columns << name.to_s ignored_columns.merge(
end end
end end
end end
...@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ module Issuable ...@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ module Issuable
include Importable include Importable
include Editable include Editable
include AfterCommitQueue include AfterCommitQueue
include Sortable
include CreatedAtFilterable
# This object is used to gather issuable meta data for displaying # This object is used to gather issuable meta data for displaying
# upvotes, downvotes, notes and closing merge requests count for issues and merge requests # upvotes, downvotes, notes and closing merge requests count for issues and merge requests
...@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class Environment < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class Environment < ActiveRecord::Base
message: Gitlab::Regex.environment_slug_regex_message } message: Gitlab::Regex.environment_slug_regex_message }
validates :external_url, validates :external_url,
uniqueness: { scope: :project_id },
length: { maximum: 255 }, length: { maximum: 255 },
allow_nil: true, allow_nil: true,
addressable_url: true addressable_url: true
module Gcp
class Cluster < ActiveRecord::Base
extend Gitlab::Gcp::Model
include Presentable
belongs_to :project, inverse_of: :cluster
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :service
scope :enabled, -> { where(enabled: true) }
scope :disabled, -> { where(enabled: false) }
default_value_for :gcp_cluster_zone, 'us-central1-a'
default_value_for :gcp_cluster_size, 3
default_value_for :gcp_machine_type, 'n1-standard-4'
attr_encrypted :password,
mode: :per_attribute_iv,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc'
attr_encrypted :kubernetes_token,
mode: :per_attribute_iv,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc'
attr_encrypted :gcp_token,
mode: :per_attribute_iv,
key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base,
algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc'
validates :gcp_project_id,
length: 1..63,
format: {
with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex,
message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message
validates :gcp_cluster_name,
length: 1..63,
format: {
with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex,
message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message
validates :gcp_cluster_zone, presence: true
validates :gcp_cluster_size,
presence: true,
numericality: {
only_integer: true,
greater_than: 0
validates :project_namespace,
allow_blank: true,
length: 1..63,
format: {
with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex,
message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message
# if we do not do status transition we prevent change
validate :restrict_modification, on: :update, unless: :status_changed?
state_machine :status, initial: :scheduled do
state :scheduled, value: 1
state :creating, value: 2
state :created, value: 3
state :errored, value: 4
event :make_creating do
transition any - [:creating] => :creating
event :make_created do
transition any - [:created] => :created
event :make_errored do
transition any - [:errored] => :errored
before_transition any => [:errored, :created] do |cluster|
cluster.gcp_token = nil
cluster.gcp_operation_id = nil
before_transition any => [:errored] do |cluster, transition|
status_reason = transition.args.first
cluster.status_reason = status_reason if status_reason
def project_namespace_placeholder
def on_creation?
scheduled? || creating?
def api_url
'https://' + endpoint if endpoint
def restrict_modification
if on_creation?
errors.add(:base, "cannot modify during creation")
return false
...@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Group < Namespace ...@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Group < Namespace
has_many :notification_settings, dependent: :destroy, as: :source # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :notification_settings, dependent: :destroy, as: :source # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent
has_many :labels, class_name: 'GroupLabel' has_many :labels, class_name: 'GroupLabel'
has_many :variables, class_name: 'Ci::GroupVariable' has_many :variables, class_name: 'Ci::GroupVariable'
has_many :custom_attributes, class_name: 'GroupCustomAttribute'
has_many :ldap_group_links, foreign_key: 'group_id', dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :ldap_group_links, foreign_key: 'group_id', dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent
has_many :hooks, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'GroupHook' # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :hooks, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'GroupHook' # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent
class GroupCustomAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
validates :group, :key, :value, presence: true
validates :key, uniqueness: { scope: [:group_id] }
...@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
include Issuable include Issuable
include Noteable include Noteable
include Referable include Referable
include Sortable
include Spammable include Spammable
include Elastic::IssuesSearch include Elastic::IssuesSearch
include FasterCacheKeys include FasterCacheKeys
include RelativePositioning include RelativePositioning
include CreatedAtFilterable
include TimeTrackable include TimeTrackable
...@@ -3,13 +3,16 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -3,13 +3,16 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
include Issuable include Issuable
include Noteable include Noteable
include Referable include Referable
<<<<<<< HEAD
include Sortable include Sortable
include Elastic::MergeRequestsSearch include Elastic::MergeRequestsSearch
>>>>>>> upstream/master
include IgnorableColumn include IgnorableColumn
include CreatedAtFilterable
include TimeTrackable include TimeTrackable
ignore_column :locked_at ignore_column :locked_at,
include ::EE::MergeRequest include ::EE::MergeRequest
...@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
end end
def create_merge_request_diff def create_merge_request_diff
fetch_ref fetch_ref!
# n+1: # n+1:
Gitlab::GitalyClient.allow_n_plus_1_calls do Gitlab::GitalyClient.allow_n_plus_1_calls do
...@@ -836,29 +839,14 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -836,29 +839,14 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
end end
end end
def fetch_ref def fetch_ref!
write_ref target_project.repository.fetch_source_branch!(source_project.repository, source_branch, ref_path)
update_column(:ref_fetched, true)
end end
def ref_path def ref_path
"refs/#{Repository::REF_MERGE_REQUEST}/#{iid}/head" "refs/#{Repository::REF_MERGE_REQUEST}/#{iid}/head"
end end
def ref_fetched?
super ||
computed_value = project.repository.ref_exists?(ref_path)
update_column(:ref_fetched, true) if computed_value
def ensure_ref_fetched
fetch_ref unless ref_fetched?
def in_locked_state def in_locked_state
begin begin
lock_mr lock_mr
...@@ -1004,10 +992,4 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -1004,10 +992,4 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
project.merge_requests.merged.where(author_id: author_id).empty? project.merge_requests.merged.where(author_id: author_id).empty?
end end
def write_ref
target_project.repository.fetch_source_branch(source_project.repository, source_branch, ref_path)
end end
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Namespace < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Namespace < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :path, validates :path,
presence: true, presence: true,
length: { maximum: 255 }, length: { maximum: 255 },
dynamic_path: true namespace_path: true
validate :nesting_level_allowed validate :nesting_level_allowed
...@@ -190,7 +190,10 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -190,7 +190,10 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :import_data, class_name: 'ProjectImportData', inverse_of: :project, autosave: true has_one :import_data, class_name: 'ProjectImportData', inverse_of: :project, autosave: true
has_one :project_feature, inverse_of: :project has_one :project_feature, inverse_of: :project
has_one :statistics, class_name: 'ProjectStatistics' has_one :statistics, class_name: 'ProjectStatistics'
has_one :cluster, class_name: 'Gcp::Cluster', inverse_of: :project
has_one :cluster_project, class_name: 'Clusters::Project'
has_one :cluster, through: :cluster_project, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster'
has_many :clusters, through: :cluster_project, class_name: 'Clusters::Cluster'
# Container repositories need to remove data from the container registry, # Container repositories need to remove data from the container registry,
# which is not managed by the DB. Hence we're still using dependent: :destroy # which is not managed by the DB. Hence we're still using dependent: :destroy
...@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :active_runners, -> { active }, through: :runner_projects, source: :runner, class_name: 'Ci::Runner' has_many :active_runners, -> { active }, through: :runner_projects, source: :runner, class_name: 'Ci::Runner'
has_one :auto_devops, class_name: 'ProjectAutoDevops' has_one :auto_devops, class_name: 'ProjectAutoDevops'
has_many :custom_attributes, class_name: 'ProjectCustomAttribute'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :variables, allow_destroy: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :variables, allow_destroy: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_feature, update_only: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_feature, update_only: true
...@@ -244,10 +248,8 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base ...@@ -244,10 +248,8 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
message: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex_message } message: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex_message }
validates :path, validates :path,
presence: true, presence: true,
dynamic_path: true, project_path: true,
length: { maximum: 255 }, length: { maximum: 255 },
format: { with: Gitlab::PathRegex.project_path_format_regex,
message: Gitlab::PathRegex.project_path_format_message },
uniqueness: { scope: :namespace_id } uniqueness: { scope: :namespace_id }
validates :namespace, presence: true validates :namespace, presence: true
class ProjectCustomAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
validates :project, :key, :value, presence: true
validates :key, uniqueness: { scope: [:project_id] }
...@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module ChatMessage ...@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module ChatMessage
private private
def message def message
if state == 'opened' if opened_issue?
"[#{project_link}] Issue #{state} by #{user_combined_name}" "[#{project_link}] Issue #{state} by #{user_combined_name}"
else else
"[#{project_link}] Issue #{issue_link} #{state} by #{user_combined_name}" "[#{project_link}] Issue #{issue_link} #{state} by #{user_combined_name}"
...@@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ class KubernetesService < DeploymentService ...@@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ class KubernetesService < DeploymentService
{ pods: read_pods } { pods: read_pods }
end end
def kubeclient
@kubeclient ||= build_kubeclient!
TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER = 'Kubernetes namespace'.freeze TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER = 'Kubernetes namespace'.freeze
private private
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