Commit 57b5517b authored by Dave Pisek's avatar Dave Pisek

Add integration tests for vulnerabilities init

* Adds specs for high-level testing of vulnerability-details page
* Adds mock-server routes setup
parent cb20b848
......@@ -255,7 +255,10 @@ export default {
<div class="detail-page-header">
<div class="detail-page-header-body align-items-center">
class="detail-page-header-body align-items-center"
<gl-loading-icon v-if="isLoadingVulnerability" class="mr-2" />
<gl-badge v-else class="gl-mr-4 text-capitalize" :variant="stateVariant">
{{ vulnerability.state }}
export const mockVulnerability = {
id: 1,
title: 'Vulnerability Title',
description: 'Vulnerability Description',
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
severity: 'medium',
state: 'detected',
pipeline: {
id: 2,
created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
project: {
full_path: '/project_full_path',
export const mockIssueLink = {
assignee: null,
assignees: [],
author: { id: 1, name: 'Administrator', username: 'container', state: 'active' },
blocking_issues_count: 0,
closed_at: null,
closed_by: null,
confidential: true,
created_at: '2021-01-10T23:17:23.385Z',
description: 'description',
discussion_locked: null,
downvotes: 0,
due_date: null,
id: 501,
iid: 12,
labels: [],
merge_requests_count: 0,
milestone: null,
project_id: 23,
state: 'opened',
task_completion_status: { count: 0, completed_count: 0 },
time_stats: {
time_estimate: 0,
total_time_spent: 0,
human_time_estimate: null,
human_total_time_spent: null,
title: 'Investigate vulnerability: Improper Input Validation in xterm',
updated_at: '2021-01-10T23:17:23.385Z',
upvotes: 0,
user_notes_count: 0,
vulnerability_link_id: 53,
vulnerability_link_type: 'created',
web_url: 'http://gdk.test:3000/security-reports/dependency-list-test/-/issues/12',
weight: null,
import { mockIssueLink } from './mock_data';
export const createIssueLinksRoute = () => {
mockServer.get('/api/v4/vulnerabilities/:id/issue_links', () => [mockIssueLink]);
import { screen, within } from '@testing-library/dom';
import initVulnerabilities from 'ee/vulnerabilities/vulnerabilities_init';
import { waitForText } from 'helpers/wait_for_text';
import { mockIssueLink } from '../test_helpers/mock_data/vulnerabilities_mock_data';
import { mockVulnerability } from './mock_data';
describe('Vulnerability Report', () => {
let vm;
let container;
const createComponent = () => {
const el = document.createElement('div');
const elDataSet = {
vulnerability: JSON.stringify(mockVulnerability),
Object.assign(el.dataset, {
return initVulnerabilities(el);
beforeEach(() => {
setFixtures('<div class="vulnerability-details"></div>');
container = document.querySelector('.vulnerability-details');
vm = createComponent(container);
afterEach(() => {
vm = null;
container = null;
it("displays the vulnerability's status", () => {
const headerBody = screen.getByTestId('vulnerability-detail-body');
it("displays the vulnerability's severity", () => {
const severitySection = screen.getByTestId('severity');
within(severitySection).getByText(new RegExp(mockVulnerability.severity, 'i')),
it("displays a heading containing the vulnerability's title", () => {
expect(screen.getByRole('heading', { name: mockVulnerability.title })).toBeInstanceOf(
it("displays the vulnerability's description", () => {
it('displays related issues', async () => {
const relatedIssueTitle = await waitForText(mockIssueLink.title);
......@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ import './setup_axios';
import './setup_serializers';
import './setup_mock_server';
import './setup_testing_library';
import './setup_jest_dom';
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