Commit 25e85e51 authored by Justin Ho's avatar Justin Ho

Remove admin_integrations_moved user callout

Was introduced before %"13.0" and can now be removed
parent 9fd32bec
import initIntegrationsList from '~/integrations/index';
import PersistentUserCallout from '~/persistent_user_callout';
const callout = document.querySelector('.js-admin-integrations-moved');
# frozen_string_literal: true
module UserCalloutsHelper
ADMIN_INTEGRATIONS_MOVED = 'admin_integrations_moved'
GKE_CLUSTER_INTEGRATION = 'gke_cluster_integration'
GCP_SIGNUP_OFFER = 'gcp_signup_offer'
SUGGEST_POPOVER_DISMISSED = 'suggest_popover_dismissed'
......@@ -13,10 +12,6 @@ module UserCalloutsHelper
REGISTRATION_ENABLED_CALLOUT = 'registration_enabled_callout'
UNFINISHED_TAG_CLEANUP_CALLOUT = 'unfinished_tag_cleanup_callout'
def show_admin_integrations_moved?
def show_gke_cluster_integration_callout?(project)
active_nav_link?(controller: sidebar_operations_paths) &&
can?(current_user, :create_cluster, project) &&
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ class UserCallout < ApplicationRecord
account_recovery_regular_check: 12, # EE-only
webhooks_moved: 13,
service_templates_deprecated_callout: 14,
admin_integrations_moved: 15,
web_ide_alert_dismissed: 16, # no longer in use
active_user_count_threshold: 18, # EE-only
buy_pipeline_minutes_notification_dot: 19, # EE-only
......@@ -2,17 +2,6 @@
- page_title _('Integrations')
- @content_class = 'limit-container-width' unless fluid_layout
- if show_admin_integrations_moved?{ role: 'alert', data: { feature_id: UserCalloutsHelper::ADMIN_INTEGRATIONS_MOVED, dismiss_endpoint: user_callouts_path } }
= sprite_icon('information-o', css_class: 'gl-icon gl-alert-icon gl-alert-icon-no-title'){ type: 'button', 'aria-label' => _('Dismiss') }
= sprite_icon('close', css_class: 'gl-icon')
.gl-alert-body s_('AdminSettings|Some settings have moved')
= html_escape_once(s_('AdminSettings|PlantUML, Slack application, Third party offers, Snowplow, Amazon EKS have moved to Settings &gt; General.')).html_safe
= link_to s_('AdminSettings|Go to General Settings'), general_admin_application_settings_path, class: 'btn gl-alert-action btn-info gl-button'
%h3= s_('Integrations|Project integration management')
- integrations_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: integrations_help_page_path }
......@@ -14687,7 +14687,6 @@ Name of the feature that the callout is for.
| ----- | ----------- |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumaccount_recovery_regular_check"></a>`ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_REGULAR_CHECK` | Callout feature name for account_recovery_regular_check. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumactive_user_count_threshold"></a>`ACTIVE_USER_COUNT_THRESHOLD` | Callout feature name for active_user_count_threshold. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumadmin_integrations_moved"></a>`ADMIN_INTEGRATIONS_MOVED` | Callout feature name for admin_integrations_moved. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumbuy_pipeline_minutes_notification_dot"></a>`BUY_PIPELINE_MINUTES_NOTIFICATION_DOT` | Callout feature name for buy_pipeline_minutes_notification_dot. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumcanary_deployment"></a>`CANARY_DEPLOYMENT` | Callout feature name for canary_deployment. |
| <a id="usercalloutfeaturenameenumcluster_security_warning"></a>`CLUSTER_SECURITY_WARNING` | Callout feature name for cluster_security_warning. |
......@@ -2350,9 +2350,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Feed token"
msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Go to General Settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Keep the latest artifacts for all jobs in the latest successful pipelines"
msgstr ""
......@@ -2365,9 +2362,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|No required pipeline"
msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|PlantUML, Slack application, Third party offers, Snowplow, Amazon EKS have moved to Settings &gt; General."
msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Required pipeline configuration"
msgstr ""
......@@ -2392,9 +2386,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Set an instance-wide auto included %{link_start}pipeline configuration%{link_end}. This pipeline configuration will be run after the project's own configuration."
msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Some settings have moved"
msgstr ""
msgid "AdminSettings|Specify a domain to use by default for every project's Auto Review Apps and Auto Deploy stages."
msgstr ""
......@@ -315,19 +315,6 @@ RSpec.describe 'Admin updates settings' do
visit integrations_admin_application_settings_path
it 'allows user to dismiss deprecation notice' do
expect(page).to have_content('Some settings have moved')
click_button 'Dismiss'
expect(page).not_to have_content('Some settings have moved')
visit integrations_admin_application_settings_path
expect(page).not_to have_content('Some settings have moved')
it 'shows integrations table' do
expect(page).to have_selector '[data-testid="inactive-integrations-table"]'
......@@ -61,26 +61,6 @@ RSpec.describe UserCalloutsHelper do
describe '.show_admin_integrations_moved?' do
subject { helper.show_admin_integrations_moved? }
context 'when user has not dismissed' do
before do
allow(helper).to receive(:user_dismissed?).with(described_class::ADMIN_INTEGRATIONS_MOVED) { false }
it { be true }
context 'when user dismissed' do
before do
allow(helper).to receive(:user_dismissed?).with(described_class::ADMIN_INTEGRATIONS_MOVED) { true }
it { be false }
describe '.show_service_templates_deprecated_callout?' do
using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
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