Document getFormattedSummary helper

parent c72e5b3a
......@@ -48,6 +48,32 @@ export const initFirstClassVulnerabilityFilters = projects => {
return filters;
* Provided a security reports summary from the GraphQL API, this returns an array of arrays
* representing a properly formatted report ready to be displayed in the UI. Each sub-array consists
* of the user-friend report's name, and the summary's payload. Note that summary entries are
* considered empty and are filtered out of the return if the payload is `null` or don't include
* a vulnerabilitiesCount property. Report types whose name can't be matched to a user-friendly
* name are filtered out as well.
* Take the following summary for example:
* {
* containerScanning: { vulnerabilitiesCount: 123 },
* invalidReportType: { vulnerabilitiesCount: 123 },
* dast: null,
* }
* The formatted summary would look like this:
* [
* ['containerScanning', { vulnerabilitiesCount: 123 }]
* ]
* Note that `invalidReportType` was filtered out as it can't be matched with a user-friendly name,
* and the DAST report was omitted because it's empty (`null`).
* @param {Object} rawSummary
* @returns {Array}
export const getFormattedSummary = (rawSummary = {}) => {
if (!isPlainObject(rawSummary)) {
return [];
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