Commit 36613407 authored by drew's avatar drew Committed by Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski

Add example of branch-push-only job configuration

parent f367f7df
......@@ -1404,37 +1404,20 @@ Other commonly used variables for `if` clauses:
#### `rules:changes`
To determine if jobs should be added to a pipeline, `rules: changes` clauses check
the files changed by Git push events.
`rules:changes` determines whether or not to add jobs to a pipeline by checking for
changes to specific files.
`rules: changes` works exactly the same way as [`only: changes` and `except: changes`](#onlychangesexceptchanges),
accepting an array of paths.
It always returns true and adds jobs to the pipeline if there is no Git push event.
For example, jobs with `rules: changes` always run on scheduled and tag pipelines,
because they are not associated with a Git push event. Only certain pipelines have
a Git push event associated with them:
- All pipelines with a `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE` of `merge_request` or `external_merge_request`.
- Branch pipelines, which have the `$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH` variable present and a `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE` of `push`.
It's recommended to use it only with branch pipelines or merge request pipelines.
For example, it's common to use `rules: changes` with one of the following `if` clauses:
- `if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'`
For example:
accepting an array of paths. It's recommended to only use `rules: changes` with branch
pipelines or merge request pipelines. For example, it's common to use `rules: changes`
with merge request pipelines:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
docker build:
script: docker build -t my-image:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG .
- changes:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
- Dockerfile
when: manual
allow_failure: true
......@@ -1442,14 +1425,29 @@ docker build:
In this example:
- [`workflow: rules`](#workflowrules) allows only pipelines for merge requests for all jobs.
- If the pipeline is a merge request pipeline, check `Dockerfile` for changes.
- If `Dockerfile` has changed, add the job to the pipeline as a manual job, and allow the pipeline
to continue running even if the job is not triggered (`allow_failure: true`).
- If `Dockerfile` has not changed, do not add job to any pipeline (same as `when: never`).
To implement a rule similar to [`except: changes`](#onlychangesexceptchanges),
To use `rules: changes` with branch pipelines instead of merge request pipelines,
change the `if:` clause in the example above to:
To implement a rule similar to [`except:changes`](#onlychangesexceptchanges),
use `when: never`.
CAUTION: **Caution:**
You can use `rules: changes` with other pipeline types, but it is not recommended
because `rules: changes` always evaluates to true when there is no Git `push` event.
Tag pipelines, scheduled pipelines, and so on do **not** have a Git `push` event
associated with them. A `rules: changes` job is **always** added to those pipeline
if there is no `if:` statement that limits the job to branch or merge request pipelines.
#### `rules:exists`
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.4.
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