Commit 2ea32d63 authored by Adam Cohen's avatar Adam Cohen Committed by Marcia Ramos

Add more details to Feature Flags process section

parent 08e06663
......@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ Guidelines:
#### Process
Before toggling any feature flag, check that there are no ongoing
significant incidents on You can do this by checking the
`#production` and `#incident-management` Slack channels, or looking for
[open incident issues]([]=incident)
(although check the dates and times).
We do not want to introduce changes during an incident, as it can make
diagnosis and resolution of the incident much harder to achieve, and
also will largely invalidate your rollout process as you will be unable
to assess whether the rollout was without problems or not.
If there is any doubt, ask in `#production`.
When enabling a feature flag rollout, the system will automatically block the
chatops command from succeeding if there are active `"severity::1"` or `~"severity::2"`
incidents or in-progress change issues, for example:
/chatops run feature set gitaly_lfs_pointers_pipeline true
- Production checks fail!
- active incidents
2021-06-29 Canary deployment failing QA tests
The following `/chatops` commands should be performed in the Slack
`#production` channel.
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