Commit 35d99948 authored by Vamsi Vempati's avatar Vamsi Vempati Committed by Sincheol (David) Kim

Migrate alert in _eoa_bronze_plan_banner to shared global alert

parent 4f9f1d07
- if show_eoa_bronze_plan_banner?(namespace) - if show_eoa_bronze_plan_banner?(namespace){ role: 'alert', data: { feature_id: ::EE::Users::CalloutsHelper::EOA_BRONZE_PLAN_BANNER, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path } } = render 'shared/global_alert',
= sprite_icon('information-o', css_class: 'gl-icon gl-alert-icon gl-alert-icon-no-title') title: s_("BillingPlans|End of availability for the Bronze Plan"),{ type: 'button', 'aria-label' => _('Dismiss') } alert_class: 'gl-mt-5 js-eoa-bronze-plan-banner',
= sprite_icon('close', css_class: 'gl-icon') alert_data: { feature_id: ::EE::Users::CalloutsHelper::EOA_BRONZE_PLAN_BANNER, dismiss_endpoint: callouts_path } do
.gl-alert-body .gl-alert-body s_("BillingPlans|End of availability for the Bronze Plan")
- announcement_link = external_link("announcement blog", "") - announcement_link = external_link("announcement blog", "")
= s_("BillingPlans|While GitLab is ending availability of the Bronze plan, you can still renew your Bronze subscription one additional time before %{eoa_bronze_plan_end_date}. We are also offering a limited time free upgrade to our Premium Plan (up to 25 users)! Learn more about the changes and offers in our %{announcement_link}.").html_safe % { announcement_link: announcement_link, eoa_bronze_plan_end_date: eoa_bronze_plan_end_date.in_time_zone.to_date.to_s(:medium) } = s_("BillingPlans|While GitLab is ending availability of the Bronze plan, you can still renew your Bronze subscription one additional time before %{eoa_bronze_plan_end_date}. We are also offering a limited time free upgrade to our Premium Plan (up to 25 users)! Learn more about the changes and offers in our %{announcement_link}.").html_safe % { announcement_link: announcement_link, eoa_bronze_plan_end_date: eoa_bronze_plan_end_date.in_time_zone.to_date.to_s(:medium) }
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