Commit 43d1112a authored by Vitaly Slobodin's avatar Vitaly Slobodin

Merge branch 'gl-badge-members' into 'master'

Add gl-badge for badges in group members page

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!57933
parents 3b83b0a4 148c1648
......@@ -41,25 +41,25 @@
= link_to '#tab-members', class: ['nav-link', ('active' unless invited_active)], data: { toggle: 'tab' } do
= _('Members')
%span.badge.badge-pill= @members.total_count @members.total_count
- if @group.shared_with_group_links.any?
= link_to '#tab-groups', class: ['nav-link'] , data: { toggle: 'tab', qa_selector: 'groups_list_tab' } do
= _('Groups')
%span.badge.badge-pill= @group.shared_with_group_links.count @group.shared_with_group_links.count
- if show_invited_members
= link_to '#tab-invited-members', class: ['nav-link', ('active' if invited_active)], data: { toggle: 'tab' } do
= _('Invited')
%span.badge.badge-pill= @invited_members.total_count @invited_members.total_count
- if show_access_requests
= link_to '#tab-access-requests', class: 'nav-link', data: { toggle: 'tab' } do
= _('Access requests')
%span.badge.badge-pill= @requesters.count @requesters.count
.tab-content{ class: ('active' unless invited_active) }
.js-group-members-list{ data: group_members_list_data_attributes(@group, @members) }
title: Add gl-badge for badges in group members page
merge_request: 57933
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: changed
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