Commit 53e98a67 authored by Ezekiel Kigbo's avatar Ezekiel Kigbo

Display warning if start event changed

Address review comments

Remove unused `value` attribute

Moved functions to utils

Moved reuseable functions to a utils file
adding specs for each function.

Camelcase fields in mock data

Fix unused createComponent call in spec
parent 38b713c3
const EVENT_TYPE_LABEL = 'label';
export const isStartEvent = ev => Boolean(ev) && Boolean(ev.canBeStartEvent) && ev.canBeStartEvent;
export const eventToOption = ({ name: text = '', identifier: value = null }) => ({
export const getAllowedEndEvents = (events = [], targetIdentifier = null) => {
if (!targetIdentifier || !events.length) return [];
const st = events.find(({ identifier }) => identifier === targetIdentifier);
return st && st.allowedEndEvents ? st.allowedEndEvents : [];
export const eventsByIdentifier = (events = [], targetIdentifier = []) => {
if (!targetIdentifier || !targetIdentifier.length || !events.length) return [];
return events.filter(({ identifier = '' }) => targetIdentifier.includes(identifier));
export const isLabelEvent = (labelEvents = [], ev = null) =>
Boolean(ev) && labelEvents.length && labelEvents.includes(ev);
export const getLabelEventsIdentifiers = (events = []) =>
events.filter(ev => ev.type && ev.type === EVENT_TYPE_LABEL).map(i => i.identifier);
......@@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ describe('CustomStageForm', () => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('Cancel button', () => {
it('will reset the fields to initial state when clicked', () => {
......@@ -497,6 +498,7 @@ describe('CustomStageForm', () => {
describe('Add stage button', () => {
it('is disabled by default', () => {
......@@ -58,86 +58,86 @@ const apiResponse = {
name: 'Issue created',
identifier: 'issue_created',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['issue_stage_end'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['issue_stage_end'],
name: 'Issue first mentioned in a commit',
identifier: 'issue_first_mentioned_in_commit',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
name: 'Merge request created',
identifier: 'merge_request_created',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['merge_request_merged'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['merge_request_merged'],
name: 'Merge request first deployed to production',
identifier: 'merge_request_first_deployed_to_production',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
name: 'Merge request last build finish time',
identifier: 'merge_request_last_build_finished',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
name: 'Merge request last build start time',
identifier: 'merge_request_last_build_started',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['merge_request_last_build_finished'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['merge_request_last_build_finished'],
name: 'Merge request merged',
identifier: 'merge_request_merged',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['merge_request_first_deployed_to_production'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['merge_request_first_deployed_to_production'],
name: 'Issue first mentioned in a commit',
identifier: 'code_stage_start',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['merge_request_created'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['merge_request_created'],
name: 'Issue first associated with a milestone or issue first added to a board',
identifier: 'issue_stage_end',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
name: 'Issue first associated with a milestone or issue first added to a board',
identifier: 'plan_stage_start',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['issue_first_mentioned_in_commit'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['issue_first_mentioned_in_commit'],
identifier: 'issue_label_added',
name: 'Issue Label Added',
type: 'label',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['issue_closed', 'issue_label_removed'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['issue_closed', 'issue_label_removed'],
identifier: 'issue_label_removed',
name: 'Issue Label Removed',
type: 'label',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
stages: [
......@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 1,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'issue_created',
end_event_identifier: 'issue_stage_end',
startEventIdentifier: 'issue_created',
endEventIdentifier: 'issue_stage_end',
name: 'plan',
......@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 2,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'plan_stage_start',
end_event_identifier: 'issue_first_mentioned_in_commit',
startEventIdentifier: 'plan_stage_start',
endEventIdentifier: 'issue_first_mentioned_in_commit',
name: 'code',
......@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 3,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'code_stage_start',
end_event_identifier: 'merge_request_created',
startEventIdentifier: 'code_stage_start',
endEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_created',
name: 'test',
......@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 4,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'merge_request_last_build_started',
end_event_identifier: 'merge_request_last_build_finished',
startEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_last_build_started',
endEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_last_build_finished',
name: 'review',
......@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 5,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'merge_request_created',
end_event_identifier: 'merge_request_merged',
startEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_created',
endEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_merged',
name: 'staging',
......@@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 6,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'merge_request_merged',
end_event_identifier: 'merge_request_first_deployed_to_production',
startEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_merged',
endEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_first_deployed_to_production',
name: 'production',
......@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ const apiResponse = {
position: 7,
hidden: false,
custom: false,
start_event_identifier: 'merge_request_merged',
end_event_identifier: 'merge_request_first_deployed_to_production',
startEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_merged',
endEventIdentifier: 'merge_request_first_deployed_to_production',
summary: [
......@@ -244,34 +244,48 @@ const apiResponse = {
const rawEvents = [
export const rawEvents = [
name: 'Issue created',
identifier: 'issue_created',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: true,
allowed_end_events: ['issue_closed', 'issue_merged'],
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['issue_closed', 'issue_merged'],
name: 'Merge request closed',
identifier: 'merge_request_closed',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
name: 'Issue closed',
identifier: 'issue_closed',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
name: 'Issue merged',
identifier: 'issue_merged',
type: 'simple',
can_be_start_event: false,
allowed_end_events: [],
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
identifier: 'issue_label_added',
name: 'Issue Label Added',
type: 'label',
canBeStartEvent: true,
allowedEndEvents: ['issue_closed', 'issue_label_removed'],
identifier: 'issue_label_removed',
name: 'Issue Label Removed',
type: 'label',
canBeStartEvent: false,
allowedEndEvents: [],
import {
} from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/utils';
import { rawEvents } from './mock_data';
const startEvent = rawEvents[0];
const endEvent = rawEvents[1];
const labelEvent = rawEvents[5];
const labelEvents = [rawEvents[4], rawEvents[5]].map(i => i.identifier);
describe('Cycle analytics utils', () => {
describe('isStartEvent', () => {
it('will return true for a valid start event', () => {
it('will return false for input that is not a start event', () => {
[endEvent, {}, [], null, undefined].forEach(ev => {
describe('isLabelEvent', () => {
it('will return true if the given event identifier is in the labelEvents array', () => {
expect(isLabelEvent(labelEvents, labelEvent.identifier)).toEqual(true);
it('will return false if the given event identifier is not in the labelEvents array', () => {
[startEvent.identifier, null, undefined, ''].forEach(ev => {
expect(isLabelEvent(labelEvents, ev)).toEqual(false);
describe('eventToOption', () => {
it('will return an empty array if no events are passed in', () => {
it('will set the "value" property to the events identifier', () => {
rawEvents.forEach(ev => {
const res = eventToOption(ev);
it('will set the "text" property to the events name', () => {
rawEvents.forEach(ev => {
const res = eventToOption(ev);
describe('getLabelEventsIdentifiers', () => {
it('will return an array of identifiers for the label events', () => {
const res = getLabelEventsIdentifiers(rawEvents);
it('will return an empty array when there are no matches', () => {
const ev = [{ _type: 'simple' }, { type: 'simple' }, { t: 'simple' }];
describe('getAllowedEndEvents', () => {
it('will return the relevant end events for a given start event identifier', () => {
const se = rawEvents[4].allowedEndEvents;
expect(getAllowedEndEvents(rawEvents, 'issue_label_added')).toEqual(se);
it('will return an empty array if there are no end events available', () => {
['cool_issue_label_added', [], {}, null, undefined].forEach(ev => {
expect(getAllowedEndEvents(rawEvents, ev)).toEqual([]);
describe('eventsByIdentifier', () => {
it('will return the events with an identifier in the provided array', () => {
expect(eventsByIdentifier(rawEvents, labelEvents)).toEqual([rawEvents[4], rawEvents[5]]);
it('will return an empty array if there are no matching events', () => {
[['lol', 'bad'], [], {}, null, undefined].forEach(items => {
expect(eventsByIdentifier(rawEvents, items)).toEqual([]);
expect(eventsByIdentifier([], labelEvents)).toEqual([]);
......@@ -4532,6 +4532,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Custom project templates have not been set up for groups that you are a member of. They are enabled from a group’s settings page. Contact your group’s Owner or Maintainer to setup custom project templates."
msgstr ""
msgid "CustomCycleAnalyticsStart event changed, please select a valid stop event"
msgstr ""
msgid "CustomCycleAnalytics|Add a stage"
msgstr ""
......@@ -8563,12 +8566,27 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Issue Boards"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue Label Added"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue Label Removed"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue board focus mode"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue created"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue events"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue first associated with a milestone or issue first added to a board"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue first mentioned in a commit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Issue template (optional)"
msgstr ""
......@@ -9615,6 +9633,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Merge request approvals allow you to set the number of necessary approvals and predefine a list of approvers that will need to approve every merge request in a project."
msgstr ""
msgid "Merge request created"
msgstr ""
msgid "Merge request first deployed to production"
msgstr ""
msgid "Merge request last build finish time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Merge request last build start time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Merge request merged"
msgstr ""
msgid "Merge requests"
msgstr ""
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