expect(rendered).tohave_field('Key',type: 'textarea',placeholder: 'Typically starts with "ssh-ed25519 …" or "ssh-rsa …"')
expect(rendered).tohave_text("Paste your public SSH key, which is usually contained in the file '~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' or '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' and begins with 'ssh-ed25519' or 'ssh-rsa'. Do not paste your private SSH key, as that can compromise your identity.")
it'has the title field',:aggregate_failuresdo
expect(rendered).tohave_field('Title',type: 'text',placeholder: 'e.g. My MacBook key')
expect(rendered).tohave_text('Give your individual key a title.')
it'has the expires at field',:aggregate_failuresdo