Commit 2cfd33d4 authored by Natalia Tepluhina's avatar Natalia Tepluhina

Merge branch 'jivanvl-remove-append-bottom-0' into 'master'

Remove append-bottom-0 CSS rule

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!32888
parents 036a0518 30ae596b
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ export default {
<div class="d-flex board-card-header" dir="auto">
<h4 class="board-card-title append-bottom-0 gl-mt-0">
<h4 class="board-card-title gl-mb-0 gl-mt-0">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ export default {
<gl-link href="/help/ci/variables/README#masked-variables">
<gl-icon name="question" :size="12" />
<p class="prepend-top-4 append-bottom-0 text-secondary">
<p class="prepend-top-4 gl-mb-0 text-secondary">
{{ __('Variable will be masked in job logs.') }}
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ export default {
<slot name="description"></slot>
<div v-if="hasError" class="cluster-application-error text-danger prepend-top-10">
<p class="js-cluster-application-general-error-message append-bottom-0">
<p class="js-cluster-application-general-error-message gl-mb-0">
{{ generalErrorDescription }}
<ul v-if="statusReason || requestReason">
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Crossplane runs inside your Kubernetes cluster and supports secure connectivity
<section id="cluster-applications">
<p class="append-bottom-0">
<p class="gl-mb-0">
s__(`ClusterIntegration|Choose which applications to install on your Kubernetes cluster.
Helm Tiller is required to install any of the following applications.`)
......@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ Crossplane runs inside your Kubernetes cluster and supports secure connectivity
<div slot="description">
<span v-if="!rbac">
<p v-if="!rbac" class="rbac-notice bs-callout bs-callout-info append-bottom-0">
<p v-if="!rbac" class="rbac-notice bs-callout bs-callout-info gl-mb-0">
s__(`ClusterIntegration|You must have an RBAC-enabled cluster
to install Knative.`)
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export default {
<ul v-if="filesLength" class="multi-file-commit-list list-unstyled append-bottom-0">
<ul v-if="filesLength" class="multi-file-commit-list list-unstyled gl-mb-0">
<li v-for="file in fileList" :key="file.key">
......@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ export default {
class="mb-auto mt-auto"
<div v-else-if="latestPipeline.yamlError" class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger">
<p class="append-bottom-0">{{ __('Found errors in your .gitlab-ci.yml:') }}</p>
<p class="append-bottom-0 break-word">{{ latestPipeline.yamlError }}</p>
<p class="append-bottom-0" v-html="ciLintText"></p>
<p class="gl-mb-0">{{ __('Found errors in your .gitlab-ci.yml:') }}</p>
<p class="gl-mb-0 break-word">{{ latestPipeline.yamlError }}</p>
<p class="gl-mb-0" v-html="ciLintText"></p>
<tabs v-else class="ide-pipeline-list">
<tab :active="!pipelineFailed">
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export default {
<div class="multi-file-tabs">
<ul ref="tabsScroller" class="list-unstyled append-bottom-0">
<ul ref="tabsScroller" class="list-unstyled gl-mb-0">
<repo-tab v-for="tab in files" :key="tab.key" :tab="tab" />
......@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ export default {
<p class="append-bottom-0">{{ commit.title }}</p>
<p class="gl-mb-0">{{ commit.title }}</p>
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ export default {
<div class="prepend-top-default append-bottom-default js-environment-container">
<div class="environment-information">
<ci-icon :status="iconStatus" />
<p class="inline append-bottom-0" v-html="environment"></p>
<p class="inline gl-mb-0" v-html="environment"></p>
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export default {
<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-warning">
<p v-if="tags.length" class="js-stuck-with-tags append-bottom-0">
<p v-if="tags.length" class="js-stuck-with-tags gl-mb-0">
s__(`This job is stuck because you don't have
any active runners online with any of these tags assigned to them:`)
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ export default {
{{ tag }}
<p v-else-if="hasNoRunnersForProject" class="js-stuck-no-runners append-bottom-0">
<p v-else-if="hasNoRunnersForProject" class="js-stuck-no-runners gl-mb-0">
s__(`Job|This job is stuck because the project
doesn't have any runners online assigned to it.`)
<p v-else class="js-stuck-no-active-runner append-bottom-0">
<p v-else class="js-stuck-no-active-runner gl-mb-0">
s__(`This job is stuck because you don't
have any active runners that can run this job.`)
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export default {
:class="{ 'append-bottom-5': hasVariables, 'append-bottom-0': !hasVariables }"
:class="{ 'append-bottom-5': hasVariables, 'gl-mb-0': !hasVariables }"
<span class="font-weight-bold">{{ __('Trigger token:') }}</span> {{ trigger.short_token }}
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export default {
<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-danger">
<p class="js-failed-unmet-prerequisites append-bottom-0">
<p class="js-failed-unmet-prerequisites gl-mb-0">
s__(`Job|This job failed because the necessary resources were not successfully created.`)
......@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ export default {
rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"
class="js-deploy-url-menu-item menu-item"
<strong class="str-truncated-100 append-bottom-0 d-block">
<strong class="str-truncated-100 gl-mb-0 d-block">
{{ slotProps.result.path }}
<p class="text-secondary str-truncated-100 append-bottom-0 d-block">
<p class="text-secondary str-truncated-100 gl-mb-0 d-block">
{{ slotProps.result.external_url }}
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default {
<p v-once class="mr-info-list mr-links append-bottom-0">
<p v-once class="mr-info-list mr-links gl-mb-0">
<span class="status-text" v-html="removesBranchText"> </span>
<i v-tooltip :title="tooltipTitle" :aria-label="tooltipTitle" class="fa fa-question-circle">
......@@ -426,7 +426,6 @@ img.emoji {
.append-right-32 { margin-right: 32px; }
.append-right-48 { margin-right: 48px; }
.prepend-right-32 { margin-right: 32px; }
.append-bottom-0 { margin-bottom: 0; }
.append-bottom-2 { margin-bottom: 2px; }
.append-bottom-4 { margin-bottom: $gl-padding-4; }
.append-bottom-5 { margin-bottom: 5px; }
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
= s_('ClusterIntegration|GitLab Integration')
%label.append-bottom-0.js-cluster-enable-toggle-area{ title: s_('ClusterIntegration|Enable or disable GitLab\'s connection to your Kubernetes cluster.'), data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' } }{ title: s_('ClusterIntegration|Enable or disable GitLab\'s connection to your Kubernetes cluster.'), data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body' } }
= render "shared/buttons/project_feature_toggle", is_checked: @cluster.enabled?, label: s_("ClusterIntegration|Toggle Kubernetes cluster"), disabled: !can?(current_user, :update_cluster, @cluster), data: { qa_selector: 'integration_status_toggle' } do
= field.hidden_field :enabled, { class: 'js-project-feature-toggle-input'}
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
%p= _('Export this group with all related data to a new GitLab instance. Once complete, you can import the data file from the "New Group" page.')
%p= _('The following items will be exported:')
- group_export_descriptions.each do |description|
......@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
= raw @qr_code
= _("Can't scan the code?")
= _('To add the entry manually, provide the following details to the application on your phone.')
= _('Account: %{account}') % { account: @account_string }
= _('Key: %{key}') %{ key: current_user.otp_secret.scan(/.{4}/).join(' ') }
= _('Time based: Yes')
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
%p= _('Export this project with all its related data in order to move your project to a new GitLab instance. Once the export is finished, you can import the file from the "New Project" page.')
%p= _('The following items will be exported:')
- project_export_descriptions.each do |desc|
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
= _('The repository for this project is empty')
- if @project.can_current_user_push_code?
= _('You can get started by cloning the repository or start adding files to it with one of the following options.')
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- if @namespaces.present?
= _("Select a namespace to fork the project")
- @namespaces.each do |namespace|
= render 'fork_button', namespace: namespace
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%a.btn.btn-default.append-right-10{ href: template.preview, rel: 'noopener noreferrer', target: '_blank', data: { track_label: "template_preview", track_property:, track_event: "click_button", track_value: "" } }
= _("Preview")
%label.btn.btn-success.template-button.choose-template.append-bottom-0{ for: }{ for: }
%input{ type: "radio", autocomplete: "off", name: "project[template_name]", id:, value:, data: { track_label: "template_use", track_property:, track_event: "click_button", track_value: "" } }
%span{ data: { qa_selector: 'use_template_button' } }
= _("Use template")
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
= link_to _('Submit as spam'), mark_as_spam_project_snippet_path(@project, @snippet), method: :post, class: 'btn btn-grouped btn-spam', title: _('Submit as spam')
- if can?(current_user, :create_snippet, @project) || can?(current_user, :update_snippet, @snippet)
%button.btn.btn-default.btn-block.append-bottom-0.prepend-top-5{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }
= _('Options')
= icon('caret-down')
......@@ -96,6 +96,6 @@
With webhook:
#{builds_trigger_url(, ref: 'REF_NAME')}?token=TOKEN&variables[RUN_NIGHTLY_BUILD]=true
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- if with_label
= f.label :visibility_level, _('Visibility level'), class: 'label-bold append-bottom-0'
= f.label :visibility_level, _('Visibility level'), class: 'label-bold gl-mb-0'
= _('Who can see this group?')
- visibility_docs_path = help_page_path('public_access/public_access')
......@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
= deploy_keys_project_form.label :can_push do
= deploy_keys_project_form.check_box :can_push
%strong= _('Write access allowed')
= _('Allow this key to push to repository as well? (Default only allows pull access.)')
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
= f.label :key, class: "label-bold"
= f.text_area :key, class: "form-control", rows: 5, required: true
= _('Paste a machine public key here. Read more about how to generate it')
= link_to "here", help_page_path("ssh/README")
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
= deploy_keys_project_form.check_box :can_push
%strong= _('Write access allowed')
= _('Allow this key to push to repository as well? (Default only allows pull access.)')
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
%li= _('Click any <strong>project name</strong> in the project list below to navigate to the project milestone.').html_safe
%li= _('Click the <strong>Promote</strong> button in the top right corner to promote it to a group milestone.').html_safe
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
= _('Scopes')
- token.scopes.each do |scope|
%span.bold= scope
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- if @snippet.submittable_as_spam_by?(current_user)
= link_to _('Submit as spam'), mark_as_spam_snippet_path(@snippet), method: :post, class: 'btn btn-grouped btn-spam', title: _('Submit as spam')
%button.btn.btn-default.btn-block.append-bottom-0.prepend-top-5{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }
= _("Options")
= icon('caret-down')
......@@ -66,10 +66,7 @@ export default {
<span class="property-label"> {{ col.label }} </span>
<popover v-if="col.popover" :options="getPopoverOptions(col)" />
class="property-value prepend-top-5 append-bottom-0"
:class="[col.colClass ? col.colClass : '']"
<p class="property-value prepend-top-5 gl-mb-0" :class="[col.colClass ? col.colClass : '']">
{{ getDisplayValue(col) }}
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export default {
<div class="card">
<div v-show="isActive" @keyup.enter="nextStep">
<slot name="body" :active="isActive"></slot>
<gl-form-group v-if="nextStepButtonText" class="prepend-top-8 append-bottom-0">
<gl-form-group v-if="nextStepButtonText" class="prepend-top-8 gl-mb-0">
<gl-deprecated-button variant="success" :disabled="!isValid" @click="nextStep">
{{ nextStepButtonText }}
......@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
%legend Limits
= render 'namespaces/shared_runners_minutes_setting', form: namespace_form
= render 'namespaces/shared_runners_minutes_setting_reset', link_reset_minutes: reset_runners_minutes_admin_user_path(@user), css_class: 'append-bottom-0'
= render 'namespaces/shared_runners_minutes_setting_reset', link_reset_minutes: reset_runners_minutes_admin_user_path(@user), css_class: 'gl-mb-0'
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
%a.btn.btn-default.append-right-10{ href: project_path(template), rel: 'noopener noreferrer', target: '_blank' }
= _('Preview')
%label.btn.btn-success.custom-template-button.choose-template.append-bottom-0{ for: }{ for: }
%input{ type: "radio", autocomplete: "off", name: "project[template_project_id]", id:, value:, data: { template_name: } }
%span{ data: { qa_selector: 'use_template_button' } }
= _('Use template')
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
%a.btn.btn-default.append-right-10{ href: project_path(project), rel: 'noopener noreferrer', target: '_blank' }
= _('Preview')
%label.btn.btn-success.custom-template-button.choose-template.append-bottom-0{ for: }{ for: }
%input{ type: "radio", autocomplete: "off", name: "project[template_project_id]", id:, value:, data: { subgroup_id: project.namespace_id, template_name: } }
= _('Use template')
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