| ~P1 | Urgent Priority | The current release + potentially immediate hotfix to GitLab.com | |
| ~P2 | High Priority | The next release | |
| ~P3 | Medium Priority | Within the next 3 releases (approx one quarter) | |
| ~P4 | Low Priority | Anything outside the next 3 releases (approx beyond one quarter) | The issue is prominent but does not impact user workflow and a workaround is documented |
| ~S2 | Many users or multiple paid customers impacted (but not apocalyptic)| The issue is (almost) guaranteed to occur in the near future |
| ~S3 | A few users or a single paid customer impacted | The issue is likely to occur in the near future |
| ~S4 | No paid users/customer impacted, or expected impact within 30 days | The issue _may_ occur but it's not likely |
Severity levels can be applied further depending on the facet of the impact; e.g. Affected customers, GitLab.com availability, performance and etc. The below is a guideline.
| ~S1 | >50% users affected (possible company extinction level event) | Significant impact on all of GitLab.com | |
| ~S2 | Many users or multiple paid customers affected (but not apocalyptic)| Significant impact on large portions of GitLab.com | Degradation is guaranteed to occur in the near future |
| ~S3 | A few users or a single paid customer affected | Limited impact on important portions of GitLab.com | Degradation is likely to occur in the near future |
| ~S4 | No paid users/customer affected, or expected to in the near future | Minor impact on on GitLab.com | Degradation _may_ occur but it's not likely |