@@ -943,6 +943,41 @@ derived from the class name or namespace.
Be aware of the limitations [when using models in migrations](#using-models-in-migrations-discouraged).
### Modifying existing data
In most circumstances, prefer migrating data in **batches** when modifying data in the database.
We introduced a new helper [each_batch_range](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/cd3e0a5cddcb464cb9b8c6e3275839cf57dfa6e2/lib/gitlab/database/dynamic_model_helpers.rb#L28-32) which facilitates the process of iterating over a collection in a performant way. The default size of the batch is defined in the `BATCH_SIZE` constant.
AND ci_pending_builds.id BETWEEN #{min} AND #{max}
- The first argument is the table being modified: `'ci_pending_builds'`.
- The second argument calls a lambda which fetches the relevant dataset selected (the default is set to `.all`): `scope: ->(table) { table.ref_protected }`.
- The third argument is the batch size (the default is set in the `BATCH_SIZE` constant): `of: BATCH_SIZE`.
Here is an [example MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/62195) illustrating how to use our new helper.
### Renaming reserved paths
When a new route for projects is introduced, it could conflict with any