Commit 3b45d7f4 authored by Harsh Chouraria's avatar Harsh Chouraria Committed by Nick Gaskill

Docs: Add instructions to use a new GitHub token

parent 9e532e95
......@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ If you are not using the GitHub integration, you can still perform an authorizat
1. Hit the **List Your GitHub Repositories** button and wait while GitLab reads your repositories' information.
Once done, you'll be taken to the importer page to select the repositories to import.
To use a newer personal access token in imports after previously performing these steps, sign out of
your GitLab account and sign in again, or revoke the older personal access token in GitHub.
### Select which repositories to import
After you have authorized access to your GitHub repositories, you are redirected to the GitHub importer page and
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