Commit 62ca86b3 authored by Marcia Ramos's avatar Marcia Ramos Committed by Suzanne Selhorn

Docs: Deprecated features style guidelines

parent d74b5255
......@@ -1669,24 +1669,6 @@ If a feature is moved to another tier:
> - [Moved](<link-to-issue>) from GitLab Premium to GitLab Free in 12.0.
If a feature is deprecated, include a link to a replacement (when available):
> - [Deprecated](<link-to-issue>) in GitLab 11.3. Replaced by [meaningful text](<link-to-appropriate-documentation>).
You can also describe the replacement in surrounding text, if available. If the
deprecation isn't obvious in existing text, you may want to include a warning:
This feature was [deprecated](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.3 and replaced by
[Feature name](link-to-feature-documentation).
In the first major GitLab version after the feature was deprecated, be sure to
remove information about that deprecated feature.
#### Inline version text
If you're adding content to an existing topic, you can add version information
......@@ -1786,6 +1768,47 @@ To view historical information about a feature, review GitLab
[release posts](, or search for the issue or
merge request where the work was done.
### Deprecated features
When a feature is deprecated, add `(DEPRECATED)` to the page title or to
the heading of the section documenting the feature, immediately before
the tier badge:
<!-- Page title example: -->
# Feature A (DEPRECATED) **(ALL TIERS)**
<!-- Doc section example: -->
Add the deprecation to the version history note (you can include a link
to a replacement when available):
> - [Deprecated](<link-to-issue>) in GitLab 11.3. Replaced by [meaningful text](<link-to-appropriate-documentation>).
You can also describe the replacement in surrounding text, if available. If the
deprecation isn't obvious in existing text, you may want to include a warning:
This feature was [deprecated](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.3 and replaced by
[Feature name](link-to-feature-documentation).
If you add `(DEPRECATED)` to the page's title and the document is linked from the docs
navigation, either remove the page from the nav or update the nav item to include the
same text before the feature name:
- doc_title: (DEPRECATED) Feature A
In the first major GitLab version after the feature was deprecated, be sure to
remove information about that deprecated feature.
## Products and features
Refer to the information in this section when describing products and features
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