Uploads represent all user data that may be sent to GitLab as a single file. As an example, avatars and notes' attachments are uploads. Uploads are integral to GitLab functionality, and therefore cannot be disabled.
Uploads represent all user data that may be sent to GitLab as a single file. As an example, avatars and notes' attachments are uploads. Uploads are integral to GitLab functionality, and therefore cannot be disabled.
## Upload parameters
> - [Changed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/214785) in GitLab 13.5.
> - It's [deployed behind a feature flag](../user/feature_flags.md), enabled by default.
> - It's enabled on GitLab.com.
> - It's recommended for production use.
> - For GitLab self-managed instances, GitLab administrators can opt to disable it. **(CORE ONLY)**
In 13.5 and later, upload parameters are passed [between Workhorse and GitLab Rails](../development/architecture.md#simplified-component-overview) differently than they
were before.
This change is deployed behind a feature flag that is **enabled by default**.
If you experience any issues with upload,
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](./feature_flags.md)