Commit 44182607 authored by Alex Kalderimis's avatar Alex Kalderimis

Add missing parts to the GraphQL schema

This adds:

- mutations
- arguments
- input types

And ensures we can link to all fields, whether they are in a
field table or listed as a full field with arguments. Deprecations
are changed to link to the replacements.
parent b24494e7
title: Add missing parts of GraphQL schema to GraphQL documentation
merge_request: 55944
type: changed
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module Gitlab
parts = [
"#{deprecated_in(format: :markdown)}.",
replacement.then { |r| "Use: `#{r}`." if r }
replacement.then { |r| "Use: [`#{r}`](##{'.', '')})." if r }
case context
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Gitlab
@layout =
@parsed_schema =, {}).parse
@schema = schema
@seen =
def contents
......@@ -37,6 +38,14 @@ module Gitlab
File.write(filename, contents)
def seen?(name)
def seen_type(name)
@seen << name
......@@ -26,17 +26,81 @@
The `Query` type contains the API's top-level entry points for all executable queries.
- sorted_by_name(queries).each do |query|
= render_name_and_description(query, owner: 'Query')
= render_return_type(query)
- unless query[:arguments].empty?
~ "#### Arguments\n"
~ "| Name | Type | Description |"
~ "| ---- | ---- | ----------- |"
- sorted_by_name(query[:arguments]).each do |argument|
= render_field(argument, query[:type][:name])
- queries.each do |query|
= render_full_field(query, heading_level: 3, owner: 'Query')
## `Mutation` type
The `Mutation` type contains the API's top-level entry points for all executable mutations.
All mutations receive their arguments in a single input object named `input`, and all mutations
support at least a return field `errors` containing a list of error messages.
All input objects may have a `clientMutationId: String` field, identifying the mutation.
For example:
mutation($id: NoteableID!, $body: String!) {
createNote(input: { noteableId: $id, body: $body }) {
- mutations.each do |field|
= render_full_field(field, heading_level: 3, owner: 'Mutation')
## Connections
Some types in our schema are `Connection` types - they represent a paginated
collection of edges between two nodes in the graph. These follow the
[Relay cursor connections specification](
### Pagination arguments {#connection-pagination-arguments}
All connection fields support the following pagination arguments:
| Name | Type | Description |
| `after` | [`String`](#string) | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. |
| `before` | [`String`](#string) | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. |
| `first` | [`Int`](#int) | Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. |
| `last` | [`Int`](#int) | Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. |
Since these arguments are common to all connection fields, they are not repeated for each connection.
### Connection fields
All connections have at least the following fields:
| Name | Type | Description |
| `pageInfo` | [`PageInfo!`](#pageinfo) | Pagination information. |
| `edges` | `[edge!]` | The edges. |
| `nodes` | `[item!]` | The items in the current page. |
The precise type of `Edge` and `Item` depends on the kind of connection. A
[`UserConnection`](#userconnection) will have nodes that have the type
[`[User!]`](#user), and edges that have the type [`UserEdge`](#useredge).
### Connection types
Some of the types in the schema exist solely to model connections. Each connection
has a distinct, named type, with a distinct named edge type. These are listed separately
- connection_object_types.each do |type|
= render_name_and_description(type, level: 4)
= render_object_fields(type[:fields], owner: type, level_bump: 1)
## Object types
......@@ -44,22 +108,20 @@
Object types represent the resources that the GitLab GraphQL API can return.
They contain _fields_. Each field has its own type, which will either be one of the
basic GraphQL [scalar types](
(e.g.: `String` or `Boolean`) or other object types.
(e.g.: `String` or `Boolean`) or other object types. Fields may have arguments.
Fields with arguments are exactly like top-level queries, and are listed beneath
the table of fields for each object type.
For more information, see
[Object Types and Fields](
on ``.
- objects.each do |type|
- unless type[:fields].empty?
= render_name_and_description(type)
~ "| Field | Type | Description |"
~ "| ----- | ---- | ----------- |"
- sorted_by_name(type[:fields]).each do |field|
= render_field(field, type[:name])
- object_types.each do |type|
= render_name_and_description(type)
= render_object_fields(type[:fields], owner: type)
## Enumeration types
......@@ -73,14 +135,13 @@
- enums.each do |enum|
- unless enum[:values].empty?
= render_name_and_description(enum)
~ "| Value | Description |"
~ "| ----- | ----------- |"
- sorted_by_name(enum[:values]).each do |value|
= render_enum_value(enum, value)
= render_name_and_description(enum)
~ "| Value | Description |"
~ "| ----- | ----------- |"
- enum[:values].each do |value|
= render_enum_value(enum, value)
## Scalar types
......@@ -133,7 +194,7 @@
### Interfaces
- graphql_interface_types.each do |type|
- interfaces.each do |type|
= render_name_and_description(type, level: 4)
......@@ -141,8 +202,21 @@
- type[:implemented_by].each do |type_name|
~ "- [`#{type_name}`](##{type_name.downcase})"
~ "| Field | Type | Description |"
~ "| ----- | ---- | ----------- |"
- sorted_by_name(type[:fields] + type[:connections]).each do |field|
= render_field(field, type[:name])
= render_object_fields(type[:fields], owner: type, level_bump: 1)
### Input types
Types that may be used as arguments. (All scalar types may also
be used as arguments).
Only general use input types are listed here. For mutation input types,
see the associated mutation type above.
- input_types.each do |type|
= render_name_and_description(type)
= render_argument_table(3, type[:input_fields], type[:name])
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ RSpec.describe ::Gitlab::Graphql::Deprecation do
context 'when the context is :inline' do
it 'renders on one line' do
expectation = '**Deprecated** in 10.10. This was renamed. Use: `X.y`.'
expectation = '**Deprecated** in 10.10. This was renamed. Use: [`X.y`](#xy).'
expect(deprecation.markdown).to eq(expectation)
expect(deprecation.markdown(context: :inline)).to eq(expectation)
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ RSpec.describe ::Gitlab::Graphql::Deprecation do
**Deprecated** in 10.10.
This was renamed.
Use: `X.y`.
Use: [`X.y`](#xy).
expect(deprecation.markdown(context: :block)).to eq(expectation)
Markdown is supported
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