Commit 45d463e4 authored by Robert May's avatar Robert May

Adjust cache options

parent 12b0712e
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module API
# @param expires_in [ActiveSupport::Duration, Integer] an expiry time for the cache entry
# @param presenter_args [Hash] keyword arguments to be passed to the entity
# @return [Gitlab::Json::PrecompiledJson]
def present_cached(obj_or_collection, with:, cache_context: -> (_) { current_user.cache_key }, expires_in: DEFAULT_EXPIRY, **presenter_args)
def present_cached(obj_or_collection, with:, cache_context: -> (_) { current_user&.cache_key }, expires_in: DEFAULT_EXPIRY, **presenter_args)
json =
if obj_or_collection.is_a?(Enumerable)
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ module API
options[:project] = user_project
if Feature.enabled?(:api_caching_merge_requests, user_project, type: :development, default_enabled: :yaml)
present_cached merge_requests, **options
present_cached merge_requests, expires_in: 10.minutes, **options
present merge_requests, options
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