# Enable ruby deprecations for keywords, it's suppressed by default in Ruby 2.7.2
# Taken from https://github.com/jeremyevans/ruby-warning/blob/1.1.0/lib/warning.rb#L18
# Taken from https://github.com/jeremyevans/ruby-warning/blob/1.1.0/lib/warning.rb#L18
%r{warning: (?:Using the last argument (?:for `.+' )?as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe \*\* should be added to the call|Passing the keyword argument (?:for `.+' )?as the last hash parameter is deprecated|Splitting the last argument (?:for `.+' )?into positional and keyword parameters is deprecated|The called method (?:`.+' )?is defined here)\n\z}
%r{warning: (?:Using the last argument (?:for `.+' )?as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe \*\* should be added to the call|Passing the keyword argument (?:for `.+' )?as the last hash parameter is deprecated|Splitting the last argument (?:for `.+' )?into positional and keyword parameters is deprecated|The called method (?:`.+' )?is defined here)\n\z}