Commit 2ed5a5b7 authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher

Remove "quick submit" behavior specific to the Notes JS

parent 01d0926b
......@@ -63,12 +63,6 @@ class @Notes
# fetch notes when tab becomes visible
$(document).on "visibilitychange", @visibilityChange
# Chrome doesn't fire keypress or keyup for Command+Enter, so we need keydown.
$(document).on 'keydown', '.js-note-text', (e) ->
return if e.originalEvent.repeat
if e.keyCode == 10 || ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 13)
cleanBinding: ->
$(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-main-target-form"
$(document).off "ajax:success", ".js-discussion-note-form"
......@@ -82,7 +76,6 @@ class @Notes
$(document).off "click", ".js-discussion-reply-button"
$(document).off "click", ".js-add-diff-note-button"
$(document).off "visibilitychange"
$(document).off "keydown", ".js-note-text"
$(document).off "keyup", ".js-note-text"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-target-reopen"
$(document).off "click", ".js-note-target-close"
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