Commit 5586f9e9 authored by Ash McKenzie's avatar Ash McKenzie

Curling Gitpod hostname requires cookies set

parent be7d47b0
......@@ -57,7 +57,11 @@ tasks:
# Waiting for GitLab ...
gp await-port 3000
printf "Waiting for GitLab at $(gp url 3000) ..."
until $(curl -sNL $(gp url 3000) | grep -q "GitLab"); do printf '.'; sleep 5; done && echo ""
# Check /-/readiness which returns JSON, but we're only interested in the exit code
# We use http://localhost:3000 instead of the public hostname because
# it's no longer possible to access as specific cookies are required
until curl --silent --no-buffer --fail http://localhost:3000/-/readiness > /dev/null 2>&1; do printf '.'; sleep 5; done && echo ""
# Give Gitpod a few more seconds to set up everything ...
sleep 5
printf "$(date) – GitLab is up (took ~%.1f minutes)\n" "$((10*$SECONDS/60))e-1" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
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