Commit 43c066db authored by Olena Horal-Koretska's avatar Olena Horal-Koretska Committed by Nick Gaskill

Docs about warning when on-call schedule user is removed/deleted

parent a19e7b79
......@@ -107,3 +107,10 @@ Hover over any rotation shift participants in the schedule to view their individ
When an alert is created in a project, GitLab sends an email to the on-call responder(s) in the
on-call schedule for that project. If there is no schedule or no one on-call in that schedule at the
time the alert is triggered, no email is sent.
## Removal or deletion of on-call user
If an on-call user is removed from the project or group, or their account is deleted, the
confirmation modal displays the list of that user's on-call schedules. If the user's removal or
deletion is confirmed, GitLab recalculates the on-call rotation and sends an email to the project
owners and the rotation's participants.
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