Commit 3f4aaea2 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

correctly show renaming and deleting entries

for folders, it shows all the files in commit mode
for files, nothing changes, the behaviour is the same
parent 100c68ee
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export default {
getRawFileData(file) {
if (file.tempFile) {
if (file.tempFile && !file.prevPath) {
return Promise.resolve(file.content);
......@@ -186,8 +186,14 @@ export const openNewEntryModal = ({ commit }, { type, path = '' }) => {
export const deleteEntry = ({ commit, dispatch, state }, path) => {
const entry = state.entries[path];
dispatch('closeFile', state.entries[path]);
dispatch('closeFile', entry);
if (entry.type === 'tree') {
entry.tree.forEach(f => dispatch('deleteEntry', f.path));
commit(types.DELETE_ENTRY, path);
......@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ export const setFileActive = ({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, path) => {
export const getFileData = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, { path, makeFileActive = true }) => {
const file = state.entries[path];
if (file.raw || file.tempFile) return Promise.resolve();
if (file.raw || (file.tempFile && !file.prevPath)) return Promise.resolve();
commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, { entry: file });
const url = file.prevPath ? file.url.replace(file.path, file.prevPath) : file.url;
return service
`${gon.relative_url_root ? gon.relative_url_root : ''}${file.url.replace('/-/', '/')}`,
.getFileData(`${gon.relative_url_root ? gon.relative_url_root : ''}${url.replace('/-/', '/')}`)
.then(({ data, headers }) => {
const normalizedHeaders = normalizeHeaders(headers);
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export const getRawFileData = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, { path, baseSha }) =
.then(raw => {
if (!file.tempFile) commit(types.SET_FILE_RAW_DATA, { file, raw });
if (!(file.tempFile && !file.prevPath)) commit(types.SET_FILE_RAW_DATA, { file, raw });
if (file.mrChange && file.mrChange.new_file === false) {
.getBaseRawFileData(file, baseSha)
......@@ -176,9 +176,22 @@ export const setFileViewMode = ({ commit }, { file, viewMode }) => {
export const discardFileChanges = ({ dispatch, state, commit, getters }, path) => {
const file = state.entries[path];
if (file.deleted && file.parentPath) {
dispatch('restoreTree', file.parentPath);
if (file.movedPath) {
commit(types.DISCARD_FILE_CHANGES, file.movedPath);
commit(types.REMOVE_FILE_FROM_CHANGED, file.movedPath);
commit(types.DISCARD_FILE_CHANGES, path);
commit(types.REMOVE_FILE_FROM_CHANGED, path);
if (file.prevPath) {
dispatch('discardFileChanges', file.prevPath);
if (file.tempFile && file.opened) {
commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, path);
} else if (getters.activeFile && file.path === getters.activeFile.path) {
......@@ -89,3 +89,13 @@ export const getFiles = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, { projectId, branchId } =
export const restoreTree = ({ dispatch, commit, state }, path) => {
const entry = state.entries[path];
commit(types.RESTORE_TREE, path);
if (entry.parentPath) {
dispatch('restoreTree', entry.parentPath);
......@@ -78,3 +78,5 @@ export const SET_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'SET_ERROR_MESSAGE';
......@@ -198,12 +198,18 @@ export default {
: state.trees[`${state.currentProjectId}/${state.currentBranchId}`];
entry.deleted = true;
state.changedFiles = state.changedFiles.concat(entry);
parent.tree = parent.tree.filter(f => f.path !== entry.path);
if (entry.type === 'blob') {
state.changedFiles = state.changedFiles.concat(entry);
[types.RENAME_ENTRY](state, { path, name, entryPath = null }) {
const oldEntry = state.entries[entryPath || path];
const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${path}`);
const nameRegex =
!entryPath && oldEntry.type === 'blob'
? new RegExp(`${}$`)
: new RegExp(`^${path}`);
const newPath = oldEntry.path.replace(nameRegex, name);
const parentPath = oldEntry.parentPath ? oldEntry.parentPath.replace(nameRegex, name) : '';
......@@ -220,15 +226,17 @@ export default {
oldEntry.moved = true;
oldEntry.movedPath = newPath;
const parent = parentPath
? state.entries[parentPath]
: state.trees[`${state.currentProjectId}/${state.currentBranchId}`];
const newEntry = state.entries[newPath];
parent.tree = sortTree(parent.tree.concat(state.entries[newPath]));
parent.tree = sortTree(parent.tree.concat(newEntry));
if (!entryPath) {
state.changedFiles = state.changedFiles.concat(state.entries[newPath]);
if (newEntry.type === 'blob') {
state.changedFiles = state.changedFiles.concat(newEntry);
......@@ -53,15 +53,19 @@ export default {
[types.SET_FILE_RAW_DATA](state, { file, raw }) {
const openPendingFile = state.openFiles.find(
f => f.path === file.path && f.pending && !f.tempFile,
f => f.path === file.path && f.pending && !(f.tempFile && !f.prevPath),
Object.assign(state.entries[file.path], {
if (openPendingFile) {
if (!openPendingFile) return;
if (!openPendingFile.tempFile) {
openPendingFile.raw = raw;
} else if (openPendingFile.tempFile) {
openPendingFile.content = raw;
[types.SET_FILE_BASE_RAW_DATA](state, { file, baseRaw }) {
......@@ -119,12 +123,14 @@ export default {
[types.DISCARD_FILE_CHANGES](state, path) {
const stagedFile = state.stagedFiles.find(f => f.path === path);
const entry = state.entries[path];
const { deleted } = entry;
const { deleted, prevPath } = entry;
Object.assign(state.entries[path], {
content: stagedFile ? stagedFile.content : state.entries[path].raw,
changed: false,
deleted: false,
moved: false,
movedPath: '',
if (deleted) {
......@@ -133,6 +139,12 @@ export default {
: state.trees[`${state.currentProjectId}/${state.currentBranchId}`];
parent.tree = sortTree(parent.tree.concat(entry));
} else if (prevPath) {
const parent = entry.parentPath
? state.entries[entry.parentPath]
: state.trees[`${state.currentProjectId}/${state.currentBranchId}`];
parent.tree = parent.tree.filter(f => f.path !== path);
[types.ADD_FILE_TO_CHANGED](state, path) {
import * as types from '../mutation_types';
import { sortTree } from '../utils';
export default {
[types.TOGGLE_TREE_OPEN](state, path) {
......@@ -36,4 +37,14 @@ export default {
changedFiles: [],
[types.RESTORE_TREE](state, path) {
const entry = state.entries[path];
const parent = entry.parentPath
? state.entries[entry.parentPath]
: state.trees[`${state.currentProjectId}/${state.currentBranchId}`];
if (!parent.tree.find(f => f.path === path)) {
parent.tree = sortTree(parent.tree.concat(entry));
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ export const dataStructure = () => ({
mrChange: null,
deleted: false,
prevPath: '',
movedPath: '',
moved: false,
......@@ -1377,6 +1377,7 @@
.ide-entry-dropdown-toggle {
padding: $gl-padding-4;
color: $gl-text-color;
background-color: $theme-gray-100;
&:hover {
......@@ -1389,6 +1390,10 @@
background-color: $blue-500;
outline: 0;
svg {
fill: currentColor;
.ide-new-btn .ide-entry-dropdown-toggle {
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