=f.text_field:name,class: "form-control top js-block-emoji js-validate-length",:data=>{:max_length=>max_name_length,:max_length_message=>s_("SignUp|Name is too long (maximum is %{max_length} characters).")%{max_length: max_name_length},:qa_selector=>'new_user_name_field'},required: true,title: _("This field is required.")
=f.label:username,class: 'label-bold'
=f.text_field:username,class: "form-control middle js-block-emoji js-validate-length js-validate-username",:data=>{:max_length=>max_username_length,:max_length_message=>s_("SignUp|Username is too long (maximum is %{max_length} characters).")%{max_length: max_username_length},:qa_selector=>'new_user_username_field'},pattern: Gitlab::PathRegex::NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX_JS,required: true,title: _("Please create a username with only alphanumeric characters.")
%p.validation-error.gl-field-error-ignore.field-validation.mt-1.hide.cred=_('Username is already taken.')
%p.validation-success.gl-field-error-ignore.field-validation.mt-1.hide.cgreen=_('Username is available.')
| `path` | string | yes | The path of the group. |
| `path` | string | yes | The path of the group. |
| `description` | string | no | The group's description. |
| `description` | string | no | The group's description. |
| `visibility` | string | no | The group's visibility. Can be `private`, `internal`, or `public`. |
| `visibility` | string | no | The group's visibility. Can be `private`, `internal`, or `public`. |
| `share_with_group_lock` | boolean | no | Prevent sharing a project with another group within this group. |
| `require_two_factor_authentication` | boolean | no | Require all users in this group to setup Two-factor authentication. |
| `two_factor_grace_period` | integer | no | Time before Two-factor authentication is enforced (in hours). |
| `project_creation_level` | string | no | Determine if developers can create projects in the group. Can be `noone` (No one), `maintainer` (Maintainers), or `developer` (Developers + Maintainers). |
| `auto_devops_enabled` | boolean | no | Default to Auto DevOps pipeline for all projects within this group. |
| `subgroup_creation_level` | integer | no | Allowed to create subgroups. Can be `owner` (Owners), or `maintainer` (Maintainers). |
| `lfs_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable/disable Large File Storage (LFS) for the projects in this group. |
| `lfs_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable/disable Large File Storage (LFS) for the projects in this group. |
| `request_access_enabled` | boolean | no | Allow users to request member access. |
| `request_access_enabled` | boolean | no | Allow users to request member access. |
| `parent_id` | integer | no | The parent group ID for creating nested group. |
| `parent_id` | integer | no | The parent group ID for creating nested group. |
@@ -472,6 +500,13 @@ PUT /groups/:id
@@ -472,6 +500,13 @@ PUT /groups/:id
| `membership_lock` | boolean | no | **(STARTER)** Prevent adding new members to project membership within this group. |
| `membership_lock` | boolean | no | **(STARTER)** Prevent adding new members to project membership within this group. |
| `share_with_group_lock` | boolean | no | Prevent sharing a project with another group within this group. |
| `share_with_group_lock` | boolean | no | Prevent sharing a project with another group within this group. |
| `visibility` | string | no | The visibility level of the group. Can be `private`, `internal`, or `public`. |
| `visibility` | string | no | The visibility level of the group. Can be `private`, `internal`, or `public`. |
| `share_with_group_lock` | boolean | no | Prevent sharing a project with another group within this group. |
| `require_two_factor_authentication` | boolean | no | Require all users in this group to setup Two-factor authentication. |
| `two_factor_grace_period` | integer | no | Time before Two-factor authentication is enforced (in hours). |
| `project_creation_level` | string | no | Determine if developers can create projects in the group. Can be `noone` (No one), `maintainer` (Maintainers), or `developer` (Developers + Maintainers). |
| `auto_devops_enabled` | boolean | no | Default to Auto DevOps pipeline for all projects within this group. |
| `subgroup_creation_level` | integer | no | Allowed to create subgroups. Can be `owner` (Owners), or `maintainer` (Maintainers). |
optional:share_with_group_lock,type: Boolean,desc: 'Prevent sharing a project with another group within this group'
optional:require_two_factor_authentication,type: Boolean,desc: 'Require all users in this group to setup Two-factor authentication'
optional:two_factor_grace_period,type: Integer,desc: 'Time before Two-factor authentication is enforced'
optional:project_creation_level,type: String,values: ::Gitlab::Access.project_creation_string_values,desc: 'Determine if developers can create projects in the group',as: :project_creation_level_str
optional:auto_devops_enabled,type: Boolean,desc: 'Default to Auto DevOps pipeline for all projects within this group'
optional:subgroup_creation_level,type: String,values: ::Gitlab::Access.subgroup_creation_string_values,desc: 'Allowed to create subgroups',as: :subgroup_creation_level_str
msgid "Domain verification is an essential security measure for public GitLab sites. Users are required to demonstrate they control a domain before it is enabled"
msgid "Domain verification is an essential security measure for public GitLab sites. Users are required to demonstrate they control a domain before it is enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Don't have an account yet?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Don't paste the private part of the GPG key. Paste the public part which begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'."
msgid "Don't paste the private part of the GPG key. Paste the public part which begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
@@ -13081,6 +13084,12 @@ msgstr ""
@@ -13081,6 +13084,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register and see your runners for this project."
msgid "Register and see your runners for this project."